The Gifted} Ch. 11

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Edited 6-12-16

Chapter 11: You Learn Something New Everyday {2}


We headed out of the school and to my car. We rode in silence to the park. I kept sneaking glances at him and all he did was look out the window. I didn't remember much about him since I was so little but I know he was an ex-Marine with my dad. I don't know what happened to my parents just knowing that they were marines.

"You know you got someone tailing you right?" He asked. I looked in the rear view window and saw that a black ford with tinted windows have been following us for a while now. I rolled my eyes.

"They're probably heading the same place we are." I said turning onto the street for the park entrance. Scott rolled his eyes and mumbled about how stubborn I still was. I parked the car and watched at the black ford drive down the street before turning left onto the street with ice cream and small shops.

I put my keys in my sweater pocket and got out. Scott was already had gotten out and was leaning against the passenger door waiting for me. He detached himself and we started to walk over to the closest picnic table. It was under a tree and there was another a few feet from it. I sat down on one side and him on the other. From the corner of my eye I could see the black Ford park on the other side of the park and sit there.

"Look I know you don't remember me but we really need to talk about your . . . gifts." He said gifts slowly. A look of wonder went across his eyes as he looked at me.

"I'm water-abled." I said bluntly. He smiled a little and shook his head.

"So am I." He said. I looked at him closely, I had always judged people on their looks, Their stance, the way they walked, the way they talked or shifted on their feet. I've done it to the five but they seem - what's the word? - professional like they could hide themselves easily, that's why I haven't stopped talking to them. It's something Rae and I trained to do.

We started it in freshman year after eighth grade, because of eighth grade actually. We both had a friend named Ryan. He was the "popular" of middle school. Every girl wanted him, and every guy wanted to be friends with him. He was rich and nice - a rare combination. At the end of the year he and his buddies laughed at us and told us it was a joke. We should have seen it sooner.

"I want to know about my parents." I said. He looked down, his hand suddenly entrancing. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your dad was just a human. Your mom . . . she was a viewer." He mumbled the last part. "She was powerful and that's why the gifted council wanted her dead or brought in to be brainwashed and used to be a weapon. They didn't succeed in nether. When you were born the gifted found out and was outraged and scared. A viewer as powerful as your mom could pass her gift to you as a second gift. And that's what she did."

"When you turned four she passed her gift along to you, but she passed more than her viewing skills. Your part telepathic. Both of these will be triggered when something bad happens. When you turned five they were being hunted, your dad including. The only way your mom could protect both you and your father was for her to go in. And that's what she did. She left a note to you and your father. And one just for you. No one opened it, not even you opened it. You were so heart broken. Your father couldn't take the loss so he went back into the military as a pilot and has been there since."

"Your father put you on your mother's friends doorstep, he knew she ran a foster home and would gladly take you in. There's another reason he put you in there . . ." He was hesitant on saying the next thing and when he did I knew why. "My daughter was in the hands of Mel . . . and she was doing great so your father thought that you should be with someone who would become your best friend and partner in crime in the future."

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