The Gifted} Ch. 24

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Chapter 24: Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away...

It's been a week since I learned everything. I haven't talked to Rae, Reece, Snow, Dex, or anyone. Every time they'd try to talk to me I'd walk away. Or in my case skip the class I have with them or move somewhere else. I noticed the major change in the five's group. Sarah had also left the group. She had joined in Ashley's little bitch group. I could see the bags under all their eyes. The five. Rae had stayed by them. Which hurt a lot. So I did what I had to do. I grabbed a bag of clothes and left.

I stay in a motel not far from the school. I rarely slept, I always felt like someone was watching me. I walked out of school, since last period was over. I walked to my car and leaned against it. I did this everyday after school. I had to make sure Rae went home with Milo or someone. I looked around stopping when I came across someone. He had on a black dress shirt and dress pants. He put his sleeve of his arm up to his mouth and talked into it. I looked around and saw a few more others like that, surrounding the area.

I heard Rae's laughter and snapped my head over to her. She was walking with the five. Reece looked around and spotted me across the way. He froze, making the others confused. They looked at him before following his line of sight. They all stared at me. I glanced at the men and saw they were looking at the five. I stiffened and dropped my backpack. I put my hair into a ponytail, already knowing who these men were. I ran over to Rae and grabbed her arm. She let out a yelp. I glared at Reece.

"Call off your men, now!" I demanded. He looked at me confused before looking around. Realization came across his face and he looked at me wide eye.

"I didn't call them in." He said. I glared at him harder. I was going to say something but another voice cut me off.

"Alison Benson?" I turned around and saw six other men standing there. A few students were still here, so they looked at us confused. My hand twitched, which was never a good thing. A few people know about the hand twitch, it's never good. Usually my rage takes over and I end up not remembering much.

"Why can't you people stay the hell away from me?" I growled. He smirked at me.

"Ali, dear you're an important piece of the council. You have a very special gift." He said licking his lips. I glared at him and my hand twitched again.

"I'm aware." I said, my voice deadly calm. 'Ali, you need to calm down, you're gonna get us killed if you don't!' Ethan stay the hell out of my head, or else.

"Well, in that case, it should make this a lot easier. You come with, or we have to kidnap you and hold you prisoner, and this time we won't lose. We have had our expertly trained with people like you, so they know how to handle a person like you." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him. A surge of power? ran though my body.

"No way in hell am I going with you." I growled, extremely pissed off. I heard Rae groan beside me.

"If you don't.." He paused before grinning like a sick perverted man. "We will kill someone very, very close to you." He smirked at my blank face. He waved his hand and two other people came up with three people with bags over their head. They stopped a few feet from us before dropping them on their knees. I noticed one was female and the other two male. I already knew who they were even before the bags were off.

The bags were ripped from their head. They blinked a few times before their eyes adjusted. I felt horror, fear and anger. Dex looked up at me with confusion. A clock of a gun pulled us out of our shock. I looked and saw the leader holding a gun to Amy's head.

"You don't come with us, I shoot your pretty little friend in the head, or maybe the stomach?" He asked. I paled at that. She was pregnant and a shot to the stomach could kill her and the child, or just the child. But the death of either would be on my hands. I let out a humorless laugh. Before glaring. I stepped closer to him and glared. I collected water in my hand shaping it into a dagger and freezing it.

"You know I heard they have special places in hell for people like you," I started. "But then again, they have places for me there too. So do me a favor. Tell Satan that I'll see him in hell." I didn't let him have a chance to reply at I threw the dagger into his chest. Everyone froze. Watching as the man clutched his chest with wide eyes before falling to the ground. Dead.


We were about 20 or so minutes into a fight. Bullets, fireballs, waterballs, vines, sunlight, and people in general were being thrown around. Amy, Dex and Dean were getting away from the fight so we didn't have to worry about hurting them. To our surprise there was no one else out here. Everyone had fled the school without asking questions. What was the biggest surprise though is that Sarah had come out of the front door of the school maybe five minutes ago and immediately joined the fight, no questions asked. She had even stopped me from getting hurt.

None of us, besides for the other side are dead. At least not yet. We were winning. We had at least 5 more people to take care of. I froze the water ball in my hand. I threw it up in the air, high before Milo blew it over to them. I unfroze the water shaping them into daggers before freezing them again, killing about 3.

I looked around, for the other two. They were no-where in sight. I spotted Amy, Dean and Dex hiding behind a car with someone sneaking up on them. I collected a bunch of water from the air and threw it to the person. Amy let out a startled yelp when the water flew over her head. I brought the water down on the person then making a fist, freezing the water.

"ALICE, BEHIND YOU!" I heard Rae scream. I turned around just in time for me to dodge the punch. I landed a right hook into his stomach before kicking the same spot, making him fall to the ground. Anger blinded me as I brought my hand out and clenched my fist. The guy started to breath for air. I felt sparks in my arms, and rough but soft hands on my wrist.

"Ali, he's passed out, stop." Reece's voice whispered. I felt all anger drain out of me and slowly dropped my hand. I was panting. I felt something trickle from my nose. I brought my hand up to my nose and pulled it back. Some blood coated my finger.

"Is that all of them?" I heard Amy ask. I wasn't paying attention to any of them. I just stood frozen. I let my anger get the best of me. I-I let myself lose control.

"ALICE MOVE!" I heard many people scream. I looked up, pulling out of the trance and saw a guy holding a gun at me. I stood frozen in my place. I watched as he put his finger to the trigger and pulled. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. I heard the bang, but never felt the bullet, only heard a thud. I opened my eyes and saw that someone was lying on the ground, and the guy with the gun was dead.

I looked down and felt everything drain out of me. I dropped to my knees and pulled his head into my lap.

"No, no, no . . . You weren't supposed to do that!" I yelled at him. He cracked a small smirk before coughing. I looked down and saw that he was shot in the stomach, near his lungs. I felt tears prick at me eyes. "CALL 9-1-1!" I screamed. Tears ran down my face as I looked down at him. I ran my fingers through his dark brown hair.


Part two will be up soon! I'm sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger.... But uhh... If it makes anything better its not dean... Or Milo... Okay, I don't think that makes anything better. Ummm. sissy I think we all know who it is....maybe...

As always ny dear readers, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed (even though one of the charaters are dying and I left you on a cliffhanger...) :P Yeah....I hate you....

~Vannah & Alex~

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