Chapter Six

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Word Count: 1521

Right now Gandalf first gave Madison a long lecture about her skin changing and the use of her magic. And Madison agreed as she listened to the wizard's long lecture she will not use her magic much anymore. Then, Gandalf turned his attention to Thorin. "You Thorin, need to start getting along with these women. I've brought the here to help you on this quest. They cannot be such a bother to you, if you just give them a chance!" said Gandalf. "That's just the problem, Gandalf! These three will NOT stay out of trouble! They will only slow us down! I cannot afford to keep having slip ups because of these women! They should have been left behind!!" barked Thorin, angrily. "Well In that case, if that's how you really feel, then I will leave--you no longer have to worry about me no more!" spoke up Madison, and she flapped her wings and flew off. "MADISON! Madison, you get back here!!" shouted Gandalf.

But it was too late. Madison already had left. "Great! I hope you're happy Thorin, son of Thrain! We've just lost a good member of the Company, not to mention you're going to have to angry sisters on your hands!" snapped Gandalf. Thorin remain silent. Suddenly the topic changed as they discovered a troll cave nearby, and Thorin and Gandalf leads the Company into the Caves. "Gandalf, where is our sister? I thought she would follow us in here!" asked Alexandra. "I'm afraid your sister has left--and I doubt that we're going to see her for a while." said Thorin gravely. "What are you talking about, Gandalf? What do you mean she had left?" shouted Sadie. "You must take that up with our trusted leader." grumbled the wizard. "That does it! I'm going to have a little word with that jack ass dwarf!" snapped Alexandra. "Let's not worry about that right now--let's look for us some weapons, shall we? We should find Madison one too while we're at it." said Sadie.

"And how in the hell are we going to give her a weapon when she's NOT here, you idiot?!" snapped Alexandra. "We should not give up hope, sister. We will find her." said Sadie, gently. "Lord, I hope you're right--because if not, I'm going to turn you into a cactus plant." said Alexandra sharply. "Hey ladies! We found some bows for you if you're interested!" called out Kili. "Oh wow! That is a lovely bow!" beamed Sadie as she picked up the bow. "Oh no you don't Sadie! I saw that bow first! It's mine!" said Alexandra snatching the bow from her. "Excuse me? I was the one who saw it first, you bubble headed bimbo!" snapped Sadie, as she snatched the bow back. "NO! IT'S MINE!" shrieked Alexandra.

"No! MINE!"


"I said it's MINE"

"NO, MINE!!"

And the two sisters kept arguing as the tugged a war with the bow, until Fili and Kili both intervened. "Now, now ladies--there is no reason for you to argue over this. There are other bows in this cave! Sadie, you can use the one you're holding! Alex, I found you this silver bow!" said Kili, handing over the silver bow to Alexandra. Alexandra smiled. "Thank you so much Kili." said Alexandra. "You're very much welcome, Miss Alexandra. Besides that, I find it annoying for two sisters to fight over stuff like this." said Kili, grinning. "You should be the one to talk, laddie! You and Fili just the other day fought over the last piece of meat!" called out Dwalin, whom over heard the conversation. "We most certainly did not!" shot back Kili. "ENOUGH! We must leave this cave at once!" shouted Thorin.

And so everyone left the caves. No soon as they left the caves, they could hear some kind of movement in the distance. "Somebody's coming!" called out Thorin, as the Company took out their weapons. When they could see it was an older gentleman dressed in brown robes, and appeared to be a friend of Gandalf's, the Company dispersed and they talked among themselves.


Meanwhile, Madison flew around in the sky for a while, when suddenly, she could hear a voice speak through her thoughts:  "Miss Van Buren, turn yourself back into your normal form--its far too dangerous for you to be in the sky!" the female voice said. Realizing that the female voice whom had just spoken is right, Madison landed and she turned herself back into her normal form. Madison tried to figure out why and where the voice had came from. But she decided to put it on the back burner. Once she is back to her normal form, she kept moving on. By nightfall, she stopped for a rest, and she lit a fire and sat down close to it, to keep warm. After that, Madison took out her mp3 player, and the first song that played is Walk Away Rennee. As she sat and listened to the song, tears fell down her face as she thought back to the events prior before she had left the Company.

Suddenly, the female voice began to speak to Madison again. "Do not despair, my child--you will not be alone for long---you will reunite with your companions eventually--just stay on the right path that will lead you to Rivendell--make way to Imaladris, Miss Van Buren!" the female voice said. "Okay!" said Madison loudly. After turning off her mp3 player, she laid down on the grass, and she dozed off into a deep slumber. The next morning, Madison continued her solo traveling for hours, and soon she had reached the beautiful valley. Madison prayed and hoped that the Elves have known of her arrival just like the female voice had told her. Once she entered, Two Elves approached her, as they are brothers, Elrohir, and Elladan. "Excuse me, miss! Are you lost?" asked Elladan. "Yes I am. I'm seeking Rivendell. I was told to go there. My name is Madison Van Buren!" Madison replied.

"Miss Van Buren! Our Ada has been expecting you! Follow us!" exclaimed Elrohir. And so Madison followed the elven brothers into the Valley, and they lead her inside a large, beautiful palace. Afterwards, they guided her towards the study, and they entered where Madison could see Lord Elrond sitting by the fire place. "One of the Van Buren Sisters have arrived, Ada!" said Elladan. "Ah, Miss Van Buren! Why are you here without your sisters and Mithrandir?" asked Elrond. "I got into a really bad fallen out with one of the Wizard's dwarf companions, my lord, and I left in dragon form. Yes, I was told not to use my magic, but I done so anyway. Which I didn't mean to!" said Madison. "Have you considered that you would have gotten yourself killed traveling alone, Miss Van Buren? Yet alone using your magic? Has Gandalf reminded you whom your father is?" asked the Elf Lord.

"Yes, I'm very well aware of all of that Elrond. And like I said before, I'm really truly sorry that I've disobeyed Gandalf's orders." said Madison. "It is not I whom you should apologize to, Miss Van Buren. The ones whom you should apologize to is Mithrandir and your sisters, as well as the rest of your Companions." said Elrond, firmly. "I know, Elrond." said Madison quietly. "Now, now. Let's get you a room set up. I can imagine you are exhausted from your long day!" said Elrond. "Oh, thank you so very much!" said Madison. And so Elrond showed Madison to a guest room where she would be staying. Two days later, Madison had woke up from a long slumber, with the sounds of loud knocking on the door. "Madison! You open up this door right this instant! We need to talk!" called out a familiar voice from behind the door. Madison knew the voice belonged to Sadie. "Come in!" Madison called out to them.

The door opened, and in came marching both Alexandra and Madison. "Madison Elizabeth! What in the hell were you thinking? Why did you take off on us the way you did?! You had us all worried!!" snapped Sadie. "I'm sorry, girls, but Thorin really had pissed me off, and you should have heard some of the things he had said--you would be pissed off too!" Madison snapped back. "We already had been informed about that, and Thorin has apologized to us about it--not only that, he felt really terrible about what he said about you." said Alexandra. "What are you saying, he's worried about me?" asked Madison. "Yes he has." said Sadie. "And I wish to speak with your sister immediately!" spoke up a deep voice. Everyone turned their attention to the sound of the voice, and they could see Thorin entering the room. "Ladies, if you don't mind I have a moment with your sister?" asked the Dwarf.

"We don't mind at all!" said Alexandra. "You better go easy on her! If not, I'm going to turn you into a toad that will NOT be turned back into a PRINCE!" snapped Sadie, and both sisters left the room.  

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