Shut Up and Kiss Me

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On Maya's eighteenth birthday, Lucas woke up excited to his phone's text tone. Good morning Lucas. Maya's party is at Farkle's at 7. Don't be late and don't forget you're in charge of picking up the cupcakes. They will be ready at Sugar's by 5. DON'T FORGET. He quickly sent back a quick message telling her that he would remember before getting ready for school and packing his bag for that night. Maya had chosen to have Riley, Riley's boyfriend Zach, Farkle, Farkle's girlfriend Jess, Zay, Zay's girlfriend Molly, and himself over to Farkle's house - more importantly his in-home theater - for a movie night to celebrate. He just had to pick up the cupcakes after his work shift. After saying goodbye to his mom, throwing his bag and Maya's present in the back seat, and then buckling himself into the driver's seat, he texted Maya. Happy birthday Maya, I'll be to you in 5.

Exactly five minutes later, Lucas pulled up in front of Maya's building and was greeted by her smiling face. She was wearing a denim skirt with an intricate embroidery pattern on the front, an orange lace up top, and was wearing her black leather jacket he had gotten her for Christmas. He smiled at her and leaned over to open the passenger's side door of his truck for her. "Happy birthday Maya," he says as she buckles up and he pulls out of his parking spot. He had told her that if she woke up an hour early, he would take her to breakfast for her birthday. Riley, Farkle, and Zach had Model UN before school, Jess and Zay had before-school dance, and Molly had before school lacrosse conditioning. So as usual, it was the two of them alone. Ever since their friends had coupled up the year before, Lucas and Maya had spent a lot of extra time together and had gotten way closer, but neither minded. They were happy for their friends, and they didn't mind being single. Lucas and Maya had a good morning together at breakfast, and Maya loved the paper airplane necklace that Lucas had gotten her. They parted ways at school, promising to see each other at lunch and then their stats class later, Lucas and Maya both walking to their respective biology and art classrooms with smiles on their faces.


After a long day at school, and an even longer shift at the preschool after care program he worked at, Lucas was finally done and on his way to Sugar's to pick up Maya's cupcake cake. His phone buzzed in the front seat as he was pulling out of the cupcake shop's parking deck. "Hey shortstack," he answered after seeing the caller ID. "Hey Lucas," he hears her say as he turns his truck through the U-turn. "Can you come pick me up at Topanga's? After this shift, I don't feel like taking the subway to Farkle's." "I'm already on my way," he says, turning onto the all too familiar route for Topanga's. "Thank you Lucas," she says hanging up the phone.


"We're here," Maya calls as she opens the door to Farkle's apartment, putting down both her and Lucas' bags. Lucas comes in and places the box holding the cupcakes down on the kitchen table as Jess, Farkle's girlfriend, comes down and tells the pair everyone is already in the back. Maya picks up their stuff again and Lucas grabs the cupcakes, following the sweet brunette dancer to the theater room that Farkle's dad had built two years prior. "Maya!" Riley screams, running up and hugging her best friend before pulling her over to the counter where she had gathered all of Maya's favorite snacks. Zach came up behind her and grabbed the cupcakes from Lucas, exchanging 'sup nods with him. Lucas looks around the room and takes it all in. Riley had decorated the apartment with Jess and Molly's help from top to bottom in Maya's favorite dusty pink color with light gold accents. The classic 18 number balloons were hung up at the end of the table of food, and there were blankets and pillows matching the theme on each big, two-person couch seat in the room. The lights were down and the beginning frame of Maya's favorite, 10 Things I Hate About You was on the giant movie screen. The rest of the movies were stacked up in a nice little pile on top of the DVD player, and the popcorn machine in the corner was popping fresh popcorn. He was interrupted in his scan of the room by Zay coming in from the front with five pizzas and laying them down on the table of food. "Hey man," he says hugging Lucas and leading him into the room. Lucas drops his phone and keys on the couch that Maya had claimed for them before joining the gang in grabbing some food.

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