Chapter 9.

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I was in a very familiar setting I realized. I was back at home in my old bedroom. How did I get here? I wondered . I got up and went for downstairs . I felt my heartbeat spiking, my throat closing up on me cutting off almost immediately all intake of air as I got closer to the bottom of the stairs. I was expecting to see dad like I had found him but he wasn't there strangely though the bloody footsteps were still there. I heard a agonizing screamed and literally jumped a foot off the ground . I wanted so badly to run but I did that once not again. I swallowed hard and went to the kitchen stepping like I had a dead weight tied to my feet. I almost fainted . Leila stood in the middle of the kitchen looking down at her feet . her face was tear stained and dirty she was a half fading, half solid figure she was crying she looked so young but I know that's probably because I was grown and she still looked like the thirteen year old girl I ran a way from years ago. She was crying and it was an eerie sound but it broke my heart. I took a step closer to her and saw that she was looking at dad's body ,bloody and all . "ts so sad he was a great man" she cried . Her voice sounded distant but close all at the same time. Soundly dad's body began to disappear but she just stood staring at the spot even after he disappeared. I was frozen my body was literally stuck to the floor. She finally looked up at me and I gasped she crying blood . All of a sudden blood started oozing out her hair , her chest ,practically everywhere. Her face contorted painfully and before I could even Blink she started heaving up blood I tried to move to comfort her but I seriously couldn't move its like something was holding me rooted to the spot. She stopped heaving and oozing and looked a solid normal figure. She turned and began to walk away.
"Wait!" I finally got out.
"You left me Haylee. I thought you were my sister." She said coldly . I felt my heart literally shrink in my chest. I felt my tears rushed out.
Leila... " What do I even say to her. " I am so sorry. I was so scared and young ." I broke out into a sob my whole body shaking guilt and heartbreak hitting me hard simultaneously. "I cried for you. You deserted me." She started oozing again, she stared at me and all of a sudden she was farther away from me she pointed at me. "You did this to me." She said coldly. Suddenly dad appeared beside her pointing at me and they both started repeating that one word. You. "No! "I cried . "Do you deny leaving me for dead?!" She snapped bitterly and I could feel a lot of cold eyes staring at me judgingly. "No " I weakly answered. "But it wasn't like tha-"
"Inexcusable!" My hands felt funny and there was a liquid substance running down my palm and fingers dripping unto the floor . I looked at my hands to find they were drenched in blood. I started to panic and my knees gave out and I collapsed into a pool of blood. Leila disappeared and so did the blood I stayed on the floor sobbing and then strong hands abruptly grabbed me I screamed out and started to fight against these strong hands digging into my arms. Leila appeared. She lifted her hands and made a motion that I assumed was a beckon for me to come towards her it was until I felt the air in my throat being pulled in like a magnetic force towards her I realized. She was them trying to kill me! "You denied me life little sister its only fair to us both."
"Leila..." I gasped trying to talk against the pain. "Please... Don't" I felt hot tears trickle down my cheeks. She stopped and I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath. "I can't Kill you." She said softly then turned away. "Do what you must" she muttered over her shoulders . My eyes widened with registration as I realized what she wanted to happen. Instinct took over and I was running as fast as I could when I felt my body being brought to an abrupt halt . Leila stood her back turned to me. Before I could react familiar strong fingers dug into my shoulders I screamed violently flaying my hands about.
"Haylee wake up love its okay, wake up." I thought I heard Kyle's voice. I felt my body being jerked back and forth. Kyle? "Kyle?" I asked still in my terrible sleep but slightly awake. "Yes. Its me. Come on Haylee open your eyes its okay." I opened my eyes and saw him sitting beside me on the edge of my bed. His face was painted with concern and at seeing that I broke down. He pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back gently whispering comforting things to me like "its okay love... I'm here you're okay." It was soothing listening to his voice not like Leila's. It all felt so real. Like it was actually happening. I remembered the blood oozing from her and all over my hands and instantly felt sick. Before I could warn him I started wrenching last night's food all over him. He cursed under his breath,picked me up and carried me the bathroom. He held my hair and rubbed my back as I hurled into the toilet. After I was finished I sat on top of the toilet and he knelt before me making small circles into my shoulders with his thumb. That's when I realized that I was shaking. "You're okay Haylee it was just a dream." But it wasn't just a dream I killed my sister. That's a dream I can never categorize as just a dream. I felt warm tears trickle down my cheeks and almost immediately Kyle pulled me in his arms and carried me back to bed. He held me tight and I played my head on his chest letting the tears flow. We were that way for a while before it dawned on me. "How are you here?" I asked coming lose of his grip. "You're grandma let me in you left this in my car last night." He said holding up my library card I thought I'd swing by a little early drop it off and maybe get breakfast before school. When I got here your grandma was just leaving she told me you were still sleeping. I texted you but she told me you wouldn't get up unless I wake you. I was climbing up the stairs when I heard you screaming." I looked down slightly embarrassed by my behavior. "Who is Leila ?" He asked. I gasped shocked at his question. I didn't know what to do, do I tell him or not?
"Its okay you don't have to its just I heard you-" he stopped and shook his head as if shaking away a bad thought.
"So you have any thing my size I think my shirt is ruined" He said.
Right I puked all over his -
My thoughts were disrupted when I looked up and saw him standing completely shirtless. Each muscle perfectly outlined, his abs aligned magnificently. I knew I was literally gaping open mouthed at his God-like features but it was a fight to read my eyes away from his chest to his eyes and with great reluctance I might add. "Uh you honestly think I'd be able to help you?"
"Tsk tsk tsk... So sassy and to think I was the one that practically saved you from the grip of death." I could've answered him but I was still a tad wounded by his past remark if he only knew how accurate he was when he said that I was in the grip of death... The grip of Leila.
"Haylee... I'm sorry I was trying to be funny I didn't mean to bring up anything." He added as if he'd sensed where my thoughts currently were. I gave him a small smile I was so emotional today and it was beginning to bother me.
"Okay, come on get up you gotta shower and I gotta wash this shirt. " He said taking his now puke-stained shirt and leaving the room. One cold shower and fifteen minutes later I had already had breakfast and was on the road with Kyle.
"So aren't you gonna tell me where we're going? It obviously isn't school."
"You'll see" he replied not taking his eyes off the road but I didn't miss the smirk he was currently wearing. This would've bothered me on any other occasion but I was too tired to care. I was tired my mind was working too hard today I already have occasional flashbacks from my dream lingering in my mind and the unforgettable memory of the night my father was murdered. I zoned out about a million times while kyle was trying to make conservation and I'm pretty sure I'm zoning out again.
"Earth to Haylee " Kyle's voice cut through my thoughts. Yep definitely zoned out.
"What do you want idiot?" I replied in a annoyed voice.
"We're here" he answered and I realized we were at a beach.
"You took me to the beach? Out of all places you took me to the beach."
"Hey! Everyone loves the beach " he defended. I scoffed and hopped out of the car.
"Well what exactly do you want us to do here? Definitely not swimming I didn't bring a swimsuit so... " I trailed off.
"That's cool we can just chill and I uh I actually just wanted to talk." He replied and I might be mistaken but I was pretty sure I saw him blush right before he raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. It was kinda cute. "And we couldn't just talk at home or at a park or somewhere else?. We had to talk at a place where I'm bound to get wet? And get sand in my shoes." I replied rolling my eyes and kicking off my sand filled shoes.
"Wow Haylee" he replied hand on his heart "I am sorry I never realized how much you feared water. I should've known it was you smelling up my car."
"You remember I told you I was gonna murder you? I never got to it did I?" I gave him my best death glare. "Run..." I said in a voice so low I surprised myself, him too, as his face expressed slight fear before he took off running and I charged after him. We ran around in circles falling a couple times. I practically forgot why I was even chasing him and as it turned out he was now chasing me. I was running towards the shore when I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist lifting me off the ground. He spun me around in the air once before setting me down making me a little dizzy and I swayed almost falling but he caught me. I looked up into his deep ocean blue blue blue eyes and just Like that... the world around us dissolved to nothing. It felt like just us and I couldn't rip my gaze away from his eyes. We stood staring at each other for what felt like hours. My mind stopped working everything stopped in this moment it was just us staring at each other deep blue eyes locked with grey ones. He seemed frozen too. Another minute passed before his gaze shifted unto my lips which were parted right now as I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. He leaned his head down to mine slowly eyes now once again locked with mine and then he brought his lips to ears and whispered "gotcha". Disappointment. I was soaking in disappointment but why? Confused my current emotions I decided it was best if I pretended all was well. He drew away from me and began walking towards the shore I wanted to follow him but I suddenly felt too tired to stand I didn't know what was happening to me. My knees felt wobbly and everything started to spin around me. My head felt awfully light and my stomach churned awkwardly, soon my knees gave out beneath me and everything went black.

Hello lovely people! ;-) I know its been a while but I promise I have something that's going to make up for it I was sworn to secrecy so I can't say lol anyway please keep me smiling by voting and sending in your feedback I appreciate it toodledee loves ;-)

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