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He was red. He was full of anger, love, and passion. He was the one to act without thinking, he was the one who regretted his decisions later. His eyes were full of fire, the blazing sunlight, the heat of lava; she couldn't help from melting in them. He started the war. He was all strength and power; very little of him was calm and collected. When she saw him, she knew he was dangerous. He was action. He was the swing of a baseball bat and the swing of a fist. He was energy. He was the first hand up and the first one out of class with a quick paced walk. He was bold. He was the one to take matters into his own hands. He was a leader. He not only wanted to lead others, he wanted to lead himself; only that was harder to accomplish. He was ambition and strong-will. He started things, never finished them. He believed what was right. He was competitive. He never lost a game, or a girl. He was romance, but only for her. He was full of anger, love, and passion. He was red.

She was blue. She was full of trust, loyalty, and independence. She loved her best friend; never left her side. She was secretive about her home life and didn't want people to know that she was weak enough to hope. She loved the fight, but she knew when to back down now. Her eyes were the crystal ocean, the picturesque sky, the raging lightning storm; he was incapable of keeping himself from drowning in them. She was confident in herself and her beliefs. She was a peace seeker. Sure, she had done some disrupting of her own, but she was behind that now. She was someone who wanted order. She picked up her best friend for school every morning at 7. She was a talker. She hated her ratty old cell phone. She was a teacher. She tried to help her friends understand life best she could. She was creativity. She took art more seriously than maybe any other thing on this planet other than her friends. She painted the way that the light moves, just so that she'd remember. She was smart. Not book smart, even though she could be if she tried. She was the friend in need, always helping someone else before herself. She was truthful. She gave it to you straight but still caring. She was full of trust, loyalty, and independence. She was blue.

They were purple. They were pride, peace, and mystery. They were the ones who worked together to fix things. They cherished their friends over everything else. They were extravagant in their words and gestures for each other. They were hard to decipher, almost like a case a detective would try to solve and never figure out. They were independence. They were together, yes, but stood independent all the same. They balanced each other. He was power and she was calm; they always knew they could figure it out together. They were creativity. She had the ideas and he had the ways to make them happen. They were complimentary. They mixed better than any other pairing. They were passion. Their love was fierce, strong, slow, and relaxed. They were best friends, they loved each other as only red and blue could. And when white and black told them they weren't to be together, they didn't listen; as only red and blue would. They were pride, peace, and mystery. They were beautiful together. They were purple.

(A/N: A little something different that I absolutely adored writing. If you like it, let me know and I might make some more like this. Also, any requests or ideas, please leave a comment! Have a lovely day darlings!)

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