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 It was rare that Maya saw Lucas sad. He was the one who was strong for the both of them. But when his dad called and said that his grandma had died, it broke him. His mom, unable to console the poor boy called Maya. "Maya," his mom said desperately. "What's wrong? Is Lucas okay?" Maya asked. In Maya's eyes, his mom couldn't talk fast enough. "He's okay, but he's really hurting." Maya didn't even ask what had happened to push him to that point, she just told his mom that she was on her way. Feeling like she was about to throw up, she ran to the kitchen and grabbed Shawn's keys. "Something's wrong with Lucas, his mom just called. I think someone may have died," she explains quickly. "Come on kiddo, I'll drive you," he says, looking at Katy as she grabs her purse. "I'll go too. I'm sure Stacie is probably in need of some comfort too," she adds. "Thanks you guys," Maya says, hugging her mom and step-dad and grabbing Lucas' letterman jacket to drape across her shoulders as she follows them out the front door. While on the ten minute drive to Lucas', Maya tries to call him no short of seven times. But he's not answering. Maya starts to get nervous, and starts to show it, constantly fidgeting and picking at her nails. "Baby girl, I'm sure everything is okay," Katy tries to reassure her daughter. Maya just nods her head and manages a weak smile at her mom.

Shawn made it in record time, but to Maya it felt like a lifetime before she was knocking on the Friar's front door. "Hi Mrs. Friar," Maya said, embracing her in a tight hug. "Hey sweetie. He's in his room. His grandma passed away this evening," she says as a way of explanation. Maya just smiles and goes back to Lucas' room, hearing Mrs. Friar invite Katy and Shawn inside. "And how are you?" Maya hears Katy ask. She takes a deep breath before knocking on the door. She reaches down to the doorknob and twists it, unsurprisingly finding it unlocked. "Lucas, are you in here?" The only answer she gets is Lucas' head popping up above his sheets. She closes the door behind her, sending the room back to darkness, before taking off her letterman jacket and her boots and coming to sit on the edge of the bed. She runs her hand through his hair, trying to calm him down some. Lucas turns his head to look at her, tears still steadily falling down his cheeks. "Maya," he says, looking at her eyes for comfort. "Can we cuddle?" he asks her in a weak voice and she smiles at him. "Oh Luke, of course," she says, sliding under the navy blue covers of his bed with him. He put his head on her stomach and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Now, Maya was no stranger to Lucas' cuddling. The boy loved to spoon her, loved to draw circles on her back late on Sunday afternoons until she fell asleep in his arms. But this was different. Her boyfriend was holding her like she was his lifeline. Like if he didn't have a tight enough hold on her, she would go away. But Maya didn't plan on going anywhere. "Let it out baby," she says, rubbing his back as he cries. The sight of it made her want to cry. But she knew she had to stay strong for him. "I heard about your nana. I'm so sorry," she says and he just cries harder. Within minutes, Maya's shirt is soaked. "I'm just tired of feeling so sad," Lucas finally offers. "Then go to sleep. You can work through it tomorrow when you wake up," she tells him. He looks up at her, with a look Maya can only define as fear in his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He nods and wraps his arms around her, using her like a pillow. Soon enough, Maya hears soft snores and smiles sadly. But she stays true to her word, waking up the next morning wrapped up in her boyfriend's strong arms. She traces the features of his face, and then gives him a kiss to wake him up. "Good morning darling," he says. Maya can't help but smile to herself at the sweet nickname. "You stayed," he adds. "Of course I did. I promised I would," she reminds him. And she's true to her word. When he's in his old bedroom at his dad's house in Texas after the funeral, Maya's still there, arms wrapped around him, holding him until his broken pieces start to go back to whole again.

This one is dedicated to @Lazy_Dream_Chaser for being so awesome and supportive recently! Thank you, hope you guys like this one!

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