Chapter 7

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As expected Kyle was waiting for me outside of class, leaning against the wall, hands in pockets , hair slicked back, head down and then like clockwork he lifted his head to look at me I saw it all happening in slow motion. I mean it was that cliché moment but I had to give it to him, the boy looked like a sex god. He took my hands in his and we walked to my locker then the cafeteria in silence I was walking to my usual table before he stopped me. "Hey um we're not eating there today." I chuckled not taking him serious. "Ok and where are we eating then?" He nudged his head in the direction where his friends were and I realized what he was suggesting. "Oh no it's ok you can go on." He frowned. "Oh come on. You already met them just sit with us." He pouted. I sighed I wasn't comfortable with the idea of sitting with a group of people I just met. "Hayl look I know this is all new to you but this I am trying to help you. I mean I know you don't wanna be alone I'm putting you in the path that's gonna change that. " he was right I didn't want to be alone. I never realized being Alone was a problem for me until I met him. "Hey Kyle, Haylee! Guys, get over here" Jeanne stood a beckoned for us to join her and the others and the table. "Seems like you've got no choice but to sit with us now huh" I looked at him just in time to notice he had a smirk on his face. I sat down next to Jeanne and Kyle came to sit in my other side. Everyone was at the table except Mia. "Ok now you're all here. I wanna go out." Jeanne spoke out.
"Then go out ain't no one stopping you" Eric laughed smirking. Jeanne scoffed and threw a grape at him which he expertely caught in his mouth. She rolled her eyes a this victorious smile. "No I mean its been a while since we all interacted like this I wanna savour it. Lets go watch a movie or something. On Saturday." Kyle chuckled softly and shook his head.
"Another movie night Jeanne? Have you forgotten the reason we haven't gone to see any movies with you anymore?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
''What happened?" I cut in, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"They claim I pick bad movies and the last time Sarah threw up in Eric's lap." Jeanne said. "But that wasn't my fault, she had stomach flu. Oh Comecon guys please you even get to choose the movie." She pleaded batting her eyes and poking her lip out. "Yeah I guess I'm in. I didn't have any plans Saturday anyway." Eric finally spoke up. The rest of the group started agreeing too well except Kyle and I.
"Kyle?" Jeanne waited for his response and everyone looked in his direction waiting for his answer. "You in?" Jeanne asked again. "Is Mia going?" He asked. It was obvious he wasn't asking because he was curious, the tension from this morning had returned atctjecmenyion of her name. I wanted to know why but decided against asking. Jeanne skook her head no. Kyle looked around the table at the expectant eyes still awaiting his answer. He blew out a long breath of air. "Ok I'm in... if Haylee's coming." he replied and then all faces snapped in my direction. I glanced at Kyle to see him smirking mischievously. Son of a bitch!. He put me on the spot on purpose. I looked around and everyone seemed to be overly anxious about what my answer would be. It was like they were holding their breaths in anticipation I replied after a while. " Uh yeah sure. Saturday. Why not?" Jeanne squealed and clapped her hands together "Perfect!" She was so excited she almost bounced out of her seat. I glared at Kyle before I whisper yelled at him. "I am so going to murder you." He gave me a innocent what-did-I-do? Look before giving me a wide smile I rolled my eyes at him and turned to face the group again. We all sat and chat until lunch was up and Kyle agreed to meet me after school. I was about walk off to class when I heard my named being called. I looked back to see Jeanne walking up to me. "Hey what class you got?" She asked. "Um history room 305."
"That's what I thought. We're in the same class. " she said looping her arm in mine. "I just switched to history. We can sit together."
"Uh yeah sure" I replied.
"Okay. So you're definitely coming Saturday right??" I really wasn't sure if I wanted to I mean I don't have anything to do but I wasn't quite comfortable with these people yet and as far as Kyle goes I'm still not that kool with him. "Come on It'll really make me happy"
"Why is it so important though??" I asked.
"Cuz... Its been a while since we all got together and talk as a group. We used to go out and talk together a lot I mean we were like real close... But ever since Kyle net you things have been going good just like old times. " She said a faraway expression carved on her face.
"What happened? Why did things change?" I asked. She seemed to snap out of whatever place she was at the sound of my voice.
"Well its really complicated. See Kyle wasn't so.... Talkative" she struggled to find the right word. "Mia was his first friend and she introduced him to us... They were good friends really close."
"Were they like... A thing?" I asked I felt a tinge of jealousy at the thought but quickly pushed the feeling aside. He's not even into you. You have no right to be jealous. I was pulled from my negative thoughts as I heard her talking.
"Uh no but I think she's in love with him... After she introduced us and we all got comfortable as friends and started hanging out and stuff she got a bit crazy and possessive like she owned him or something. She'd get upset if we texted him too much like if you didnt want to share why introduce him. She wanted him to talk to her 24/7 and have no time for us. She even went off on me once becuz I was texting him. She threw my phone in the wall! "
"Yeah I know. Crazy anyway so she he got tired of her owning up to him and he confronted her about it. She got really upset about it and she wanted him to choose so he told her she had to grow up and stop acting like she owned him and he called her crazy . It was a pretty big fight and everyone was there... Oh and he said she was pathetic and said she was obsessed with him. It was pretty awful and he really hurt her. I heard she cried for a month about it. So kyle felt really bad about it and apolgized and they made up or whatever."
"They don't really seem like they made up though."
"Oh yeah becuz after they made up she fell in love with him and she thought he felt the same and then when she got up the courage to admit it... He was with another girl. So again she was really hurt by him. So she stopped talking to him. It took a while for him to find out wat happened and wen he did again he went to apologize but she didn't even let him of course he kept trying and all she did was push him away. So it went on till her dad caught her trying to kill herself and blamed it on Kyle. After that he just got washed up with guilt and stopped talking to us all really he was like completely shut down. Well until he met you. "
"Wow uh so why does she still hang out with you guys"
"Look don't get me wrong Mia is really cool and all she's juatca bit weird still no reason to not be her friend. Plus she and sarah go way back so most of the time she's just hanging around us for Sarah or until Kyle shows up." Class was up by now and I realized I had missed the entire lesson but that was ok since I always read ahead on my history notes.

Hello beautiful people XD hope you are all doing so well and had a far better week than I did. So about this chapter I wanted to clear up the curiosity people kept asking why there was tension with Mia so yeah now you know. Please continue to send in you're views and continue voting.

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