Zay's Ship

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Farkle's POV:
I'm sitting in Topanga's with Lucas and Zay when we hear the bell over the door ring. We look up and I see a guy that looks like he's about three years older than us with a black t-shirt and jeans; a black beanie pulled up over his hair. Josh. "What's up guys?"
"Nothing really," Lucas replies. "What's up with you, Josh?" he asks back.
"Just waiting for my dorm advisor," Josh says. "Hi, I don't think we've met," he continues turning to Zay.
"I'm Zay," he replies extending his hand to shake.
"Nice to meet you Zay," he says smiling and turning back to the group.
I notice Lucas on his phone texting someone and see a slight pink color rising up his cheeks. "Woah Lucas, easy on the blushing there," I say. "Who texted you?"
"Maya," Lucas says. No wonder he's blushing.
"Why'd she text you?" Josh asks looking a little hurt. No, actually scrap that. He looks jealous.
"We're doing a project for Matthews this week together and she wanted to know if we could meet at the library this afternoon," he says typing a quick response.
"Do you like her?" Josh asks.
"Yeah, I've liked her ever since she 'dated' me on the subway. I just haven't had the guts to say anything. Plus, she's into you," Lucas says off embarrassed. He's said this to me all too many times, except the 'you' is always Josh.
"Hold up," Zay says interrupting Lucas. "Do you like her?" he asks Josh stressing the 'you'.
"Yeah," he says offhandedly. Add me and that's three boys in love with Maya Hart.
"Wait a second," Zay says. "No. I respect you as a person and all, but Lucas and Maya were made for each other. Do you know how many times Lucas called me to talk about her? Countless. You can't just walk in here and sink my ship," he finishes, taking a sip of his milkshake.
"Zay, play it cool," I say laughing.
"May the best man win, Friar," Josh said mischievously, ignoring Zay and holding out his hand for Lucas to shake.
"I plan to," Lucas says looking him dead in the eyes. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to meet Maya at the library," he adds to us getting up and waving goodbye.
"I have to go too, my dorm advisor's here," Josh says getting out of his seat and giving us a 'sup' nod as a way to say bye.
"Joshaya and Lucaya have set sail and the ships are on a steady course to crash," I say looking at Zay.
"Not to me," he says. "I will only ship Lucaya. Forever."

(A/N: A fun little one shot. It's not something I usually write, but it was fun. Hope you like it!)

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