The Gifted} Ch. 6

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*Edited 4-16-16*

Chapter 6: Holy cheese balls, he said what?
**Reece** Sorry don't hate me :)

"Reece, I'm giving you and your team two more months. If you can't get the girls to trust you or your team, than we're going to have to use force against them."

I rolled my eyes. "Why are they so damn important anyway? We have enough-" I was cut off, like always.

"Reece, they are the strongest Gifted I've seen in years. Yes, we have strong ones already, but what these two can do exceeds them all. They can forever change the gifted society and we need them." Council member number two said. I sighed and nodded knowing they couldn't see me and agreed before ending the call. I walked out of my room, and into the living room where everyone was talking.

Once I walked in all eyes turned to me. I sighed and plopped down next to Milo. "We have two months to get them to trust us and join the gifted school until they send forces." I said. I didn't want to do this, it seemed wrong. Everyone has a reason for leaving, for running.

"Reece, I know what you're thinking, and there's not much we can do. If the council has a reason for wanting them, then we have no choice." Ethan said. I put my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done this." Snow said with guilt showing in her eyes.

"We really had no choice. I'm just scared that if we get them to trust us and we ask them to join the gifted. They will hate us." Milo spoke for the first time since yesterday.

"He's right, but there's nothing we can do now." Sarah said.

"New topic, what's with Milo and Rae?" Ethan joked. We all smiled and looked at Milo who was blushing badly. I laughed along with Snow and Ethan.

"Hey. Why talk about me when Reece wouldn't leave Alice's side until she woke up!" He said pointing at me. I glared at him, which caused him to smirk.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Sarah asked looking at me. Ethan looked at her weirdly.


"Alice's side until she woke up!" Milo exclaimed pointing at Reece, Reece glared at Milo, which had Milo smirking. I laughed silently putting my arm around Snow.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Sarah snipped. Huh? Strange, I looked at her. I don't think anyone else but me saw how pissed she was.

Holy Cheese balls, she has a crush on him!

"I, I, Uh.." Reece stammered. I rolled my eyes at him and turned on the TV. I knew Reece had feelings for Ali, he just won't admit it. I understand that, I never admitted my feelings for Snow until two years ago. Even to myself.

~Two years ago, still Ethan's POV~

I walked through the hallway, with every girl trying to throw themselves at me. I rolled my eyes and continued down the hall. I'm not the player everyone thinks. I only had a few one night stands, but that was before I got to the school.  I saw Reece and Matthew leaning against the lockers. Sarah had her phone out and scrolling though it. Matthew is Sarah's boyfriend. She wasn't big on dating but she wasn't a prune. Or nun... I smiled a little imagining Sarah as a nun.

"I heard Snow got detention again." Matthew said. I walked into the group and greeted them with a head nod.

"What did she do now?" Reece asked turning the topic back on Snow. Snow was the badass chick of the school. She was always alone, and if you got in her way, she'd break something on your body. Snow was hot, even I have to admit that one. She had a bunch of tattoos, her hair was long and white. She was beautiful.

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