New Year's Eve

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    "Riles, if you don't hurry, we're going to be late!" I call.
    "I'm coming, hold your horses!" she calls back. She walks out of her room wearing a dress similar to mine in color but polar opposite in style. Riley has on a navy blue, sequin, short, comes-to-the-bottom-of-the-butt dress on with a plunging neckline. I'll tell you one thing. She is going to be cold. I on the other hand had on a lace navy blue dress that came to below my knees and met where my cowgirl boots came up.
    "It's the senior party, we don't want to be the last ones there, then everyone will notice us," I say pulling on her hand out the door. Who am I kidding? We'll stick out anyway. Riley always gets noticed.
    "Calm down peaches," she says. Cory and Topanga have already left and we are meeting the boys at Missy's place. I was currently freaking out. But this calmed me. Riley's style may have changed over the years, but she has't. "I'm sure you're going to be fine."
    "Thanks, Riles," I say as we walk the rest of the way to the subway in silence.
    "Maya, what do you think is going to happen tonight?"
    "Honestly Riley, I don't know. I don't think much of anything. It's just Missy's annual New Year's Eve party. The most that happens is one of us gets sick."
    "But this year is the senior party," she says stressing the word senior.
    "So what? It's still just you, me, Farkle, Lucas, and Zay hanging out. Nothing's going to change this year," I promise her as we switch the conversation.
    "Hey boys," Riley says as she walks up to two of the boys sitting on a blue couch.
    "Hey Riley," Zay says.
    "Hey Maya," Farkle tells me.
    "Where is Lucas?" she asks.
    "Someone talking about me?" Speaking of the cowboy. "Hey girls. Riley, Maya, fabulous as always."
    "Thanks Lucas," she says. "Who wants to go dancing?" she asks. That's literally all she wants to do.
    "Let's all go," I say grabbing Farkle and Lucas' hands.
    We danced for hours. But we all decided to take a break. Lucas brought us all something to drink and we sat around and talked for a while. Even Smackle was there. But, Riley was tired of sitting and about a half hour later she wanted to go dance again. I wasn't feeling it though so I hang back.
    "What's wrong Maya?" Lucas asks me when he sees me not get up.
    "I don't feel good," I say.
    He wraps his arms around my shoulders. "Then let's get you home," he says.
    "It's okay, we only have a half an hour left," I say. "I'll make it."
    "No, it's fine. Let's go," he says wrapping his coat and arm around me and leading me to the room Farkle, Zay, and Riley were in. "I'm taking Maya home," he says.
    Everyone starts getting their stuff. "Guys, stay, have fun," I try to convince them.
    "No, we're coming too," Zay insists. I nod and smile at him.
    It's New Years Eve and my friends and I are all on a subway together. Lucas says that if this train doesn't make any stops, we can all get to my house with three minutes to spare. But something feels weird. And it isn't just my stomach. Two minutes to my stop, I realize what it is.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, there is snow on the tracks, and unfortunately we can't go further for a while. Please remain inside the car. Thank you," the announcer says.
    "Ugh, seriously?" Zay says twirling on one of the poles. "I have to go to the bathroom!"
    "Sorry guys," I say.
    "It's okay Maya," Lucas says sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around me again. "Do you feel okay at least?"
    I nod. "A little better."
    "Good," he says.
    We all sit in silence for a while until Farkle looks at us. "Guys, ten seconds."
    The whole train starts counting down. I smile when we get to zero and my friends start kissing along with the other strangers.
    I turn to hug Lucas since neither of us have dates, but instead I'm greeted with his lips on mine.
    The whoops and hollers from my friends and the strangers gathered around me are loud, but I don't hear any of it. This was too familiar. What I didn't know was that exactly 20 years before this, Cory kissed Topanga in the middle of the very subway car Lucas and I were sitting in. I would realize eventually, probably the next morning while I relayed this story to Topanga and Riley and my mom over tea, but at the moment I don't care. I had all I wanted in my arms, and though I can't read his mind, it was in the way that he kissed me that I knew he was thinking the same way.
    "I've dreamed of this day for five years. Happy New Years, Maya Hart," Lucas says as I lean back up to kiss him again. Yes indeed. Happy New Years to both of us.

(A/N: happy thanksgiving to all who participated this year! Hope it was great! Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've hit a bit of a writers block. If you have any ideas, comment and we'll see what we can do! :) thanks guys and have a great weekend! Thank you for all the votes and reads as well!)

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