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Every single year this happens. If it happens again for the third time in a row, I won't be surprised. "So Huckleberry, what do you think you got this year?" I ask as we wait for Riley and Farkle.
"I hope not 'most likely to ride a horse to school' like last year. That was just plain embarrassing."
"Eh, I think it suits you," I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Well I think you'll get 'most artistic' again this year," he says complimenting me.
"Aw thanks Lucas," I say blushing. "I hope you're right."
"Yearbooks!" Riley yells turning the corner with Farkle holding a box between the two of them. Farkle gives Lucas two, one for him and one for him to pass to me.
"Thanks Ranger Rick," I say.
"Of course, Penelope," he responds tipping his hat.
"Alright what did we get this year?" Farkle asks turning to the voting page. "Best dressed goes to... Lucas."
"Alright Hopalong, not 'most likely to ride a horse to school' this year,'" I say laughing.
"Eh, that's pretty decent," he agrees.
"Most likely to set fire to something in a lab... Riley," I say.
"That is true," she says without hesitation. "I am the worst lab partner.
"Most likely valedictorian... Farkle," Riley says.
"Over 300 'A's so far in high school," Farkle says laughing at himself.
"Most artistic goes to Maya," Lucas says smiling at me. "Of course." I blush again and smile.
"I like getting that award," I say. "That feels good."
"Did the people vote again? Are they doomed to lies and rumors of it actually being true this year forever?" Farkle asks putting on his 'announcer voice'. "Drum roll please." We all begin patting our legs and whatever's around us.
"Best couple goes to Lucas and Maya!" Riley says after we get to the fastest, most
dramatic drumming part. "This is the third year. You'd think they would've taken the hint that it's never going to happen."
"Well yes, they probably would've," Lucas says walking over to me.
"Except their wishful thinking payed off," I say in an almost whisper intertwining our fingers and holding up our connected hands.
"Oh my gosh you guys!" Riley says catching on a beat before Farkle. "This is how you tell us?"
"How long has this been going on?" Farkle asks us both.
"Two months," Lucas says smiling down at me.
"Two months and 16 days," I correct him smiling up at him.
"I'm so beyond happy for you guys this is amazing! I knew it, I knew it, I knew IT!" Riley exclaims jumping up and down with Farkle in circles.
"Well I'm glad they're happy for us," I say and Lucas giggles pulling my into a bear hug that wraps around my whole body and makes me feel warm inside.
"I'm happy for us too," he says and I smile into his chest.
"GOALS!" Riley screams.
"This is the award I like getting the most," I tell Lucas. He just smiles and hugs me tighter. "It makes me feel really good inside."

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