"Are You Flirting With Me?"

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Hey guys, I know this is WAY beyond due. It's actually been a year since I've posted. Let me know what you all think! Also, if you haven't yet, you should check out the book I'm guest writing on. It's called Getting There and it's by shipperL. It's based off of my one shot Baseball. So that being said, I am stoked to be back writing again! As always, fav, comment, and follow, and don't forget to suggest any ideas you might have! Thanks for sticking with me! Love you guys lots!

 Maya Hart was still unsure of where she and Lucas stood. Yeah, they had their official-unofficial 'thing' the fall semester of the eighth grade, but they'd grown up. It was their senior year of high school for crying out loud. They were all set for school, each of them attending NYU on exceptional scholarships. They could all drive. They all had jobs and internships. They were taking APs on APs, and it wasn't like they hadn't had their fair share of relationships. But Maya Hart and Lucas Friar couldn't seem to come together in agreement of their relationship. Riley was dating Charlie, had been since junior year prom. Farkle was dating a girl named Jessica who had transferred to their school their sophomore year. Zay had dated a couple of cheerleaders, ultimately landing on his sophomore biology lab partner Elle. Lucas had stayed single, (which confused Maya to no end) but "talked" to almost any girl to give him the time of day, which is saying something, because every girl gave him the time.

And then you had Maya Hart herself. She was the queen of dating, and she knew it. She had flirted with Kyle, Brad, Ryan, Avery, Logan, a different Lucas from their class, Jordan, Liam, Noah, and William. Then there was Ben, the longest survivor and only actual boyfriend to come out of Maya's reign as the Dating Queen as far as she was concerned. James, Michael, Carter, and Mason were all invited out at some point too. Owen was everyone's favorite, but Maya had quickly switched up to his twin brother Cody, (much to Lucas' dismay, who hated them both). There was the short stint of dating the boys on the lacrosse team, including but not limited to Nick, Jason, Jack, Levi, and Nathan. Oh Maya Hart knew she dated a lot. But why not, right? If it payed for her dinner, she was into it. And their "dates" never went anything past flirting. In fact, Maya wouldn't call herself the queen of dating, but more so rather the queen of flirting.

But this last year had been different. She came back from summer break a different girl. She didn't date anyone, she wasn't really flirting, she wasn't even really "talking" to anyone. And neither was Lucas. Which was fine with her. (And with him too as long as she didn't pick up her old habits again). Riley thought it was because Maya and Lucas had spent the whole summer together, talking to no one but each other, and that they had rubbed off on each other, realizing they liked it that way. "That's ridiculous Riley. Ranger Rick and I are just friends." But Maya realized that maybe Riley's points were pretty valid. "Maya, you and Lucas like each other, why don't you just accept that and go live off happy ever after with your cowboy?" "No thank you Riley, I am happy enough right here thank you very much."


It was a random Tuesday morning when it happened. Lucas, Maya, Riley, and Farkle were out at Topanga's during their free period, enjoying their breakfast as they read over various notes for various tests the crew had. At least that's what Farkle and Riley were doing. Maya on the other hand was eating Lucas' eggs while he ate her bacon. And they were talking about their plans for Friday night. "No. I am not seeing another stupid superhero movie Lucas. Plus you talk through them and I end up falling asleep," Maya says, biting down on her latest bite of egg. "I thought you liked sleeping on my arm, Hart," Lucas responds sassily, smirking at Maya as he turns the pencil in his hand. "Very true. I have taken my very best naps on that arm." Maya stops to think for a second. "Fine, we'll just go out for dinner then," Lucas says, filling in Maya's silence. "Depends, where would you take me?" Maya asks. "We could go to Bookends. Or maybe Willow's?" He pauses and looks at her. "Oh, what about Chapter?" she suggests. "That place is pretty nice," Lucas says. "Yeah, but I just got a new dress that I'm dying to wear, and I'm sure you'd love it too," Maya says as a way of pleading for him to take her to the fancy New York steak house. "Maya Hart are you flirting with me?" Lucas asks. "Me?" Maya asks, feigning surprise. "Never," she says, covering up the blush on her cheeks. (Because she was flirting with him. She was and she was and she was. She was flirting with Lucas Huckleberry Friar). And she misses it in the midst of her inner dialogue, but the other two friends across the table from them look at each other and roll their eyes. "Fine, I'll take you to Chapter," Lucas laughs. "Yes," Maya says, fist pumping in the air before turning back to her textbook.

That afternoon, it was just Lucas and Maya. Lucas had the rare day off of baseball practice, and Maya had taken off from her job at Topanga's to spend it with him. They were on the rooftop garden of his apartment, just sitting together back-to-back. Some random playlist playing while Lucas read the book Riley had gotten him for his birthday and Maya sketched the flowers blooming right in front of her. "Have you ever thought about plants?" Maya asks offhandedly, continuing her sketch without even pausing for a beat. "I mean no? But what are you thinking about though?" Lucas asks her, turning his head around to look at her. "I'm just thinking about how pretty they are," she says putting her pencil down and turning all the way around to fully face him. "Like that flower came from a tiny seed. And that flower and that bush. It just all seems so beautiful." "There are other beautiful things in this world too I think," Lucas says, re-adjusting himself and Maya so that they were comfortably tangled up in each other. "What do you mean?" Maya asks curiously. Lucas knew that Maya loved talking about beautiful things. It would be weirder if their time together didn't end up discussing beauty in the world. "Well there's snow at midnight, sunsets on the pier," Lucas begins to list, Maya closing her eyes to better get a picture of what he's saying. "There's families going to the park together on a Sunday afternoon." Maya can't help it, she smiles. And Lucas smiles too. "Those are beautiful things," Maya says looking into Lucas' bright blue eyes. "I wasn't finished. There is the way the leaves turn colors in the fall. There's blonde hair sprawled out all over my desk as I try to finish my math homework." Maya's face changes from content to confused as she feels her heartbeat pick up speed. "There's this smile that ends me everytime I see it. And there are these eyes. These striking, beautiful blue eyes," he says, moving his hand up to brush her hair out of the way.

"Lucas Friar, are you flirting with me?" Maya repeats his question from earlier, melting into his warm hand on her cheek. "And if I am," he asks, coming in closer so that their breaths were mixing with each other's. "Then you should probably kiss me, just so I don't get confused as to where you stand," she says giggling as he closes the gap between the two of them.

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