Stealing Food

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(A/N: Idea from @jasminevargase8 . Thank you for the great idea, I hope you like it! Any more ideas or requests, just comment. It might take me a while, but I promise I will do them.)
    The four of us were sitting at Riley's kitchen table one day after school. Topanga had made us blueberry muffins, my absolute favorite, and I was munching on it while working on my math homework that Riley was helping me with. Lucas' arm was around the back of my chair, and he was talking with Farkle about their chemistry project. "So, you take this number and divide it by negative three, you see?"
    I nod. "I think so, but what-" I was distracted mid sentence by a hand moving and taking a pinch off of my muffin. "What was that?" I ask Lucas turning around and narrowing my eyes at him. Riley and Farkle freeze in their spot. We've been dating for a year now, surly Lucas knows not to take my food, right?
    "That was me, taking some of your muffin, muffin," he says smirking, stressing the nickname.
    "Oohhhoooohhh," I say as my eyes go wide and I put my hand up like I used to when I didn't think I'd be able to break him. Oh he knew, he knew it bothered me. He found that out first date into this relationship. He just does it to annoy me now. "Well Huckleberry, I hate to inform you that you just ate my muffin, and for that I can not let you go," I tell him getting in real close.
    He just whispers in response, "what are you going to do about it?" Then in a motion that is so quick I almost think I imagine it, his hand snatches another piece. The last piece.
    "Oohhhoooohhh," I say again. "You aren't going to see it coming, but trust me, it's coming."
    "Well I certainly can't wait, ma'am," he replies taking his arm off of my chair and tipping his imaginary hat to me.
    "Maya, let's go you've only got two problems left," Riley says snapping us right out of our little trance.
    "Fine," I huff out, rolling my eyes at Lucas and Farkle who both giggle.
    Lucas and I are walking out onto the street below Riley's place about an hour later. I shiver and Lucas looks down at me. "Cold Short Stack?"
    "It's the middle of November, I don't have a jacket, and I just spent the past hour without any connection to you, the person who's always warm.'
    Lucas laughs. "I'll take that as a yes," he says sliding his jacket off of himself and onto my shoulders.
    "Oh my gosh, that feels nice. Thanks Ranger Rick!" He just laughs again and grabs my hand. We aren't a touchy couple in front of our friends, I don't like PDA. But when we're alone, I make sure that we're always connected. I can't help but smile. "Are you still going to Riley's friends-giving on Wednesday after school?"
    "Of course I am, wouldn't miss it," he says as we walk into the subway station.
    "Thank you Mrs. Matthews, that was delicious," Lucas says grabbing my plate and his and putting it in the sink to be washed.
    "Of course Lucas, thanks for coming! I knew it meant a lot to both of the girls."
    "Always," he says.
    "I'll bring dessert out in a little while, you guys just enjoy your movie," she says to the rest of us. Lucas comes and sits down next to me and squeezes me into a bear hug.
    "Ugh, don't do that Lucas. I might explode," I say patting my overly full stomach. He laughs and releases me. Riley puts in some Charlie Brown movie and I get comfortable, that is until Topanga comes out with a pumpkin pie.
    "Dessert anyone?"
    "Oh my gosh, yes!" Lucas exclaims.
    "Pumpkin pie your favorite?" Farkle asks him.
    "Always has been, always will be," my boyfriend responds. Then I get an idea. We're all served a piece and start eating. I finish mine quickly, watching as Lucas savors every last bite. Then, as I see one more forkful left on his plate, I call his name.
    "Lucas," I say. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised. I lean in and give him a quick kiss, stabbing the last piece of his pie with my fork in his confusion.
    "You did not," he says looking at me.
    "Remember last Thursday?" I ask him sweetly and innocently.
    "You're lucky I love you Maya," he says rolling his eyes and putting his arm around me.
    "I know I am," I whisper in his ear as Riley fangirls with Farkle over one of the only times we actually show evidence that we're a couple. He smiles and grabs my hand under the table, where we sit and talk with our friends for the rest of the afternoon.
    I'm so happy to have these friends and this boyfriend. Even if he steals my food from time to time.

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