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     In retrospect, she really shouldn't have tried out for the softball team in the first place. But she had had had to impress Drew, and Drew only wanted a girl who was creative and sporty. Now she was sitting on her couch with her crutches next to her. And Lucas was trying so hard to not roll his eyes. Riley was away for the weekend, and being the next best friend, he had to step in and care for her. Except Lucas was coming around to finding Maya could be a bit whiny when she was upset and hurt and tired. But he understood. Really, he did. When he broke his leg, his mom said he was the worst to put up with. So he tried his hardest to be there for Maya. But he couldn't deal with the fourth chick-flick of the weekend. So he complained and Maya realized she had put him through enough. That's when she realized that she was sitting on the couch, feet (both of them, even the dark purple cast with one silver signature on it; his) on his lap and his feet almost by her head. She almost, maybe too quickly, swung her feet down to land maybe too hard on the soft carpet of her living room.
    "It could be worse you know," Lucas tells her as he pulls her legs back up to where they previously were because you have to keep them propped up Maya and you said this was the most comfortable.
     "How could it be worse?" she asked him flipping her upper body over the side of the couch. She was so freaking bored and the only thing she wanted was to watch another chick-flick but Lucas said no.
    "You could be with Riley right now," he says rubbing his chin where she could see the slightest bit of stubble from where he might have skipped shaving that morning when he was informed he needed to pick up the blonde from the emergency room this morning.
    "I like Riley," she said crossing her arms.
    "But I'll do things for you and Riley'd make you do it yourself. Even I know I don't have to make you lunch and fluff your pillow and charge your phone. You're literally fine. I've broken my leg enough to know that."
    "Alright Huckleberry, then you suggest something fun to do," she said back with an extra dose of her typical sass.
    And that he did. They were about a half hour into a game of Monopoly and he had her in absolute stitches over something he didn't even remember saying. And she just looked so happy regardless of the fact that they were on her floor with her broken leg playing a game she wasn't even close to winning.
    About another hour passes and they are playing their third game of go fish and he doesn't think he's smiled this much in years and she's crying from laughter. And then he gets up after she won yet another game because it was four in the afternoon and he was hungry. So he made her mac and cheese and she told him the story of the time Riley and her went to the park together and the story of the time that Auggie threw up all over her and just about any other memory that came to mind. And they're both happy.
     And one would think that Maya would be content with that afternoon but no she just had to go to the store because Lucas promised to paint the toes she couldn't reach and she didn't have the color she wanted. So he drove her to Target and when she said she didn't want to bother with the stupid metal crutches she hated so much, he picked her up and carried her to the nail polish section piggy-back style and for the fourteenth time that day she was laughing so hard she had to wipe away the tears.
    "I'm sorry, but you are just the sweetest boyfriend I've ever seen, caring for her like that," an old lady tells them when she gets behind them in line, the single container of dark-red nail polish and a bag of kit kats the only things on the conveyor belt in front of them.
    "Oh thank you ma'am, but we're just friends," Lucas tells her while Maya hides her blush-ridden face in his neck and the lady gives them a knowing look. Lucas pays and grabs the bag before carrying the embarrassed Maya back out to the red truck.
     And this time when they get on the couch, they're full of mac and cheese and kit kats and Maya's toes are burgundy red and they're both just tired. So she leans on him and he wraps his arm around her because even if that lady was way off on their relationship status, she was right about one thing; this boy cared about the sleepy, partially broken blonde who was trying so hard not to fall asleep on him. And she knew she stared this day trying to impress Drew, but she honestly couldn't care less about him anymore. All she cared about was that it was Lucas there taking care of her. Not Farkle or Zay or Riley or anybody else. So she leaned up and kissed him quickly.
     "Why would you do that?" Lucas asks Maya and she just smiles at him.
     "Thanks for caring about me Huckleberry."
     "Of course Maya. I'll always care about you."
     "How could you possibly break your leg in the exact same place Maya? It's nearly impossible," Lucas asks five years later, running his hands through his hair. "And literally a week after we got back from our honeymoon. I married the clumsiest girl who's ever lived."
     "But you still care about me though," she says kissing his scrunched up nose.

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