Chapter 10

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I stretched my limbs feeling really tired and tense. My muscles ached  feeling like I've been laying in the same spot for a decade. I tried sitting up but couldn't as sudden nausea took a hold of me. I tried again determined not to be held back and sat up a little too fast so it made my head spin a little. I was expecting the feminine and familiar settings of my room to greet my eyes but I was shocked to see I was not in my room at all nor was this in the least bit feminine. I looked around trying to guess where in the hell I was. It wasn't a bad room I was beginning think. A pale blue color ran all around the walls and there was a small desk to the left of the bed fit for doing homework and reading books and to the right was a door I assumed it was the bathroom so I got up and went over to it suddenly wanting to pee but it wasn't a bathroom it was a closet... A male's closet and I know exactly what male now staring at a football jacket from school hanging just in front of everything. I closed the door and looked around for another door I was searching hopelessly doesn't he own a freaking bathroom? I looked on the nightstand and saw a note
Check the closet again... This time look to your right... Good morning.  Who the hell has a bathroom in their closet? I thought to myself but nonetheless I followed the instructions on the note and Alas! Behold the bathroom was right there, the door on the right. I used the bathroom to freshen up there were notes all over that he left telling me where he put the new toothbrush he bought for me telling me about the clothes he picked out for me,they were just small notes that kept building my curiosity where was kyle? And why was I in his room? I was about to go outside and try and him when I heard a knock on the door. I assumed it was Kyle and yanked the door open hastily. Kimmy was at the door with a tray in her hand with some breakfast on it  and a bright smile on her face. "Good morning sunshine." She beamed. She pushed past me swaying over to the desk to put the tray down. "Brought you breakfast.. And I suggest you Eat now cuz I am struggling not to eat for you." I smiled I swear this girl would do anything for some food. I sat around the desk and began picking at my food before finally taking a bite. She sat on the edge of the bed and fell silent while I ate and I just sat looking around the room or skimpily picking at my food. "Not so girly as you'd think huh?" Kimmy finally spoke up. "Uh.. What?"
"The room... Not too girly not too guyish or.... " she trailed off. "Why would you care?" I asked confused. "Cuz at some point I'll wanna have other friends over and I'll want them to be comfortable. Duuh"
"Well yeah I get that.. " I said in between sipping some orange juice "but I mean why would you care about this room?" She looks at me as if I had two heads then she said "are you even feeling well? " placing a hand over my forehead. "Yes I'm okay Kimmy" I chuckled "oh my god!" She flew unto her feet her hands on her face. "You think this is Kyle's room don't you?" She exclaimed. Rushing across the room and searching the closet frantically. "Wait... This is your room? Kimmy what died?" I asked playfully she looked at me with wide  frightened eyes. Putting a halt to her merciless searching. "Is it that bad? Oh my god!" She literally ran into the closet screaming in panic. I couldn't help it, I started laughing and got up and went to the now messy closet. I leaned against the door frame and watched as she ravished the closet.  "What... are you looking for?" I asked in between laughs. "I know I have some unicorn wallpaper in here somewhere... That's girly right? Unicorns?" The poor girl was losing her mind. I clenched my stomach and dropped to the floor in a fit of laughter. Leave it to Kimmy to get me get me in a fit of laughter without any added effort. ''Kimmy...I'm messing with you." She turned around immediately glaring at me. I was almost sure she would have attacked me but I slowly saw her mischievous smirk replacing the glare she was wearing. She turned back around and continued searching. "Well..." She began saying "whether you were joking or not I really need to give this dump a makeover and I'm so glad your humor led you in that direction cuz you my dear friend is gonna help me all the way." At that my laughter died and took a trip to the morgue. "Um come again" she looked at me and I swear her smirk grew wider. " Um what exactly were you thinking?"
"Well I was thinking we could move the furniture arou-" she gasped and widen her big blue-grey eyes as if she just realized something. "We could just get new furniture! Damn I'm a genius. Okay so we can do that and I was thinking to paint over everywhere and put up some new curtains as well. That ought to do the job." I groaned and pouted "But that's gonna take forever" I drawled whining like a three year old. Weren't best friends supposed to be nice to each other? That's what I thought but I guess Kimmy thought otherwise.  I strutted over to the desk to finish picking skimpily at my breakfast. She sat on the bed and started looking at me picking at the contents on my plate. Her expression was one of Worry but it was puzzling as to why she would be worried. "What's wrong ?"
"I just want you to be careful do you even know why you're here?" She asked reminding me of the same question I'd asked myself when I just woke. She must've seen it in my facial expression she continued answering the question she asked.
"You fainted Hayl. You were dehydrated and so bad that even though the doctors had given you everything they knew you needed you still slept for three days. On day one you were roasting with fever and sweating so they figured it couldn't just be dehydration so they ran a couple tests and they said it was some sort of slow poisoning,something you must've ate, they said it wasn't really as serious as it looks and that the fever was a way of your body fighting against it." I sat staring at the floor my mind trying to process all this given information. I had slept for three days. I don't even remember fainting in the first place. "Where is my grandma?" Was all I managed to say after a long moment and melodical silence danced around us. She cleared her throat and seemed to relax a little before answering. "She's okay, she and Kyle were practically glued to your bedside. They acted like you were dying or something. Anyway she got called in to work. She didn't exactly want to leave believe me, but she did eventually, I swear I literally saw her heart break because she had to leave you but  I had to put a lot of effort in making her accept my promise that I would look out for you. She's such a sweet lady ." she smiled. I chuckled at the picture floating in my head of grams trying to use as many excuses as possible to not go to work and stay with me. "Well okay um why am I here in your room though? At your house?" I asked hopelessly confused. "Well by right you were supposed to wake up in the hospital you were in but-"
"I was in a hospital?" I cut her off.
"Well yeah duh" she continued as if I hadn't cut her off." But Kyle paid the doctors to let you come here and they would come and check on you whenever. You were in the guestroom, but they told me you were supposed to be waking today. I hate that goddamn room though so I wanted you out of it, it took a lot of persuading on my half but I got Kyle to bring you in here I don't know if it was the annoyance or the little sister thing that actually made him do it." She Chuckled. "He's at practice by the way in case you're wondering. I don't know but it seems you being sick has a lot of impact on people I had to force him too to leave. He missed all three days of practise and well that just isn't acceptable to his coach if he wanted to stay on the team."
"Okay well I guess I'm all caught up on everything now but answer this... Why is Kyle's jacket in your closet?"
She burst out laughing " Its actually a bet he claims its his lucky jacket  and that its the reason he wins his games so if he wanted he didn't have to go to practice as long ad he wears that jacket hell win so I told him that he was just being an egocentric superstitious idiot. We argued a bit after and then he said that when it gets to close his big game at the end of the semester he was gonna miss call practice and wear the jacket to the game and that he'll win. Now my brother is good at football so even if he doesn't go to practice and he wins I wouldn't be surprised but I wanted to burst his cute little bubble so I bet on it and then I snuck into his room and snagged his so called lucky jacket which I plan to hide and give to him after the game. I want to show him that there's nothing lucky about that damn jacket. I don't  want him winning and thinking he was right about the jacket so it seemed logical to jacnap the damn thing.  "
"Jacnap?" I asked
"Jacket, kidnap.... Jacnap helloooo" At that she stood rolling her eyes. "We should go we have a room to refurbish remember?" She grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet rushing to the door.
Oh my god you guys must seriously hate me its been what? Months? Years? A decade!? :O I know what's its like to be waiting for updates I personally have like a long lust of books which I'm currently waiting for to update so I know furious you must be but lately its been quite hard for me 1. I had a nasty case of writer's block 2. I was going through an emotional phase a REALLY MAJOR HUGE BIG ENORMOUS GIGANTIC emotional phase 3. I was a little bit demotivated after a while but hey I am here now and I'm not gonna go ahead and promise that I'll be updating as often and close as I did when I just published this book because I have some Major exams coming up but I know I'll be updating as often and as soon as I can that is a promise well I hope you don't hate me too much to not vote but I want you all to know I love you all ;-) ;-) anyways please vote and comment.

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