We're Just Friends

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(A/N: hey guys! Sorry this took so long to post. I hope y'all like it because it's one of my favorite things I've written in a while. Happy new year, hope it's great! Love, Maggie xoxoxo)
        It started in the seventh grade. The gang all came to my art show. I knew Riley invited my mom; I also knew she wouldn't come. That wasn't going to stop me though. I was proud of my work, and with some convincing from Riley, I was ready to go.
But as the clock kept ticking closer and closer to the opening, I was getting nervous. "Don't worry Maya, you'll do great," Riley reassured before she went to go check to see where my mom was. Her loss.
"We're all so proud of you," Farkle says.
"Thanks Farkle. And thank you Lucas for coming," I say looking towards the tanned cowboy. "It means a lot."
"Of course Maya, anything for you," he tells me smiling.
"Alright guys it's started!" Miss Kosal says opening the door. I rip the drape off of the painting and bit my lip nervously.
"Wow Maya, it's great!" Farkle starts. "Look at that woman, why can you only see half of-" and before he finish his question, Lucas' arm is around him holding him so he can't say anything else. Lucas looks at me sympathetically and leads Farkle somewhere else.
"He's so protective and supportive; you've got a great boyfriend," Miss Kosal says coming up to me.

"Oh no Miss Kosal, I think you're confused. We're just friends," I say quickly looking between her and Lucas on the other side of the room. At least, I think we are.


Then eighth grade came along. My precious art class was being threatened by the school board. And I was worried sick about losing one of the one things I truly love. Everyone could pick up on it, including Mr. Matthews, who made it a part of his lesson. "Sometimes, that's just the way it is."
"But I don't want that for Maya," Lucas interrupts. "I want Maya to be happy," he says looking at me with those big, blue eyes again.
"Don't worry Lucas, it's just an art class," I tell him.
"But it's something you're very good at," he insists.
"You've never said that before."
"I've said it."
"Yeah but never for real, looking at my face, I-"
"You're a good artist, Maya," he says interrupting me.
"Well, he's looking at you now," Zay says from behind Lucas. I just look at Lucas. And he looks at me too. "Now their just looking at each other not saying nothing. Are they saying anything? No. Well I wonder what they're thinking," he talks aloud to himself.
"Bay window, bay window in three hours," Riley says finally taking part of the conversation.
"O-o-okay," I stutter out. But not before taking one more glance towards Lucas.
"So today," Riley starts in the comfort of our bay window.
"Yeah," I say back.
"Today was something."
"Yeah," is still all I can say back.
"I was wondering something though," she says.
"What's going on with you and Lucas?"
"Yeah. Wait, what?" I ask, snapping back to reality.
"I'm jealous you know. You guys are a cute couple," she says sighing.

"Riley come on. You know us. You love us. We're just friends," I say. At least, I think we are.


Today was the first day of high school. Freshman year. I was ready for a new year, a new life. "So peaches, you ready for the first day of high school?" Riley asks excitedly opening the door. Lucas and Farkle were already here to walk to school together, but I was fashionably late. I had resurrected some of my old pieces with some of the new ones to make what I thought was the perfect first day of school outfit.
"No," I say laughing and dropping my bag on the floor.
"Well you look ready," Lucas says joking with me. We had gotten really close over the summer and I was happy with how we'd bonded.
"Thanks Lucas," I say sitting down to eat the breakfast Mrs. Matthews had made me. A couple of minutes later and I was ready to go. "Bye Matthews, thank you for breakfast!"
"Bye mom, bye dad!"
"Bye kids, have a great first day!"
"Are they dating?"
"Has he asked her out yet?"
"What about Maya and Lucas?"
"You saw them what?"
"They're dating. I know it." This and more was all I heard walking through the hallways that first week of school. I had street cred, Lucas was on the baseball team since seventh grade, and everyone knew us from John Quincy Middle. It was in study hall when I decided I couldn't take it anymore. The teacher had left for a minute and we were all just sitting there talking. I climbed onto the table.

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