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We're about five minutes until the end of class and Matthews is writing something important on the board. I can't see what it is, but he says it's important so I squint really hard to try and see. It's not my fault that he has tiny handwriting. "That's basically it," he says. "I hope to see everyone's paper on this topic on my desk in a week. I can see his figure as he looks at me. "Especially yours Maya."
"Of course Matthews, duh I'd have it on your desk," I say. I look down at my notebook and it's just a doodle of Matthews as he writes on the board. Oh well.
The bell rings and I get up from my seat and leave the class. I follow Riley to the cafeteria and sit down next to her, looking at my lunch. Lucas sits next to her and Farkle next to me. "So we're still on for the movies tonight, right?" Riley asks the three of us. I didn't even know we were planning on going to the movies.
"Yeah we'll be there," Lucas says looking at me. Apparently he knew. Man I feel out of the loop. Thanks for nothing, Huckleberry.
"What movie?" I ask. Might as well interact somehow.
"Um, I don't know," Riley says.
"I think Inside Out is still in theaters," Farkle says.
"Ugh no Riley, we've already seen it three times!" I groan as her eyes get bigger.
"But it's about a girl named Riley! And it's so cute!" Riley almost screams jumping up and down.
"Fine, but don't freak out when-" I start to say but I am cut-off mid-sentence.
"Shhh," Riley says dramatically. "Lucas hasn't seen it yet!"
"Really Ranger Rick?" I tease looking at him. I happen to know he's seen it. He took me opening night because he claimed I 'needed a little bit of joy in my life'.
"Yeah, I haven't, and I've heard great things about it." I can't help but smile at that one. I talked about it for hours after the movie was over. It was really cute, okay?
"So it's settled. We'll all meet at the movie theater at 6," Riley says and we all nod before finishing our lunches.
"I used my best handwriting," he says handing me his notebook after we sit on the subway after school. I was going home to change before heading to Riley's before the movie and he was going home.
"Thanks Ranger Rick," I say as I open the notebook and put it close to my face. I start skimming the pages for the paper topic. Ever since I've started dating Lucas, I've been trying harder at school. Look what he does to me.
"You could get glasses you know?" he suggests as I finally land on it. 'Do conflicts effect the way we live?'
"Don't have the money, don't have the time. You know that Lucas," I say reading over the rest of the notes from the rest of the classes.
"I know, but you can't take any notes and so I write double the amount so you can catch up. My hand hurts."
"Aw, I'm sorry Hop-a-long. How can I help your hurt hand?" I ask like I'm talking to a baby or a puppy.
He sits there staring into space as though he's trying to think really hard. "You could hold it," he says finally giving me puppy dog eyes.
"If that's all I have to do for you helping me, then clearly I'll do that. I'd do that anyways," I say. Wait a second. I am offering to hold his hand because I like him. Who saw this coming?
"Thanks, short stack," he says. I nod and continue reading, Lucas getting his phone out and playing with it until we get to my stop. He could get off at the next stop, but he walks me home. Plus, my house is on the way to his.


Lucas showed me the text and I groaned and then laughed. This was Riley's favorite thing. She loved going to the movies in her pajamas. "Why the pajamas?" Lucas asked as we walked up the stairs to my second floor apartment.
"Why not the pajamas?" I asked putting the key in.
"Good point," he says coming in behind me. We go into the kitchen and drop our bags. There was a plate of cookies on the table and a note from my mom. 'For you, Riley, and anyone else tonight' it said. "I love your mom," Lucas says grabbing one. "Ugh, still warm," he exclaims making a satisfied noise.
"She's pretty awesome, that's for sure. Now go turn on the TV or something," I say pushing him to the couch. "I have to change."
"Alright fine. I'll just sit here alone in my girlfriend's house eating her food. Yeah, that sounds fun," he sarcastically snaps. We don't get a lot of time together alone where we could actually act like a couple, and he hates when we aren't together for it all.
"I know you're not happy, but hey, at least you get to stay for this long."
"Fine, that is true I guess," he says turning on the TV to ESPN. "Plus there's baseball on," he says turning up the volume. I laugh at him and go back into my bedroom. I quickly change into my blue cheetah print pajama pants and red heart t-shirt. I leave the matching cheetah print jacket because it was warm outside and I didn't really want to look like a total dork.
I walk back out and put my combat boots on over my fuzzy socks. "Ready to go, Ranger Rick?"
"No, not yet Maya he's about to end the game." I love Lucas, but I think I need to stage an intervention. Baseball is like his crack. But hey, better than actual crack I guess.
"No he's not Lucas, and you know it." Lucas looks at me.
"I thought you didn't know anything about baseball," he said.
"I spend all my free time with you, how could I not?" I returned.
"That makes me happy," he says turning off the TV. I smile and grab his hand. We walk out and he walks one way and me the other. Gotta get to Riley somehow I guess.
We're all outside of the movie theater at 6 o'clock sharp. Riley buys our tickets and we walk in. The movie starts and we all get comfortable. Riley and I found out where the exact middle of this theater was a while ago. It's our proudest moment. I'm next to Riley who's next to Farkle who's next to Lucas. So close yet so far away. The movie is only 15 minutes in and I start to get a massive headache. I squint smaller so I can see and lean forward a little bit. It cannot be this hard to see a movie. I lean over and tell Riley I'm going to the bathroom and walk out of the theater. I call my mom and tell her what's up. "It's horrible momma. I think I have your vision."
"That's definitely possible," she says thinking. "I'll set up an appointment to go to Dr. Jane's tomorrow. She's the best eye care specialist I know."
"Okay, that sounds good," I say. We say our goodbyes and hang up. Once I hang up I see I have a missed message. Lucas.

Lucas: 'where did you go short stack?'
Maya: 'I went to get an eye doctor appointment, this is torture'
Lucas: 'good'

I walk back into the movie and all three of them look at me and smile. I sit back down and close my eyes for the rest of the movie, just listening. That's basically what I was doing before.
*the next day*
I have fifteen missed messages from Riley and Farkle combined. Only one from Lucas.

Lucas: 'good luck'

I'm currently sitting in the waiting room of Dr. Jane's office with my mom. "How long is this going to take?" I ask bringing the magazine closer to my eyes.
"I don't know sweetie, probably a while. But you'll be there for lunch. Promise." I smile and nod. Then a nurse calls me back. My mom follows me and they bring me to a wall where there is a line of pictures and a line on the floor a bit back from it.
"If you could just tell me what you see here," the nurse says pointing to the top letter.
"E," I say back.
"Good job, now this."
"F, P, T, O, Z, and," I say each letter as she points to it. "Um, I don't know what's next. I can't read it."
"Walk up until you can. Just until the line," she says as she records something on a piece of paper.
"L, P, E, D," walk up a bit more. "P, E, C, F, D," a little bit more. "E, D, F, C, Z, P," I say right in front of the poster.
"Okay thank you Miss Hart. You may go into that room right there, and Dr. Jane will be in to do a few more tests.
"Thank you," I say walking in.
A few more tests later and Dr. Jane gives me the news that I need glasses. "No," I say. Not at all. I have a reputation to uphold.
"I really think it's the best option. Contacts are more expensive and we usually don't give them to beginners," Dr. Jane says looking at me and my mother.
"But- okay fine," I say. I'm really tired of these headaches and not being able to see.
"Lovely," she says. The nurse comes in and takes all of us to yet another room. How big was this office? This room had floor to celling walls of glasses. Dr. Jane takes us to a certain section. "This is your prescription number," she says sweetly. Take your time. Anna here will help you when you are ready. It was nice meeting you," she says giving me and my mom a hug and then leaving to go help someone else.
"Pick some good ones baby girl," my mom says rubbing my shoulders. I try on glasses for a half hour before deciding on some simple black frames with a white stripe on the inside of the sides. They're perfect.
"I want these," I say turning to my mom.
"Okay baby," she says paying for them and the purple case I also picked out. After a quick tutorial on how to clean them by Anna, I was ready to go. My mom took me to the school and I got out my new glasses, putting them on and putting the case in my backpack. I was just on time to make it to the end of Matthews' class. "I really do like them," my mom says over the center console.
"Thanks momma. I'll see you later tonight," I say giving her a hug. "I love you."
"Love you too baby. Have a good day!"
I walk into the school and into Matthews' class, my head down and hair covering my face. I take my seat in the front and hand him my slip. "Fancy meeting you here," he says. "Nice to see you Miss Hart."
"You too," I say busying myself with my notes. The bell rings and I get up to walk out, Riley, Farkle, and Lucas close behind.
I get my lunch out of my locker as Riley asks me where I was. In response I turn around and lift my head. "I was getting these," I say. "Can I just say I like looking at you guys a lot more without the blurry vision."
"Wow Maya, I love them!" Riley says.
"Me too Maya! Very nice," Farkle adds.
"You look really good. They suit you," Lucas comments as he smiles at me. I smile back and turn to Riley.
"I'm glad you like them," I say. "Because they're here to stay." Everyone laughs and we turn to get lunch, me and Lucas falling in step behind Riley and Farkle.
"I really do like them," Lucas whispers to me. "I think you look really nice."
I blush and look up at him. "Thank you," I whisper back.
"Makes me love you even more. I didn't know that was even possible." Yeah, I love these glasses.

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