Chapter Eighteen

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   Madison laid there, while Oin tended to her cut on her wrist.  Balin was also there with him, and he talked with Madison. "Lassie, you really didn't have to go and do that. Why would you go that for?" asked Balin. "Because I don't deserve to live--knowing that your leader hates me." Madison replied. "Madison, Thorin does not hate you. Here let me tell you a short story of Thorin's Grandfather and his wife.  You see, when Thror fell under the Gold Sickness, not only effected us, but it also effected Queen Matilda.  Thror kept his distance from her, and it broken her heart tremendously." said Balin. "What happened after that?" asked Madison.  "She packed her bags and left.  She returned to the Blue Mountains with her family, which happened shortly before the Dragon attacked." said Balin.  Hearing the story, had made Madison seriously think.  Madison knew if she were to end her life, it would make things worse for Thorin, and it would send him mad even more. 

 "Madison, if you really truly love Thorin, do not give up on him!" said Balin. "Alright." said Madison, emotionally.  "There, you're stitched up!" said Oin. Shortly after Balin and Oin left, Madison lay back down in bed.  No soon as she was about to doze off, she heard a knock on the door. "Now what?!" snapped Madison.  "It's me, Madison! May I come in?" spoke up a familiar deep voice.  Madison instantly recognize the voice, as she knew it belonged to Thorin.     "Come in!" said Madison.   The door opened, and the Dwarf entered, and Madison could see Thorin is now dressed back in his black leather clothes and chain mail, and the golden armor and crown are both gone.    "Well?" said Madison impatiently. 

 "Madison, I've done and said some things to you that I feel terrible about--I wasn't myself, as allowed the greed taking control of me.  I am sorry, Madison, really truly sorry!" said Thorin, as he took  Madison's injured wrist.  "What is this? Did someone do this to you?" asked Thorin.  "I--I done it to myself, Thorin." confessed Madison.  "What?! But why?!" asked Thorin, sharply.  Madison remained quiet, as she chose not to answer Thorin's question.  "Madison, please tell me why did you do that to yourself?" said Thorin.  "Because, you--hate me." said Madison, quietly.   "Now Madison, you know that isn't true! I don't hate you--like I told you before, Madison, I wasn't myself, I hope you understand that." said Thorin. "I understand." said Madison, quietly.  "Bilbo done the right thing to give away the Arkenstone--the Stone has been nothing but trouble, and he done right by getting rid of it!" said Thorin. 

 Madison leaned towards Thorin, as she lay her head upon Thorin's chest. "I'm glad you are back, Thorin!" said Madison softly.  "And I'm glad you forgive me!" said Thorin, as he gently stroked Madison's hair.   And the two sat in brief silence.  Suddenly, it was Thorin who broke the silence. "My father and Dwalin also shared some words with me in the treasury.  In fact, My father punched me in the nose, as you can see the bandage on my nose!" said Thorin.  "Did your father, really did that?!" laughed Madison. "Yes.  My father really did that. Madison, there is an army of orcs approaching, and we're at war with them--and there is something you have to promise me." said Thorin.  "And that is?" said Madison.   "I would like for you to stay here in the Mountain, where it's safe." said Thorin. "What?! No! No, no, no, no no!! I'm going to fight with you, Thorin! This is OUR fight! I don't care, I'm fighting alongside with you! I made a promise, damn it!" said Madison, sharply. 

  "Madison, I just don't want you to do anything reckless just like you had done with Smaug!" said Thorin, firmly. "Oh, you're still upset about that? I saved your asses when I turned myself into a dragon! If it weren't for me, the Dragon would have still be in here!" snapped Madison.  "Oh, alright--you win! You can come, but stay close with us, okay?" said Thorin.  Madison smiled. "Okay." said Madison.  "Come with me, love.  I'll show you the armory!" said Thorin, as the two of them left Madison's room. 


Time Skip

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