Borrowing and Sharing

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 Maya and Lucas had been picked for lab partners second semester junior year, and they quickly found just how well they worked together. Soon enough, they were spending every spare moment together that they could. And at their lab table in the spring, Lucas had asked Maya out for their very first official date. They really liked each other, they really did. But after a whole speech from Riley about how everything was changing, Maya was walking into school a little later than usual and a little more hesitant. Hey Maya, where are you this morning? Maya read the text from Lucas as she walked the opposite direction from her group of friends and to Matthews' room. Had to do something this morning. I'll see you in Matthews' class she quickly typed back before entering the history classroom. "Well good morning Maya," Mr. Matthews said turning around from the chalkboard and greeting her. "Sure is interesting to see you here this early in the morning. We still have twenty minutes before class starts," he adds. "I know sir, I just needed some alone time," she says, pulling out her sketch book. "I understand that," he says, turning back to getting his room ready, leaving her to her alone time. At first bell, Lucas came into the room, surprised when he saw his girlfriend already sitting at her front-row desk. "What are you doing here so early?" he asks, but Maya's answer is quickly cut off by Riley walking in and beginning some story about how Parker still hadn't asked her out. She just looks at Lucas apologetically before turning her attention to the brunette who hadn't stopped talking since she walked in the room. Lucas just sat down confused, but figured he could talk to her next period when they were doing their lab.

While they couldn't walk together to class - Lucas wondered how Riley could pick up mid-sentence with Maya about the whole guy situation as quickly as she did - he did finally get to be with Maya alone. After getting the instructions for the lab, the pair got everything they needed and then went to grab their notebooks and pens. Maya sighs when she realizes she doesn't have any pens her teacher would deem appropriate for her lab notebook. Just another little annoying thing to add to her day. "Lucas," she says, turning and acknowledging her boyfriend's existence for the first time that day. "What's up?" he asks her as he begins to measure the chemicals. "I'm so sorry, but can I borrow a pen," she asks. "That's it?" Lucas looks at his lab partner in surprise. "Of course. You can borrow anything you want from me, that's the perk of having me for a boyfriend," he says winking at her, and handing her his pen before pulling another one out of his bag for him to use. Maya smiles at him sadly before going to measure the water they needed. "What's wrong Maya? Something's off with you today," he says turning around to get her attention. Maya relents, realizing that he would probably fix her problem instead of making it worse like she was. "Riley's in my head. She just went on last night about how everything is different between the two of us, between the six of us now." "Hey hey hey," he says, putting down the beaker. "You know that's not true. I mean sure, some things have changed. For example I get to hug you and kiss you and hold your hand now, without you punching me." Maya laughs at that one. "But nothing is really changing. Nothing changed when Zay and Smackle started dating. And you've been borrowing pens from me for years. Don't you think that us dating is going to change anything. It's only going to make things better," he says smiling at her. "Thanks Lucas, you're the best," she tells him, going back to measuring their water.


The week before senior year started, Maya and Lucas had gone out to Shawn's cabin with Farkle and Riley. It was just the four of them for a weekend, to remember that they would always be there for each other, even as senior year came around. And if it meant Lucas and Maya got to make out with each other without the fear of one parent or another walking in on them, then so be it. It had been the best weekend, and they were sad to have to leave, but Lucas had to be home early for football conditioning and Maya had to prep her portfolio for her college applications anyway. The two were about an hour from Maya's apartment when they decided to stop for dinner. Farkle and Riley had made sandwiches to take on the road, apologizing to their blonde friends for not being able to stop with them, but they both had a before school STEM committee meeting to make. (The two had made a special committee to improve their school's class makeup and extracurriculars, and they were both extremely excited to get to work).

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