Girl Meets Commonism

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(A/N: Hey guys! This is so exciting for me because this book just got 7K reads and I wanted to write a quick one shot to say thank you! I hope you all like this; it's based off of Girl Meets Commonism ((if you couldn't tell by the title)) and I really liked adding on to the story. Alright, again, thank y'all for everything and for reading and commenting and liking and being wonderful, beautiful people. All the love to you guys! As always, favorite and comment! All story ideas are welcome and appreciated! ❤️)

     To be put on the school honor board, you have to have 100% class votes for you. There was only one problem. I wasn't going to get 100%.
"You're too perfect. And what about the whole lying about your past stuff?" Farkle asks me as we walk out of class.
"That's true, you did hurt your pretty brunette something fierce," Zay says. "Speaking of."
"No, I do not want to co-own a bunny with you," Maya says to Riley as she opens her locker.
"What about you Riley?" I ask coming down a step to interrupt the girls. "Are you gonna try to make it onto the honor board?"
"I think so, but I don't know if I'll be voted for it."
"Oh shut up Riles, you're definitely going to get it. But, I don't know Lucas, I don't think you're fit out for all of this 'honor board' stuff," Maya tells me as she grabs her book from her locker.
"What? Why not?" I ask her.
"Well remember that little 'lying about your past thing' you went through?" She smirks at me and closes her locker. The little smirk where her eyes squint up and her shoulder touches her head and she looks so freaking cute.
"That's what I said," Farkle tells us.
"Told you. Let's just say you got on that bull, and while I might be talking to you, I won't be voting for you." Maya flicks her hair behind her shoulders and follows Riley to the cafeteria where I don't see her for another 20 minutes until we're all in homeroom, aka Matthews' class, and we're casting our votes for honor board.
"I told you no, I am not going to vote for him," Maya says as she folds up her paper and drops it in the bucket Matthews was passing around the class.
It was the next day when Mr. Matthews walks into the classroom and puts his briefcase on his desk. "Miss Matthews, Mr. Friar, Miss Carpenter, Miss Walker, Yogi, please come to the front of the room." I looked around the class once I stood at the front of it. "Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you your new Honor Board committee."
Shock overcomes my senses, but I manage to pull myself together and look at Maya. I can't speak for the rest of class, and when I approach her about it at the end of class she just waves me off with a simple, "I'm an artist, Huckleberry. I know when someone's passionate about something. Who am I to get in your way?"
"We present to the committee, case number 42," Mr. Matthews says. It's the first meeting of the committee, and it's too long. But I'm having fun.
"Zay, what now?" I ask rolling my eyes.
"I'm the Robbing Lunch," he says smiling at me. Same old Zay.
"Alright, let's get this over with."
Zay's trial is quick and soon Mr. Matthews is saying, "the last case for today, case number 43."
I'm expecting a bully or a student who yelled at their teacher, but instead I see a sight I'd never thought I'd see. Sure, Maya was a little rough, but Farkle? "Tell the court why you're here," Mr. Matthews instructs my friends.
"I cheated off of Farkle," Maya says once she makes it to the front.
It's been a long week. Maya and Farkle converted Riley, (an easy task), and turned her into one of them. They were slowly becoming the same person. And I hated it. "I want my friends back," I finally tell Mr. Matthews on Friday after building a wall. I see recognition cross Maya's face after she sees what she's done. A little lesson from Matthews, and I'm tearing down the wall. "There you are," I say opening up my arms for her to walk into, but she just shrugs her shoulder.
"Hey, you ready?" I ask Maya as I walk into the art room. I was walking her home this afternoon because Riley had cheer and Farkle has science club.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Bye Miss Kossal!" she says and grabs her bag.
"So, why did you vote for me? I thought you didn't want me to be on the board," I ask her after a bit of silence.
"You're a good guy Lucas. Why did you freak out when we all became one?"
"I like you exactly the way you are," I say adjusting her bag over my shoulder. She's lazy so I get to carry it. Joy.
"I'm nothing special," she says looking down at the cement.
"You're beyond special. The way you look at the world. The way you treat Riley and the Matthews. The way you stick up for anything and anyone and the fierceness you display in the way you live. It's special. You're not always okay but you put on a brave face and paint away the feelings. You're bold, and calm, and you're oh so independent. You're okay with being weak and make it your advantage. You are special Maya Penelope Hart. You're special to me."
"Well I didn't like being common; I promise you I won't ever go back again," She says unlocking her apartment door.
"Good. Because I don't like you as Riley, and I don't like you as Farkle. I like you as you. Maya Hart. My carefree, wild, rebel, short-stack of pancakes."
She smiles and closes the door behind her. "I'm not over exaggerating," I yell through the door. It cracks open and I see her little face through the slit.
"I know you're being honest. That's why I elected you to the Honor Board," she says smiling at me. I smile back.
I think 'oh yeah, and you're everything I want and more,' but I say, "alright I'll see you Monday then."
"Have fun basking in the sun of the Honor Board glory Sundance."
"Thanks for letting it shine, Penelope."

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