Chapter 12

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It had been almost a week since Kyle kissed me and I must say I was more than just a little upset that he'd just left me standing but somehow I was even more upset about the fact that the rain started to fall quite hard and I had to walk home. Yeah I literally  blamed him for nature's happenings. I had planned to give this jerk a piece of my mind the next day on my way to school when he came to pick me up like he usually did. Of course it never  occurred to me that I might have to meet the bus so when I realized that it was 7:45 am and Kyle hadn't showed up I thought "ha he must be late for the first time" but then a hour and 15 minutes later I realized if I ever planned on going to school I should really call a cab. Well yes, after arguing with the driver who had insisted he had to buy a donut in order to drive and left the motor running while he got this "donut" which took 15 minutes to purchase, this driver who just had to stop to pee again leaving the motor running, he almost took as long peeing as he took  buying his stupid donut I mean what was he trying to do? full a goddamn well? This driver who upon arrival at the school gates decided I had to pay for both times he'd left the motor running like I asked him to stop and take thirty minutes out of the time I already didn't have "No go ahead I'm not late at all just take 30 minutes out the time I don't have and charge me for it. No biggie have a good day. Cheerios" was he insane! When I finally got into the school I had already missed first period and lost half hour out of second period. I was even more pissed that I left my history report in that stupid cab driver's dumb car which landed me a detention slip. Well ladies and gentlemen be not mistaken, with the highest votes we are proud to announce the 21st century's very own JERK Kyle Hewitt! Confreakingratulations!
"Get up" I looked up to see Brandon staring down at me.
"Um excuse me?" I asked nervously. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy beat me up right now it seems today is just filled with bad luck.
"You're in my fucking seat!" He snapped.
"Oh sorry I hadn't realized" I got up a little relieved that he didn't take a swing at my head I took a seat to his left. I've never been in detention before but I was already hating it. I looked around the room on the far right there were a few boys gambling with a dice. They all seemed to look alike wearing black leather jackets and either hats or black tams one of them had a tattoo of two arrows crossing at the heads with a sword in the middle on his hand. To the back of the room were a group of girls talking a little two loudly about their experiences with the opposite sex. A blonde whose name I notice is Brittany was currently sharing her story. She was cute with big grey eyes she was applying some pink lipstick while she spoke and she was wearing a black crop top her chest busting out as the material of the top tried to hold her lady parts in. She wore it with a pink skirt and a pair of black heels with pink studs on the front. She was talking about her experience with some guy name Bradley and his brother I grew disgusted and quickly turned away.
"Do you even know where you are?" Brandon asked a look of disgust on his face as he studied me.
"Um I would like to think so yeah" I replied
"You're definitely lost" he replied smirking
"Is this not room 234B? Um detention?" I asked my voice a little uneven.
"Well you do know where you are... Seems your new boyfriend Kyle is a bad influence on yah" he replied with a smug look on his face.
"Kyle is not my boyfriend" I replied a little too harshly and I heard him softly chuckling beside me which made my blood boil with rage.
"What's the deal between you two anyway?" I asked and watched as his brows creased slightly and his jaws clenched.
" I have nothing against Kyle." He said after a while.
"Somehow I don't believe that"
"Somehow I don't care."
"Are you here because you missed history class? You know Mr. Baclife said that you're behind more than the rest of us because of your continuous absence."
"What are you learning about?"
"Well today we were looking into the revolutionary war under the rule of general George Washington."
"Why would I care to learn about a bunch of dead people?" He shrugged.
"That war is why we are free Americans today."
"Ha! They should've stayed at home."
"Doesn't it mean something to you that they fought for us?"
"Nope. They're dead I'm not."
"Anyone ever told you you're kind of cynical?"
"Anyone ever told you you talk too much?" At that he got up and left. We still had 10 more minutes in detention but I guess he didn't care much for time either. After the 10 minutes Mrs. Riley who was peacefully sleeping until now dismissed us by now the boys who were gambling sat quietly as if nothing was happening and the girls also sat as if they were dying from boredom. "I would tell ya I don't wanna see ya wretched faces back in my detention room but y'all never listen to me." Mrs. Riley said as she watched us gather our things and leave the room. My hasted steps abruptly halted as I opened the door. He was leaned against the wall with one foot on the wall and his head down you know the usual 'check me out I'm a walking movie scene' posture he always seemed to have. He began walking towards me and I would be a big fat liar if I said that his hotness wasn't blinding me but just as he approached me and his cologne wafted around me I remember all the things I got mad at him about and just as he reached up to me I slapped him hard on his cheeks and walked away without so much as a glance backwards. Well that felt great!. Raw anger bubbled within me enhancing my Speed as I walked away from the 21st century's jerk. He had some nerve coming to stand outside that door,leaning against that wall, holding his head down like that so his hair fell perfectly over his eyes, Walking over to me with that yeah I'm hot look on his face... His perfect face, The Sweet way his cologne engulfed me and wrapped me within its magical soft folds Surrounding me, the slow Way his tongue darted out and slowly ran across his lips... Those soft sweet lips that briefly introduced a blissful wave of heat to me when they'd collapsed with mine - whoa whoa whoa Haylee what are you doing? Don't think about him like that you're mad at him remember? I shook my head at the thoughts I was currently having. Lord give me strength! I was so mad or confused since I didn't know if I was still mad or not that I was walking home in the rain. Great! Perfect! Stupendous! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AMAZING! It was pouring and quite cold but the way my blood was boiling I swear steam was rising off the surface of my skin, yunno? Like when Jacob from twilight took his shirt off and changed in front of Bella's dad? Oh my god Jacob - okay back to the real world ladies. I was cursing under my breath with every step I took man I was mad. I almost didn't realize when a yellow Cami pulled up next to me. The tinted windows rolled down and to my shock the driver of this vehicle was Brandon.
"Get in" He said keeping his face forward. He had dark shades on which gave him an even edgier Mick Jagger bad boy look. Yeah that's how he looked.
"Uh no I'm good thanks" I replied.
"You really are stupid aren't you? Do you know that there's a storm moving towards us right now?"
"What?" I asked stunned. I mean I realized his its been Raining alot lately but I hadn't given it much thought of course since all my thoughts were pretty much all about Kyle and how much I missed/hated him.
"Are you deaf too? I said there's a storm coming our way." He all but yelled. I cleared my throat then answered.
"Um I'm sure you're concerned and I appreciate that very much thank you but as I said before I'm okay. Yeah I'll be fine I mean I'm almost home anyway. "
At that he waited for a while looking at me before he rolled the windows up and drove off. I watched for a minute until the car was gone then I continued walking with a little prep in my steps. I hate storms and hurricanes. A loud bang erupted from the sky. So loud a couple of car alarms went off. I cursed my self and continued walking wondering why in the world I didn't take the ride from Brandon when he offered. As if an answer to my prayers I saw Brandon's car coming back towards me. He pulled up rolled down the window and just like deja vu he said " Get in"
"Um I told you I'm fine. Besides I'm all soaked." Ugh stupid pride.
"Look I don't feel good about you getting my seats wet either. But you can't walk home in this rain."
"No seriously I - I can. I'm fine Brandon thanks." What the hell is wrong with me I can't walk home in this rain! He sat in his car for a moment just looking at me and I thought for a moment that he would probably go away again but instead he took his seatbelt off and came out of the car and stalked over to me muttering "shit shit shit shit" as he came over to me picked me up and put me in the passenger's seat. Then walked around the car and got in. He was as soaked as I was by now as he put on his seatbelt and drove off in silence. I studied him silently as his jaws clenched and unclenched I was so cold my teeth were chattering so loudly. He had this annoyed look on his face as he turned the heater up. He really wasn't that bad looking at all I thought as I studied his features in fact he was really good looking. He had taken off his shades and from where I was seated I could see his green eyes intently watching the road. His lips were full and red he also had a strong jaw line and broad shoulders yeah definitely, he was cute. I saw my bend coming up ahead. "Uh it's on the bend coming up... Third house" but he didn't slow down maybe he hadn't heard  so I repeated what I'd said loud enough so I know he heard. My heart pounded tremendously as he flew past my bend without even so much as a word. " Did you not hear me? You just passed my bend" I snapped .
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He said it so coldly through clenched teeth that I shrunk back into the seat closer to the door. I looked out the window and tried to mark every building I saw,and count each turn he took but the memory soon began to fade as we gained more distance.
"Where are you taking me?" It came out barely as a whisper but I know he heard me because I saw him glance at me through the corner of his eyes. My eyes began to get teary as I felt like crying. I should've known this day wasn't gonna get any better for me.

Sooooooo wow Idk guys what's happening here? What's Brandon up to? Idk but I know I do wanna hear your thoughts so get commenting and it would make me super duper happy I if you click that little itty star at the bottom of your screen too :-)  well this update came sooner than ya probably thought huh?? Lol yeah it still wasn't soon enough but hey? It wasn't a month so gimme some credit huh. Anyway I hope you enjoy  I also apologize in advance for any mistakes,I really just wanted to get this chapter up for you guys so any grammatical errors or misspelt even missing letters etc yeah I apologize for all that cause I know how annoying it can be sometimes but I promise to fix them so no worries.

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