Chapter 30

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I had just got back from uni. I was so tired and stressed. I opened my door and took off my shoes. I walked into the sitting room and saw my  girls, Kayra and Samiya.

"Kay and Sam!!" I squealed and hugged them both. They'd grown so much.  Samiya was still quiet but, the prettiest. Her light brown eyes and thick black hair and eyebrows made her look like an Arabian Princess. She had golden brown skin and had a beautiful, tall figure. She was my favourite.

Kayra was still loud. She had dark, brown shiny eyes. Her eyebrows were brown and so was her hair. Her hair was very thick and beautiful. She also had golden brown skin but, she didn't have a figure. She didn't have hips and she had an awkward looking butt.

"Hey Ayesha!" Kayra smiled.

"Hey girl. How you doing? Who dropped you here? You live with your dad" I asked her.

"Oh Cairo dropped us here. He told us about mum. To be's her fault" she shrugged as she popped her bubble gum.

I shook my head at her forwardness.

"Do you want anything to eat guys?" I asked them both.

"What do you have?" Samiya asked.

"Chicken popcorn and chunky chips, pizza, burgers or fish and chips" I told her.

"Can I have a burger please" Samiya said. I nodded and walked to the kitchen.

"Can I have the same please?" Kayra called out from the sitting room.

"Sure" I replied back. When I finished making their burgers, I fried some onions and put them in the burgers, along with BBQ sauce. I put them on some small blue plates.

I walked into the sitting room and handed them their plates. There were three fat burgers on each plate, I couldn't be bothered to fry the fries, so I made sure to cook extra burgers.

"Thanks" they thanked me at the same time.

"No problem girls. I'm going upstairs to take a quick nap. Wake me up, if you need anything. You know this house well enough so....yeah" I told them. They nodded and continued to eat.  I walked up the stairs and changed out of my clothes. I was too tired to shower or tie my hair.

I got into my bed and instantly fell asleep.


Today I was just going to chill. I didn't feel like going to work and Zonni didn't mind. My phone started buzzing. It was an unknown number.

Phone Convo

Me - Yeah, hello?

?- It's me.

Me- er...

?- *chuckles* I don't think I told you my name. It's Alex. Remember yesterday? I chatted to you.

Me- oooooo yeah. Sorry about that. How you doing?

Alex- I'm good, you?

Me- I'm great thanks *giggles*

Alex- are you up for meeting up. Over coffee or something?

Me- Sure. Starbucks at 2?

Alex- Cool see you later .

Me- Bye.

I hung up and took a quick shower. It was 1pm so I had an hours time. When I finished, I dried myself and brushed my teeth. I walked to my bedroom and creamed my body, with my fruity lotion, that I got from Body Shop.

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