Chapter 6

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I didn't get a drop of sleep last night and as much as I would rather to not go to school today, I didn't want to see grams who, I'm sure is dying to pester me with questions about my "boyfriend." When I got downstairs grams already left for work so I just grabbed an apple, my keys and left for school. The day went by slowly and quite frankly all my classes felt like a lullaby marathon. I smiled brightly when the bell rang signalling lunch and hurriedly packed my bag. Not that I'm hungry or anything but I just really wanted to get away from here. I opened the door to exit and froze when I saw Kyle leaning on the wall opposite my classroom. He was wearing a faded blue jeans and a white T-shirt beneath the school's football jacket, his hair was pushed back neatly and it was a beautiful dark that made you just wanna run your fingers through it, sure it was a simple attire but he still looked amazing. He gave me a bright smile when he saw me come through the door and I couldn't help but get lost in his ocean blue eyes. My breath hitched a little when his muscles flexed as he pushed himself off the wall and towards me. I was pulled out of my trance when he spoke.
"Hey clumpsy" he said as he nudged my shoulder playfully with his. As much as I didn't want to I couldn't help but smile at his playful antics. "Why do you even still call me that? I mean it was just one time." I waited for him to reply as I placed my books in my locker. He seemed deep in thought for a moment then he finally replied " I don't know I guess it just suits you... Maybe I should call you... Hmmm what should I call you?"
"Uh my name would be perfect"
"Ok but very soon i'll have a -" he stopped when I abruptly stopped him from walking by pushing his chest, I realized he was walking past his usual table in the cafeteria and trailing behind me.
"Where are you going? Your table is over there" I looked over to the table and realized his friends were giving me puzzled looks.
"Uh I'm going to have my lunch. It's not rocket science genius and I know you're smart." He chuckled,walked around me and sat at my table and began eating. I went and sat down facing him.
"Your friends are staring" I whispered. He looked up from his food and waved at them then started eating again. I sat there dumbstruck.
"Uhh if you ever plan on eating you should do that now cause lunch is gonna be up before you know it." He said to me with a mouth full of food. I was still overly shocked and all but he was right so I started eating. After lunch Kyle walked me to my locker and we talked and agreed to meet after school. I stood watching him walk away to his class. As I stared at his disappearing figure, I tried to wonder how my life was suddenly changing in the space of days I went from not socialising to.. Whatever this was. I shook the thoughts from my head and walked off to class.
It's been two days since Kyle sat with me in the cafeteria and he's been doing it ever since then. He drove me home yesterday and offered to pick me up which I had no choice but to accept, I learnt fighting with him after his mind is made is a bad idea. You just cannot win. I didn't push it much though because I found he lives pretty close to me and I really hate the bus. Grams wasn't home when I got in yesterday but she left a note saying that she was working double shifts at the hospital that she works so I didn't have to answer to her about that talk we had the other night. I had just stepped out of the shower and into my room when my phone started vibrating. I looked at it to see that it was a message from Kyle.
Get ready I'm picking you up in 15.
I replied.
Well good morning to you too. :/.
Unfortunately grams was in the kitchen when I got downstairs. I was really hoping she left early today, for starters I still wasn't ready to have that talk and also I know Kyle would be here any minute now.
"Morning grams" I greeted awkwardly as I opened the refrigerator not particularly looking for anything.
"Morning sweetheart." I grabbed a carton of chocolate milk from the refrigerator and went towards the cupboards to retrieve a bowl and the box of cereal. "So why'd you take double shift? And I assumed you'd go in early since you have double shifts."
"My friend Macy is sick and asked me to cover her night shifts. So I've got enough time to take you to school today."
"Oh its okay um my friend is going to drop me at school. He's here now." I added that last part quickly as l read the message indicating that Kyle was outside. I rushed to the door giving my very very shocked grandma a peck on the cheek on the way out. I got to the Chevrolet just in time to notice that Kyle was getting ready to get out.
"What are you doing ?"
" I'm going to say hi to your grandmother"
"No!" I snapped. "Um I mean lets just go to school she's leaving for work soon anyway." I lied. I had no idea when grams will be leaving for work but I just wanted to leave as soon as possible. Get away from the awkwardness. He studied my face a while before he chuckled and refastened his seatbelt. "Well alright then. " he said then started laughing. It doesn't take a genius to know he knew I was lying and is highly amused by that but I didn't want to give him another reason to laugh by getting awkwardly defensive. I stared out the window in silence until his laugh died down.
"Oh relax I'm just playing with you. " he said when he caught me scowling at him. We pulled up in the school parking sooner than I expected. He got out and walked around the front of the car waiting for me to meet him. When I caught up to him he took my hand in his and we began walking. I looked around and notice everyone was looking at us.
"Why is everybody staring?" I asked and he burst out laughing like a maniac. I snatched my hand from him and glared at him. I've had just enough of him laughing at me this morning. "What are you laughing at?" He wiped a tear from his eye and tried to calm down before he answered. "Ok I know it looks like the exact scene but did you really have to quote twilight? " he asked then started laughing again. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to open my locker.
" FYI I wasn't quoting twilight it just happened to seem that way." He was still laughing when I turned to face him. "It's really not even that funny I don't see why you're laughing so hard." I shook my head at him. He finally stopped laughing." Oh hey come with me for a minute" he said grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers. He lead me to his locker where his friends were talking they all stopped talking when they saw me and him and I saw one of them look at our hands still clasped together and I realized what they must think. I quickly snatched my hand out of Kyle's. He chuckled as realization dawned on him. "Hey guys whats up?" He greeted the group. "This is haylee." He said and I smiled feeling out of place. "Hayl this is Jeyanne" Jeyanne was probably about 5'4 she was really slender with long wavy red hair. She looked beautiful with a dark green shade to her eyes. She was wearing a emerald green knob in her ears along with a really cute green dress that sat neatly on her figure her entire outfit brought here eyes out. "Hi Haylee " she smiled at me "Hi" I smiled back. The next person introduced to me was a guy named Eric. Eric was tall and unlike Kyle he wasn't so blessed in the body department but he was still attractive with smooth caramel colour skin and dark hazel eyes. He was a catch to the eyes. "So you're the girl stealing my boy huh" he said as he swept in for a hug. I was totally caught off guard and quite puzzled by his statement it must have shown on my face cause they all started laughing. Next was James who apparently was the quietest in the group and shortest among the males. He shook my hand after being introduced. Shook my hand! Who does that in this age? Before Kyle could introduce her she hugged me and squealed. "I'm Sarah Paxton. I love your hair. Is that your real colour? And your eyes are beautiful. You're really pretty must be why you don't wear makeup but I think I can make you look stunning all I need is two minutes. " she started rambling. She was really perky and giggly. She was wearing a pink Minnie mouse blouse and a nice pleated black skirt. Her silky blonde hair was done in pigtails neatly pulling off her childish look. Everyone smiled at her and laughed when Kyle told her her makeup wasn't on right and she ran off to the bathroom muttering an hysterical string of no's. The laughters died out and tension got tight around us when it was time to introduce the last person. She was leaning against Kyle's locker she had jet back hair and was wearing black fitted jeans and a white blouse with Kiss Me written boldly in red on it. She was pretty but you could see she hardly smiles. "Annnd this is Mia." Kyle said looking down. "Hi" I said I meant to sound bold but I ended up sounding shallow. She stared at me then looked at Kyle who was still looking at the floor. An expression I couldn't quite pick up flashed over her feautures then there was nothing. "Whatever." She muttered and stormed off. Kyle gave me an apologetic look before the bell rang. "Well I've got math and Mr. Stricbone doesn't tolerate tardiness so lates. See you later Hayl it was nice meeting you." Eric spoke up and left while the others said their byes. "I'll see you before lunch" Kyle said before heading off to his class. Well that happened.

Hi guys its me again :D soo as you can see this chapter is longer than the others i hope i made some of you happy with that anyways hope you are all doing super fantastic. Please continue to make me happy by voting. Bye ;).

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