Chapter 22

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I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door leaning on it as I tried to catch my breath and calm my rapidly beating heart.

Oh my God.

My heartbeat was gradually returning to normal but the feeling I had pooling in the pit of my stomach was unbearable. I could still faintly feel that high-rise feeling bubbling and rising to the point where I felt I might burst at any minute. It felt overpowering and that's why I ran. I couldn't explain but I do know that I somehow wanted to feel it again.

I moved from the door heading to the bathroom where I took a long cold shower.
After my shower and getting dressed I contemplated going downstairs. I didn't know how exactly to feel or react to seeing Kyle again after what had just happened between us.

I decided that I wasn't going to let Kyle determine how I react so I pulled the door open and went downstairs at the bottom of the staircase I saw him, his back turned to me. I made a quick decision to slip into the kitchen without him noticing.

As I made my way silently to the kitchen I heard shuffling behind me but decided to continue as if I hadn't heard. I went to the kitchen looking through the fridge where I found some yogurt.

"That looks utterly delicious hun" I startled at the sound of his voice but held onto my control and smoothly responded without my voice cracking.

"Yeah well you can't have any so..." I let the sentence trail off as I pretended to be busy searching for something else in the fridge. I heard him move to the cupboards possibly trying to busy himself.

"You and I both know that that's not what you really want." I could literally hear the smirk grow itself onto his perfectly chiselled face. I took out an orange, some grapes and melons and closed the fridge. I turned to face him wearing a bored expression but I was far from bored in fact I was nervous as shit.

" What are you talking about?" I asked as I put the contents I'd taken from the fridge onto the counter and moved to the cupboards. I watched him carefully but I also tried to do so surreptitiously. Last thing I wanted was for him to see me watching him.

"You know what I mean pumpkin... Oh! Oh no.. did you think I was talking about the yogurt?" He asked with a hand above his heart. I sighed heavily before responding.

"You're so disgusting you know that?" I turned to face him now and saw the mischievous glint in his blue eyes. My breath hitched for a moment as he started taking slow steps towards me. I took a step backward as well.

"Am I?" He responded moving closer and closer. Each step he took foward I took a step backwards. "Am I really disgusting?" He asked again when he received no answer the first time. Any facade I had put up before trying to show that I was not nervous was now long gone as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

" Why are you even here Kyle?" I panted, now as my back pressed against the wall.

"To show you what you do to me " before I could reply his mouth crashed down unto mine claiming me as his.

He held my head to prevent me from breaking the kiss. His tongue barged into my mouth and danced with mine drawing a low moan from me. His hands trailed down my sides resting on my hips as he began to grind his already hardened self into me. I gasped and moaned as the feeling from before slowly awoke within me.

He took this as permission to move faster against me, hoisting my leg up to wrap around his waist. He nibbled on my neck, My earlobe tearing more moans from me.

"You feel that Hayl?" he rasped.
" Yes" I moaned then suddenly he stopped. Turning to leave but not before saying, ''That's what you do to me" and without a glance back... He left.

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