The Gifted} Ch. 26

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*Edited 4-12-16*

Chapter 26: Preparing for War.


After Alice had fell asleep I had snuck out of her room. I walked down the hallway to the living room where everyone was. I walked in and saw they were all sitting there, lost in their minds. I sat next to Ethan and sighed.

"You all know this means war, right?" Dylan asked, after a moment of silence. We all nodded. I knew they were going to come after us, I still didn't understand why they wanted us, well more so they wanted Ali.

"Can we not talk about the oncoming war, but about what the hell Alice did back at the parking lot?!" Sarah exclaimed. Even though for Alice, Rae and the other two blaming her for Dex's death we let her stay for safety reasons. Justin sighed along with Dylan. They knew what was going on, they knew why Alice has her gifts.

"She's a waterbender, but when she was five mom had given her power to her one and only daughter, Alice. Since Justin and I . . ." Dylan trailed off not being able to finish.

"Since Dylan and I had our gifts already and Alice didn't it was easier." Justin finished. "Mom was a viewer, a powerful one. Not only did she have viewing powers, she has telepathy. Like your boy Ethan." We all stared at Justin with disbelief, but he wasn't done. Oh no, he had more to say.

"You know little Iris, she's got the gift of a stinger, which could be a blessing, but if the council finds out how much pain she can create, or if she's just a stinger in general than we will have to go off the map completely." Justin said. We all sat there taking that in.I rubbed my face. This was a lot more then i've dealt with in my entire life, but its all worth it...

"Well, let's not focus on that right now. Right now we need to figure out what we are going to do about the council coming after us and where we are going to go after all of this is over while we finish packing." I told everyone. Right now we needed someone to keep their heads on and focus on getting the hell out of here.

Everyone agreed with me and finished packing what we were taking. We all agreed that not everything could come with us so we were only packing what we absolutely needed. I went upstairs to help Alice pack up what she needed from her room. I already had everything I needed because the academy didn't give us much and I already had everything with me. I walked into Alice's room and saw her sitting up on her bed drawing. She heard me walk in and looked up. She gave me a small smile before going back to drawing. I smiled at her, and walked over to her bed. I sat down next to her and looked at what she was doing.

"Thats a nice drawing, I didn't know you had many talents." I said. She shrugged and continued her drawing of a skull with day of the dead makeup. I smiled at the sight of her not crying. Sure her eyes were still a little puffy but she had changed out of the blood stained clothes and into a grey tank top with black short. Her blue hair was in a pony tail.

I watched her draw, as creepy as that sounds. Everytime she would mess something up or didn't like something she'd scrunch her nose, which honestly was adorable. You're turning into a woman. Alice's voice rang in my head. Startled by the sudden voice I jumped and fell off the bed. I groaned laying there. I heard Alice start laughing at me. I heard the door open before a few chuckles. Ones that I recognized as Ethan, Dylan, and Milo. I sat up and looked at Alice. A smirk finding its way onto my face.

She looked at me scared of what I was going to do. Before she had time to register what I was going to do, I lunged forward and tackled her to her bed. I startled her and started to tickle her sides. I heard the boys leave and shut the door, well that was before Ethan shouted out "USE A CONDOM!".

"R-REECE STOP!" Alice cried, struggling to get out of my grip. Her laughing continued as I attacked her with tickles. I stopped to let her breathe.

"Tell me I'm the most awesome and handsome guy you ever met!" I exclaimed getting ready to tickle her again. She blushed slightly. Not saying what I wanted her to say. I moved closed her her sides poking them slightly. She giggled and squirmed.

"OKAY! OKAY! YOU'RE THE MOST AWESOME AND HANDSOME GUY I EVER MET!" She shouted. I smirked down at her. I still didn't move my hands.

"Tell me you'll be my girlfriend." I said. She froze and looked at me with wide eyes. I smiled softly down at her.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." She said, in just above a whisper. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. She kissed back as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I continued to kiss her, not getting enough of her intoxicating taste.

"Reece" She whispered. I pulled back slightly, resting my forehead on hers. It was silent and it was nice. I wish it could be like this all the time, but sadly I knew it couldn't. I closed my eyes and kissed her nose. She giggled softly. I studied her. Suddenly Alice sneezed bringing me out of my thoughts and scaring me for the second time today, which resulted in the same way. Falling off the bed.

Alice burst out laughing again as I groaned, again.


Alice and I spent the next few hours watching movies with Iris. Alice needed a distraction and helping pack wasn't working because she would see something and it would remind her of him. After the third time that happened I pulled her aside to watch movies with me and Iris. Iris sat next to Alice with her tiny arms around Alice's waist. I sat with them on the other side of Alice with my arm over her shoulder.

We were watching Lelo and Stich since it was both mine and Alice's favorite movie. Suddenly Ethan walked into the room with Snow right on his trail. Snow looked pissed and Ethan looked guilty and annoyed. We turned to them as Sarah, Milo, Rae, Dylan and so on walked into the room with amused grins.

"Your an ass." Snow informed him. He shrugged plopping down on the sofa on the other side. The others joined us on the couch we were sitting on. Milo laid across me and Alice, while Rae sat on Justin's lap. Rae blushed slightly but continued to watch the others with amusement. Alice rose her eyebrow at Rae, who ignored her. She looked at MIlo before back to Rae, than Milo again. She shrugged and watched the lovers spat.

"And why is that sweetheart?" Ethan asked looking at his girlfriend with a eyebrow raised. Snow huffed and put her hands on her hips.

"One, you've been ignoring me since the parking lot, two you won't tell me shit anymore so that leaves me to believe you stopped loving me, three you acting like a five year old and it's getting annoying." You could hear the crack in her voice when she said that he didn't love her anymore. His face dropped when she finished her rant. He shook his head and stood up. He cupped her face and smiled softly at her.

"I'm sorry baby." He said. She pulled away from him with a frown. He sighed and put his hands in his sweater pocket. He got down on one knee before pulling out a box. We all let out a gasp. Including Snow.

"I know we're not done with highschool yet, and we've only been together for like two years but I love you more than anything, and today I realized that I couldn't live with myself if you died, I realized I didn't want to spend any time without you, so please, please say yes to being my wife." Ethan said. I tensed when he said "I couldn't live with myself if you died." But it didn't bug Alice. So I slowly relaxed. Snow had tears running down her face. Ethan had fear in his eyes, as if she was going to say no.

"Yes . . ." and this is where our new life began.

***THE END***

AYE, don't hate me. I promise this is not the end. There will another book but it won't be out until march. But hey, just think of this, book 2 will be better and longer than book 1. I don't have much to say besides I will see you guys soon <3

And don't be mad at me because I gave her a TON of ideas to finish this chapter and i gave her the ideas for another TWO books. So if you loved this one than you should be thanking me for a few reasons. lol js. anywhore love ya'll's

Thanks for reading!!!!!

~Vannah & Alex~

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