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"What are you going to do tonight, Auggie?" Riley asked as she looked at her little brother and then at me in the window. Riley was going out to see a Broadway play and have dinner with her parents. They do it every year the night before her birthday. It's their little tradition. And for the past couple of years, I've been hanging out with Auggie. Except this year, someone special is joining us.
"Well Maya and me are going to have dinner, and then we're going to play a game, and then Lucas is coming to play and we're going to color and play more games and make cookies and eat the cookies and make a fort and watch a movie." Auggie adores Lucas. He was there when I was on the phone with him earlier today canceling our plans, and asked for him to come to the Matthews house instead. One nod from Topanga and Lucas Huckleberry Friar was now watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Road Rally instead of The Dark Knight Rises for the 13th time in a row.
"That sound like a super lot of fun!" Riley says picking up her purse. "Have fun Auggie."
"Don't worry about me Riley, I will," he says in return as we all walk out to the front room.
"So Lucas is picking up the pizza now, Auggie needs to make sure to brush his teeth really good, and you know about everything else," Topanga says. "Have fun sweetie, have fun fierce warrior." Corey smiled and waved before shutting the door.
"Alright Auggie, what do we play while we wait for Lucas and our pizza?" I ask turning to the little boy.
"We could play pirates! Like you and Riley and I play, except we just won't have Riley."
"Alright lead me to the plank my kind pirate," I say, putting on my best pirate accent and following Auggie to his room.
"Did you order a pizza?" a scratchy voice says over the intercom.
"Come on up Lucas, someone's very excited to see you," I say back to the machine, eyeing Auggie who is literally jumping up and down with joy. "Did you hear who's coming?" I asked him, picking him up and spinning him around.
"Lucas is coming, Lucas is coming!" he responded enthusiastically. A knock on the door and a tall, tan cowboy is suddenly standing in the middle of the living room with a pizza box in his hand.
"Lucas, do you want to see my room do you want to see my bathroom do you want to see my toys?" A hyper 5-year old boy asks without breathing. He probably would've continued except I interrupted him.
"Aug, you got to eat first. But I'm sure Lucas will sit by you," I say smiling at both my boys as I get out plates.
"Oh will you please Lucas. Please!" Auggie pleads.
Lucas looks and me then back down to Auggie and nods his head slightly. "Of course kiddo, I'd love to!"
"Oh yay," Auggie says, pulling on Lucas' hand and leading him to the bench to sit down. I give Auggie his pizza first and then give Lucas' his, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before sitting down with a slice myself.
"So Auggie, you wanted to make cookies I hear," Lucas says walking with Auggie into the kitchen where I was sitting looking at my phone.
"Yes please," Auggie says. "Can we make chocolate chip?"
"Of course we can buddy. Go get the chocolate chips, okay?" Auggie nodded and Lucas sat next to me. "You good?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just Shawn and my mom have their first date tonight and I was waiting for a call," I say resting my head on his comfortable shoulder.
"That's fun!" Lucas says to me. "I know you're excited about that."
"It should be good I think."
"I found the chocolate chips Auggie says coming back into the room from the pantry.
"Okay good. Let's get everything else we need," I say smiling and picking Auggie up.
"Alright, let's do it!" he says back giggling.
Auggie had flour in his hair, Lucas had some on his shirt, and I had a bunch on my face that I was in the process of cleaning off. "Maya, if I get this flour out of my hair and brush my teeth and get my pajamas on, can I watch a movie?"
"Of course you can Auggie. Do you need help with the flour?"
"Yes please."
"Okay, go on back to the bathroom and I'll be there in one minute. Don't forget to brush your teeth really well!" He nods and runs to the back of the apartment to get changed and ready. "Lucas," I say dragging out the 's'.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll clean up the kitchen." I smile at him and begin walking back to the bathroom.
"I'm getting really good at cleaning up kitchens," he mumbles. "You could start making the brake and bake cookies you know."
"Yeah, I could. But where's the fun in that?" I tease. "But really though, thank you."
"You're welcome," he says, leaning down to give me a quick kiss.
"MAYA" Auggie calls.
"Go on," Lucas says giving me a push to the back of the house.
"Alright, what are we watching?" I ask Auggie and Lucas who are putting in the movie and getting out the blankets.
"Finding Nemo," Auggie says sitting down next to me and leaning his head in my lap.
"I love this movie," I say quietly as Lucas settles into the couch next to me.
"Me too, Penelope," he agrees. I smile up at him before putting my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and starts playing with my hair absentmindedly.
We're about halfway through the movie when my phone starts ringing. 'MOMMY' it says on the screen. "Hi mommy," I say into the phone. Lucas looks down at me, then at Auggie, then back at me. He mouths the word, 'asleep', to me before going back to being comfortable on the couch. I see him mute the tv out of the corner of my eye, but I also know Lucas well enough to know he's still watching.
"Hi baby girl. How are you?" she asks me.
"I'm good momma." Now I see Lucas smile again but his eyes are still on the screen. "How'd it go?"
"Oh baby it was wonderful. Shawn is so poetic and has such a beautiful spirit. I had one of the best nights of my life. You were right about him," she says, and I can hear the happiness in her voice.
"Good momma, I'm really happy you are happy," I say, breathing out a sigh of relief.
"Well I'm really happy you are really happy, baby girl." I smile because I know my family is going to rock one day. One day soon. "Aren't you with Lucas and Auggie tonight?"
"I am. Auggie's asleep on my lap and it looks like Lucas is getting there," I say back. Lucas laughs and side hugs me. "I'll text you tomorrow morning when I wake up. Have a good day at work!" Lucas looks at me curiously but I brush it off.
"Alright baby girl," she says using my nickname one more time. "Have fun. Tell Riles happy birthday from me! And tell Lucas the Matthews hello."
"Will do momma. Goodnight!"
I twist to face Lucas. "Well of course I'm sleeping over tonight. Let's get real."
He laughed quietly as to not wake Auggie. "We are real. You'll have so much fun, won't you?"
"You know it cowboy. And remember, you can't call me tomorrow. You just have to focus on getting to Topanga's at 3 o'clock sharp.
"I can do that. But I'll miss talking to you."
"I'll miss it too Huckleberry." He smiles and un-mutes the movie.
It's about 1 in the morning when the Matthews finally get back. Good thing too. I didn't want to wake Auggie, or my sleeping boyfriend for that matter, but I really had to pee. I love my boys too much. If only Farkle was here. Corey gets Auggie and takes him to his room, Topanga following, and Riley gives me a look as to say 'wake up the boy who's this close to drooling on you and meet me in my room when you've said your goodbyes'. I smile and turn to Lucas. I try nudging him lightly, saying his name, but he just smiled and held me closer. There is clearly only one way to do this.
I bring my fingers up to his stomach and start to wiggle them, tickling the sleeping boy awake. He giggles and grabs my hands, pulling me in for a sweet, short kiss. "Alright, alright, I'm going now," he says getting up and walking towards the door. I follow, wrapped up in the blanket we were just sharing and trying to keep my eyes open.  "Goodnight short stack. I had fun tonight. I'll see you tomorrow at 3. Sleep well."
I push up on my tiptoes and place our foreheads together. "Goodnight Ranger Rick, have a good night's sleep. Call me when you get home okay? Promise?"
"I promise," he says closing the small gap between us for a quick second to kiss me. "I love you Maya, sweet dreams."
"I love you too Lucas, goodnight."
I am laying in bed next to Riley talking when my phone buzzes. "Hey Ranger Rick, get home safely?" I ask holding up a finger to Riles.
"Yeah I'm home. I hope you're happy. I had to walk home alone. You know I hate that."
"I know you do, but put a smile on that face and embrace your manliness. You're dignity."
I couldn't see him but I knew he'd just rolled his eyes. "I want you to know I just physically rolled my eyes. FYI." Told you.
"Well I'm glad I could exercise you're eyeballs for you. Now here's another drill. Close them and get to sleep. Riley and I were just about to practice that one."
"That one sounds fun. Have a good day with Riley tomorrow."
"You know I will. Bye Hopalong. Love you."
"Love you too pancake. Bye."
"You guys are too cute sometimes," Riley said once I hung up on Lucas.
"Thanks Riles," I say smiling and closing my eyes.
*3 o'clock at Topanga's*

"We're coming in now," I say into the phone as Riley stops to talk to a friend from school.
"Alright we're all ready."
"Come on," I say, pulling Riley into Topanga's place. "I really want a muffin!"
She giggles. "Okay." We walk into the door and,
"Aw thanks guys," Riley says surprised but still super sweetly. She goes to talk to everyone and I go to find Lucas behind the counter.
"Hi, can I have a hot chocolate, a blueberry muffin, and a tall, sweet Lucas to go please?" I ask leaning over the counters.
"I'm sorry but I can't serve you ma'am," he says, tipping his invisible hat.
"Now I'm upset with you," I say pointing my finger at him.
He grabs it before saying, "Well I'm sorry. That certainly wasn't my intention, ma'am," he says with the imaginary hat tip again. I smile and lean over the counter to kiss him.
We turn around to see Farkle on one knee holding a bouquet of flowers up to Riley. "Will you please go on a date with me?" Farkle asks looking hopeful. Riley nods. I look at Lucas.
"That's no surprise," Lucas says.
"They grow up so fast," I say, wiping away a fake tear.
"It's unreal," Lucas agrees, coming around the countertop. "Now we can double date. This is exciting." He leans down and kisses the top of my head and walks over to them, me trailing close behind.
"Now look Maya," Riley says showing me her flowers. "We can double date now!"
"I know this is exciting! I'm glad you're happy."
Lucas leans closer and whispers in my ear, "I'm glad you're happy. I know it's Riley's day but I think you deserve an award. Best friend of the year."
"Thanks Lucas." I lean back into him and he holds me close. I look and see Farkle talking to Lucas while holding Riley's hand. I smile. Now this is exciting.

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