Married Life

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(A/N: Hey guys! I have three stories lined up to hopefully share with y'all over the next three weeks. I know that GMW is off the air, but I definitely want to keep writing for you guys. This story is a combination of one storyline with lots of flashbacks (which are in italics). So if you look the flashbacks are dispersed within the actual story. It's something different I thought I'd try. Let me know what you think, if you want to read more like this, or what you want me to write in the comments! Comment, favorite, and follow! Love you guys to the moon and back!)


Maya wasn't even thinking when she took that extra shift at work. When that car crash happened and the injuries piled up she immediately called Lucas telling him she'd be home soon but that she was definitely going to be late. She was sorry, but this is what she loved.  

Maya knew it was risky changing majors last minute, but she realized that she didn't want to be an artist anymore. She wanted to help people, and she knew she could do that as a nurse. And she had seen plenty in her short lifetime that steeled her for this career. She walked into her first class of her freshman year of college and sighed when she saw a familiar face in the crowd. She set her book bag next to his and got out a notebook. "Hey M, want to compare schedules?" Maya nodded in response, as she had just gotten her new, final, official schedule that morning and hadn't had time to text the group. And there is was, all of the classes matching except for her intro to nursing and his education 101. They were gonna be spending a lot of time together. The pair smiled at each other before the professor walked in and started to take attendance.

Lucas smiled when she hung up the phone, wondering how he got so lucky with his wife. And really how he got so lucky with his life in general. He put the phone down next to the stove and started stirring the mac and cheese and chicken he was making. When it was done, he went and grabbed three bowls for him and his boys, making sure their sippy cups were full first.

Lucas didn't really think he heard Maya right when she said they were going to have a baby. They had been married for two years, and in that time had managed to find and hold steady jobs. They were solid. But they hadn't talked about having kids yet. So when Maya told him of their miracle baby, he was shocked, but elated. This was a little baby he hadn't even known he'd wanted. And now it wasn't going to be the two of them anymore. It was going to be three.

And then, about five months later when they went for an ultrasound, the doctor found something odd. She hadn't seen it the first couple of times, but sure enough, there were two of them in there. And this time Lucas was convinced he didn't hear right. But there it was on the screen. It wasn't going to be the two of them, it was going to be the four.

Hayden and Hunter were quite the rambunctious two year olds, and Lucas found bath time hard without Maya. But he managed to get them clean and dressed in their matching cowboy pajamas before their bedtime, and read them a book as they went to sleep.

Maya came in around 2 in the morning, much to her dismay. She put down her keys at the door and walked to find the boys tucked into their red race car beds that Lucas had put together for them.

"Babe, why don't you call Shawn and your dad. Maybe they can help with this kind of thing," Maya encouraged her stressed husband. Lucas had been working on the twin beds for hours while they were at the zoo with their grandmas, and Maya was laughing to herself while leaning on the doorframe of the room while Lucas frantically tried to piece together the red IKEA beds that he swore were impossible. "You said you wanted to make it a surprise for the boys and have them done before they got home for nap time," she said, hoping he would get the message. And he did about fifteen minutes later when Maya had to come in and massage his shoulders, the two older men trailing behind her with their tools. "Come on babe," let them help, she whispered in his ear. "They want to help." Lucas nodded and welcomed their dads. Maya giggled to herself, thinking he'd never learn. He did it with the cribs, the toddler beds, and he'll probably do it with their kid beds too.

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