Chapter Twelve

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Madison's POV:

   After returning the horses back to Beorn, we left from Beorn's and traveled to Dul Guldur.  Days had passed and we arrived there, and already I felt quite scared of entering that place.  Gandalf assured me if I stay close to him, I will be fine.  Soon it had been hours since we entered the dark fortress, and unfortunately, Gandalf seemed to be walking too fast for me, as he was already far ahead of me, as we walked the paths. "Gandalf! Will you slow down? I can't walk as fast as you!" I called out to the Dwarves.  "Well try and keep up!" Gandalf called back.   Suddenly after some time, Gandalf disappeared, since he went further ahead of me.  SHIT! What am I going to do now? I don't know my way around here and I lost Gandalf! I thought angrily to myself.   All of a sudden, I heard dark voices in the distance.  And now I had to think of a way fast on to hide.  Finally I remembered my spell of invisibility, and I made myself invisible.  

 Once that was done, I continued walking, as I could hear orcs speaking to each other in black speech, and so I began to use a spell where I could translate and understand what they are saying.  I stood nearby and listened to their talk.  "Well? Have you checked on the prisoner?" asked a orc commander.   "No, I haven't!" another orc replied. "What are you waiting for, you piece of filth!! The Master will not be pleased if you disobey his orders!! Now check on the prisoner! Make sure he bleeds!" barked the Orc Commander.   The second orc nodded and walked away.  And I so I decided to follow the orc to the dungeons.   I realized maybe it was indeed a bad idea of coming here.  I've never felt so scared in my life as I kept moving on further into the darkness. 

 Finally I reached the dungeons, and I looked into each cell for any signs of human, or dwarf life.  Suddenly, I could hear moaning in the background--as it seemed it came from the very last cell of the dungeons. And so I decided to head towards the very last cell and I looked inside--and there I saw an old man, a dwarf with grey hair and a long grey beard hunched over inside the cell.  "Excuse me, sir? Are you a dwarf?" I ended up asking.   That was a very stupid question to ask, Maddie! Of course he's a dwarf!  I thought to myself. "Who said that? Who spoken to me? Be gone, or I will kill you!" Demanded the old dwarf.   "There is no reason to be scared, Master Dwarf--I won't hurt you, in fact, I'm here to help you!" I spoke.  "Help me? But why? I've done so many wrong things, child, I don't deserve t live!" said the dwarf. 

 "You wouldn't mind if I take a close look at you, and check you injuries?" I said softly. "Good luck trying to get in lass, the cell doors are locked!" grumbled the dwarf.  "No problemo! I can fix that!" I said, smiling a the dwarf, as I pointed my finger and welded my magic to open the cell door.  The Dwarf looked at me in shock and amazement. "By Durin's Beard! How did you do that? You're not a wizard are you?" asked the dwarf.  "I'm a witch, and a very good witch at that!" I said.  "Oh come on! Who ever heard of good witches?" snarled the Dwarf, darkly. "I am a friend of Gandalf's as well!" I continued. "You're a friend of Tharkun? Well why didn't you say so?!  Where is the old man anyway?" asked the Dwarf. "I lost him unfortunately--but no worries! Oh geez, I forgot my manners! Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Madison Van Buren!" I said.  "Thrain, son of Thror, at your service, Miss Van Buren!" said the Dwarf smiling at me. 

 "Thrain, you remind me a lot of someone, someone I've met on a journey that I am on! And I hope someday I will return to my Companions!" I said.   "But why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your Companions?" asked Thrain.  "I was, but I promised Gandalf I would come and get you out of here! And he told me I can catch up with my companions after that!" I said. "When you said I reminded of you of someone, whom did I remind you of?" asked Thrain.  "Well, he's someone you know very well.  IF you take a closer look at my hair!" I said smiling.  "Now child, please stop speaking in riddles you know I don't under--Hey! Aren't those dwarven courting braids?!" exclaimed Thrain.  "Yes, they are dwarven courting braids, if you must know!" I replied.  "So whom is the lucky dwarf that you're in love with lass?" asked Thrain with a smile.  "That lucky dwarf, dear Thrain, just so happens to be your oldest son, Thorin!" I replied, smiling back.

 "YOU Know my son?! How is he?! When did you last saw him?! What is he doing now?!" exclaimed Thrain. "Right now, Thorin and his kin folk are on their journey to reclaim their home!" I replied. And when I said this, Thrain became very angry. "NO! NO! This wasn't supposed to happen!!" shouted Thrain angrily.  "What are you talking about? I don't understand!" I said with a gasp. Thrain moved closer to me and he took my hands gently. "Lass, if you really truly love Thorin--do whatever it takes to keep him away from the Mountain-I know from experience--there is so much darkness and evil lurking in that place!" said Thrain, emotionally.   "Thrain, listen to me! I'm already well enough aware of your family's history with the Gold Sickness, beginning with your father.  If that's what you're worried about, that's why I am here, Thrain--to help your son not to succumb into it! Your son wants to make Erebor beautiful and prosper again!" I said. Thrain sighed.  "My son always had a good heart! I'm so proud of him! And you know ,he led us a new life in the Blue Mountains, single handedly.  And he led us from Erebor after it had been attacked the first time.  Unfortunately Thorin had return home from his hunting trip when he saw everything go down hill." said Thrain.

 "Oh I'm so sorry, Thrain." I said quietly.  "Miss Madison, I want you to promise me something!" said Thrain. "Yes, Thrain?" I said.  "Promise me you take good care of my son for me--Look out for all of them for me--especially little Fili and Kili!" said Thrain.  "Thrain, why are you talking like this? Aren't you going to go with me?!" I exclaimed.  "I'm afraid not lass.   I am old, Miss Madison, and my body is so worn out from being locked up in here, I'm on the brink of death." said Thrain. "No! I'm not going to let you die! I promised Gandalf I will have you live,and I'm planning on doing so! You have to remember I am a witch, and I have very special healing powers!" I said smiling at the dwarf. "Well, alright--but don't do any of that weird elf stuff!" said Thrain.  I laughed.  Once we both finished laughing, I began my healing ritual on Thrain. "My first step is energy, I'm going to give you enough energy and strength so you'll be able to travel!" I said.  Thrain nodded. 

 And so I placed my hands on Thrain's shoulders and closed my eyes, as a bright light shown throughout the cell door.  "Wow! You're simply amazing lass! I can feel my old strength back!" exclaimed Thrain.   And also I could see the color coming back to Thrain's face.     "Alright, Thrain! There is something I want you to do for me, so I can see if you're in good shape!"  I said. "Okay! What do you want me to do, Miss Mighty Healer?" asked Thrain.  "Hop on one foot!" I said. "WHAT?! You cannot be serious!" snarled Thrain. "Just do it!" I said in tone of annoyance.  "Oh alright!" grumbled Thrain, and he began to hop on one foot. "See! I'm hoppin' I'm hoppin'!" called out Thrain. "Very good! You don't feel weak at all while you're doing that?" I asked him. "Nope!" said Thrain. 

 "Alright the next step is to pretend like you're wielding a sword!" I continued on. "Oh, that's easy! Anybody can do that!" said Thrain.  And he done so. "De Bekar !!"  shouted Thrain,  as he done what I asked him to do. "Good! Now are we ready to get the hell out of here?" I said, grinning at the old dwarf. "Absolutely!" beamed Thrain.   Then I heard footsteps outside the cell. Shit! Think of something, Maddie, you better think of a plan fast!  I thought to myself.  And so I came up with a plan. I placed an invisibility spell upon Thrain and myself first, and then I pick locked the cell door, and we left our cell.   

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