Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to lavish_876_ Thank you for being super supportive from the start. You are the best. You are the best.

I wasn't sure what I felt. I was a bit thrown off by emotions right now. I wasn't sure how to picture Kyle now that I know what I now know, Or how to feel towards Mia. I felt really sorry for her and I understood her pain and feelings of betrayal but that didn't explain why she behaved how she did towards me. Betrayal. Was that what I saw on her face when we'd been introduced and if it was shouldn't she be mad at Kyle? Was it jealousy? I was pulled out of my reverie when Kyle called out to me. I was just leaving the school's library. It was Thursday and on Thursdays I go to the library both at school and the public library. I just remembered that I forgot to tell Kyle I was going there. I was about to tell him but he started talking before I could. "Hey I hope you're ready I have football practice soon so I'm gonna take you to the library then after practice I'll pick you up when I get Kimmy. " I almost forgot that Kimmy, the only person who I was actually talkative with is his sister. "Uh no that's ok I was just gonna tell you I was taking the bus there you can go to practice."
He gave me a look of uncertainty so I quickly added. "Its okay really cuz I have to go home first anyway I forgot my library card. And grams will take me to the library. I mean its saving you two trips and you won't have to be late for practice. You can even pick me up later like you said. But really I'm good. You should go." I lied. Quite the liar I was turning out to be. It surprised me that he didn't pick up on it though, I did say I was taking the bus to the library now I told him I was going home then let grams take me. Grams was on double shift and I never ever forget my library card. Such a liar. Why did I lie? I wasn't exactly sure why I didn't really think about it but I guess I still wasn't sure how I now felt about him. Besides I really didn't want him missing his practice because of me.
He sighed heavily and reluctantly gave me a quick hug and said later.
Kimmy greeted me the minute I stepped into the library. I can next get over how excited she gets when I walk in. Its as if a dog who hasn't seen a home in five years last week she got to the point of tears. She rushed and locked me in a big bear hug. "I am so happy you're here"
I struggled tapping her shoulder. "Kimmy... Can't...... Breathe... Please... Release.... Me..." She chuckled then let me go. "Sorry. I just really miss you sometimes. You have no idea how horrible it is working in the morgue. You're the living thing in here. The only thing I get to look forward to."
"Kimmy you don't work in a morgue."I got out between my laughter. "Hmph. Could've fooled me. I swear this place got more dead than the fucking cemetery." And at that I couldn't contain it anymore. I burst out laughing. "Shhhhhh" she said and clasped her hand over my mouth to mute my laughs. "Quiet you gonna upset the dead..... or dying." She added that last part motioning over to a boy who was literally bobbing his head in sleep. I swear my face turned green I was getting sick holding all this laughter down. "Ok come on you look like you're about to shit your pants and that would be bad cuz you are rocking those jeans." She lead me to the back where nobody really comes so we'd have some privacy. It was our usual spot. I dug in my bag and grabbed my biology book. This was the routine, I would do some homework then read ahead on a subject then I'd start reading novels mostly historic romance. Kimmy would usually disappear until I was ready to look for my novels. "Later girly I'll be back in a few. Oh I ordered Chinese so next week you're buying."
"Ok yeah no problem." I replied. If it wasn't for Kimmy most nights I'd be in her and not eat a single thing. With that she left and I got started on my homework.
I was just done reading up some notes on homeostasis when Kimmy returned. "All done?" She asked. "Yeah. So what you got for me today?" I asked shutting the book and putting it in my bag. "Um a visitor apparently. " she said staring at her phone. She stood up and before I could say anything Kyle was standing before me. I rolled my eyes, irritated at him for interrupting my library time. This was a me time a thing I get to do alone even Kimmy understood that and knew exactly when to cut in and Kimmy was safe and.... Familiar. He took a seat beside me and I swear I just wanted to attack him for ruining this for me. I must've had a murderous look in my eyes, he backed up slightly and raised his hands in surrender. "What? Why you looking at me like that? W-was I not to sit here ? I interuppted something? I did, didn't I? " he directed to the last question to a laughing Kimmy.
"Oh silly brother." Was all she said before winking at me and leaving. I looked at Kyle who was just looking at me. I rolled my eyes again and got up in search of books to read. I knew better than to think he would just sit there and wait till I get back or leave which would be fantastic but he was right beside me in seconds. "Whatcya looking for?" He asked. Are you dumb or just stupid we're in a library what could I possibly be looking for? "The ocean." I replied sarcastically. "Is that the book's name or..." He trailed off. "God you're dumb!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.. Again! I swear if he stays any longer I'll be rolling my eyes so much I might be able to hypnotize someone with them. I stormed off to look at some other books and of course Kyle The Mighty Dumb was right on my trial. He was so irritating. I just feel my blood boiling. He started whistling Moves Like Jagger and it made me snap. Everything about him was irritating me right now and he didn't even realize. I grabbed three books and went back to my spot. I was really getting into a book by one of NY favorite authors when he started whistling again. I got up trying to escape him or save his life. I went straight to Kimmy. "If your brother ends up dead tonight... Alert the cops... This is my confession." I turned on my heels and bumped right into Kyle. Déjà vu. I got up and walked away even more mad at him. He started singing Beyonce's 7/11 and dancing! Okay that's it! "Will you just shut the fuck up! " I snapped. Glaring at him so hard my face hurt. He stopped and I spun around walking away and I bet you wouldn't guess what he was doing... Yep the lunatic was right on my trail. "Will you just stop! Stop following me! " again I
Snapped . He came closer to me and whispered "Are you on your period?" "What the fuck!?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he backed up a step and swallowed "I'm sorry . Its just... You've been super moody and I don't know why I figured it must be that ."
"Kiss my ass Kyle and stay away from me" was my only reply. I made my way back to my spot and sat down shortly after he came and hesitantly sat down. I rolled my eyes and continued reading a rather sad chapter in the book I was reading. Unable to take it I closed the book and looked at him. He was playing with his thumbs and looking all over the library he looked out of place and really bored. Suddenly I felt guilty. "Look I'm sorry." I sighed." I'm just mad that I was gonna have to share this time with you... This is sort of a me time it's something I like to do by myself. Nonetheless I shouldn't have reacted the way I did towards you. " "Its ok I get it. Besides I have to admit I was being pretty annoying. If i were you I probably would've strangled me. "
"Oh believe me I would've but... Worst things have crossed my mind. I was gonna go with those." I chuckled. A lady was passing and shushed me. "Know what I don't get? You yelled at me and no one seemed to hear that but now they hear." I began laughing he did too. Kimmy came along just in time then sat down she let out a breathe of relief. "Thank god... The land of the living!" She exclaimed. "Ready to go to the house of the living?" Kyle asked. "No are you mad? I ordered Chinese food for Haylee and I there is No way I'm leaving without a full stomach." About half an hour passed before our meal arrived and honestly it couldn't have come any sooner. Kimmy was cool she talked and laughed but the girl knew when to stop. As for her brother... The boy was a talker! We completely forgot that Kyle wasn't getting anything and I ended up sharing with him. Yeah I know you're thinking "why couldn't Kimmy share with him? She was his sister." But Kimmy's first remarks were "Sorry brother I love you but don't even think you're getting even a whiff of this good. I'm starving and besides miss thing here" she nodded towards me "doesn't eat much you can share with her. Or just wait till she gives up on eating and take the opportunity. But I. Am. Not. Sharing." So here I was sharing with a pig. The ate half of my food before I even took 3 good mouthful. After dinner we packed up and Kimmy closed up.
The car ride home seemed pretty rushed but I guess it was just me. Kyle drove on a backstreet so he ended up reaching his house first where he just dropped off a sleepy Kimmy. She waved goodbye at me me before she went in and murmured something to Kyle I didn't get. He waited until she went inside the house before he drove off. It kinda gave me some type of feeling cause you could actually see he cared about his sister. It made me remember the days that Leila and I would go to the park and she would literally stand over me watching my every move. Once I fell off a monkey bar and she carried me on her back all the home crying because she thought I broke my hand. She was protective and really loved me. As I thought about that I began to wonder what life would've been like if...
"Hey you ok?" Kyle asked as he held my shoulders and lightly squeezed. I hadn't realized we had pulled up outside my house.
"Uh yeah I must've zoned out " I laughed nervously. He gently squeezed my shoulders again and gave me a sweet smile before dropping his hands. "Okay. Goodnight Haylee."
"Goodnight Kyle." I got out the car and Made my way unto my porch I looked backed and he waved to me. I waved back faintly before turning my key and stepping inside I switched on the light and heard as he drove away. I breathed out a long breath and dashed upstairs and into the shower. I couldn't help but continue my thoughts about a different life. I met the warm water beat on my skin as my mind raced. I was trying hard not to think too much about this but its almost as if I have no control over my mind right now. I switched the water off and stepped out of the shower wrapping my towel around me I went to the closet picking out a thin PJ. I preferred the ones with a thin material it was easier to sleep in and I want to be prepared for anything in case I had to run I wouldn't have a problem. I also carried on my father's tradition of being prepared by keeping a bag with some food, blanket, clothes,cash and something new my passport. I kept it next to my window which I never close. I realize I might be a bit paranoid but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.... Right? I walked over to my bed and picked up my phone and looked at the screen I had two text messages. I read the first one which was from Kyle.
Goodnight snappy ;-) What was with him and these nicknames though. I replied after a while.
Goodnight annoying :-\ . I checked my other message which was from grams. Yes... My grandmother knew how to text and apparently, as of two weeks ago, tweet.
Hi honey. Don't wait up for me tonight I have to stop by your aunt Carrie's after work she's fine so don't you start worrying I just have something to see her about. Love you. Eat something. Goodnight. Way ahead of you grams . I smiled at my phone screen she was so adorable in a way that just gets you all gushy mushy and stuff. I stopped smiling when I thought of what grams could want to see aunt Carrie about. I hated that they were hiding things from me. Was it about Leila? was it about my dad? Was it just about me? I slumped in bed frustrated at all my unanswered questions really it just bothered me to be curious. I tossed and grunted hitting my pillow. I forced my eyes close willing my self to be swept away in the peaceful warmth of sleep's embrace.

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