All Gone

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Revenge of the Celestial Mage
Chapter 77: All Gone

It's been a few weeks after Lucy's death and my nightmare while under the Sakura Tree. But never mind that. Here's what happens when you encounter a wizard who can drain your Slayer magic.

Whitney's P.O.V

I was on a job with the Lost Legion, Rain, Alisha, Naomi, Maya and Roxy. We were defeating some murderous bandits called the Laughing Tomb.

There were ten of them. We managed to defeat 9 of them but the last one was overwhelming.

"C'mon Rain! We got it! Just have faith in yourself."

She nods. "Hai!"

"Three Layered Magic Circle! Mirror Water!"

"Air Dragon Roar!"

We chanted. Alisha, Naomi and Roxy were standing behind us and came in when they thought it was necessary.

"Absorb..." He mumbled.

"Fire Devil Rage!" Alisha jumps in. I felt she didn't have to come in. But I guess since Rain and I are almost at our limit, it's worth the help.

"Alisha now!" I hollered.


"Fire Devil Zero Destruction Bow!"

I ran behind Alisha. The boy summoned octopus like tentacles sneaking behind Alisha grabbing me, Rain, Naomi, Maya and Roxy.

Ted, and Nina dodged. Ava, Sheena, and Adena chanted their spells and the mage only tightened his grip on them.

"Alisha! Tasukete!" I hollered. "I'll try!" She replies.

"There's no such thing as trying! Either you save us or you don't." She nods and chants her magic.

"Fire Devil Rage!"

"Earth Devil Rage!"

Dimitri and Alisha chanted together. The boy chuckled.

"Hehe. No matter how hard you try to break your comrades free, it's all but totally pointless."

"Alisha! Let's combine our powers together and take him out together." Dimitri extends his hand and Alisha takes it.

"Hai! Let's do it!"

The two devil slayers intertwined fingers and stood back to back.

"O Fire and Earth, hear our prayer and help us save our nakama! Lend us thy strength and extinguish thine darkness that lies in front of us...shine!"

Amounts of magic energy radiate off the both of them and the ground started to shake.

"Earth-Fire Devil! Zero Destruction Rage!"

"Is that really the best you both got?" The smoke reveals his silhouette and he was laughing.


Alisha gritted her teeth. "No way! We'll chant it again and defeat you! Watch me!" Dimitri and I gasped. "Alisha..."

"She's like Master Tsura....." Rain mumbled.

"I'll remove all the power you have and you'll have nothing but normal human features." I grit my teeth in anger, fuming. "No! We won't let you get away with it! Nor will we let it happen to us."

Revenge of the Celestial Mage {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now