Chapter 15

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I stopped dead in my tracks. My grandmother sat unmoving an expression on her face I was scared to look at. My heartbeat did that leap thing it always does when I get nervous. I don't know if she was waiting for something but the pause she took before speaking seemed like a decade and quite frankly my heart was failing me by the minute. Grams knew better than to talk to me about my dad, it's a very delicate topic that just doesn't need to be discussed. "What do you mean?" I finally asked.

"Haylee you need to understand that there is no easy way to say what needs to be said and I wish I didn't have to say it either." She hung her head and started picking at an imaginary object on her skirt. I was getting impatient I hate it when people stall before they say something to me especially if it's something like this.

"Grams just say it!" I never meant to sound so mad or anything but I was beyond exasperated right now. "Haylee... " she sighed, her head hung as if she's afraid to look at me. I have never seen my grams look this stressed before this must really be hard for her but what could it be? There is no way she can tell me my father is alive so what is it?

"You're... You're father wasn't who you thought he was... "
"W-what do you mean?" I cut her off. I literally couldn't breathe and well she just wasn't talking fast enough for me.

" You're father wasn't just a lawyer hunny. He- he worked for the mafia too."
I laughed. I was laughing so hard. This must be a joke I mean there is no way that dad could be in the mafia its fucking ridiculous daddy didn't even like killing bugs and stuff like that he was always humble and a very gentle man. Nothing about him fit into a mafia it just wouldn't work.

"No... Grams. You must be mistaken that's impossible. " I replied still in a fit of laughter.
"Haylee... You're father was a member of the mafia and that's why he was murdered, that's why you're sister...." She stopped tears in her eyes. I stopped laughing by now not exactly sure how i was feeling right now not exactly processing any of thus information I just sat there in a daze.

"You're father and I had a long conversation over the phone about a week before he died. He told me he had done something wrong that he couldn't get out of. He told me that before your sister was born he got into some trouble and needed some help... Money. So he made a deal with another Mafia boss. He sold you and your sister. He said he wasn't expecting to have children and he didn't even think he was serious. So long after the deal was made he had you're sister they came to visit one day to remind him of the deal he made so he had some false documents done up to say that she was sick, a cancer child. They wouldn't have any use for her with the things he said she had so they left her alone but then you were born and they decided to take you instead.

He offered to pay them back the money they lent him but they refused... They wanted you and nothing was going to stop them. He struck a deal with them that he would keep you until you were at least eighteen. It was well for a while until they realized your father had tricked them and well... You know they came for what they were owed."
I didn't know what to think of this. I ran upstairs tears streaming down my face. I got my phone and with unsteady hands and foggy eyes I hurriedly sent a text to Kyle.

Come get me now!
His reply came almost immediately.

I took my emergency bag up and slipped out through the window. I waited outside on the pavement until Kyle showed up I climbed in without a word and he just drove off no questions asked. He took me to the tree he took me to when we just met. I sat down and just stared at the lights glistening from each distant house in the city and just like that I broke out into a hysterical sobbing mess. Kyle put his arms around me and I clutched unto him even harder. Somehow I didn't feel any better.

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