Jealous Lucas 2

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    I stayed at Maya's on Friday. She ended up at my place on Saturday. Riley took her on Sunday. We're still just friends, but I wanted to protect her. "Maya can we talk?" Zay walks up to our group Monday morning and Farkle and Riley instinctively step forward and I push Maya behind me, stepping closest to Zay.
    "I don't think this is the time or place, Zay," I say. "You know she doesn't want anything to do with you. We don't either. Just leave." He looks reluctant but leaves.
    "Thank you guys," Maya says looking me in the eyes. I just shoot her a sympathetic smile.
    Maya and Riley are laughing at something Farkle said and I look over to her mom. 'Thank you,' she mouths to me. I imaginarily tip my hat to her. Maya's better now. She's not as upset. I hate that Zay did this, but at least I got a best friend out of it.
    "The movies Hop-a-long?" she asks me and I snap out of my trance.
    "Absolutely," I say. We all get up and I grab Maya's hand. We're still not dating, but we prefer to be a lot closer to each other now. "So what are we seeing?" I ask the group.
    "Um, whatever's there?" Riley ask answers. I laugh and swing Maya's and I's arms.
    "Sounds good," I say.
    We walk up to the movies and see something no one came here to see. Lacey was still here and she was holding hands with Zay. "You guys go get snacks, we'll go sit down," I say trying to pull Maya with me.
    "Okay," Maya says turning around seeing Zay and Lacey. "Oh."
    "I'm really sorry Maya. I tried to avoid it," I say. She begins to say something when Zay runs over.
    "Maya please, it's been two weeks, can we talk this out?" he asks. I step forward.
    "I don't think-" I begin but Maya cuts me off.
    "Fine, let's get this over with," she says. I look at her concerned and confused and she just smiles. "I'll be alright cowboy," she says giving my hand a quick squeeze.
    "So what happened?" I ask Maya.
    "He just wanted to tell me he still loved me, that Lacey was a mistake and he was going to break up with her before I left, and that he felt horrible for making me feel bad." I don't say anything. "I told him to leave me and my friends alone. I don't want any part of that. Plus, I was already taken," she said intertwining our fingers again.
    "By who?" I asked surprised. I hadn't heard about this.
    "By the only guy who's able to be a cowboy, scholar athlete, and ex-boyfriend of my best friend, but still manages to have all the love in my heart. The only guy who has promised to take care of me, whether or not he knew I was awake and still listening." I look at her. My face melts when I see how vulnerable she is making herself for me.
    "I really like you Maya," I say.
    "I really like you too Lucas."

(A/N: Super cheesy, super short. Hope you guys liked the conclusion. But even though Lucaya is my main ship, I am lowkey favorite Zay and Maya. Do they have a name? Anyway, I'm hitting a bit of a writer's block. Any suggestions or requests? Thanks for reading lovelies! Have a fabulous weekend! XXOO)

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