The Gifted} Last Stand

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*Edited, 4-12-16*



We've been driving in a car for about four hours. Nothing has changed. Snow is still admiring her ring, Rae is blushing badly, and Reece keeps moving his hand further up my thigh. I've slapped his hand about ten times already or moved it. I've even tried to lace our fingers together but the ass just thinks it funny to watch me squirm and blush when he gets to a certain point on my thigh. I promise we aren't finger fucking in the car.

I don't want to know what you two do in the bedroom. Ethan's voice rang out in my head. I rolled my eyes. We do nothing fuck tard, he just thinks this is game. I said back. I heard him chuckle. I smiled a bit and shook my head. I turned to look at Reece. He had the same stress lines on his forehead, his once amazing blue eyes filled with brown were now just brown, bags were under his eyes and his hair was sticking out everywhere from him running his hands in his hair too many times.

I knew he was worried, he cared for us. All of us. We were his family and he was worried. I looked past all the stress and into his head. Plans kept running though his head before he dismissed them. I smiled a little at him. He glanced at me and smiled back. Even though it was worried and small, it still made me melt inside. I still couldn't believe I had this, him, as my boyfriend. The guy who would do anything for me. Made sure I was okay after Dex, was right by my side when I woke up screaming from a nightmare last night, and made sure that my life was in order. This was the man I loved. The sexy beast, Reece Kilos.

You're not so bad yourself. I heard Reece think. I looked at him confused before realization set in me. My eyes widened. Let me explain. A few days ago we learned that I could transmit my thoughts. Since I was closer to Reece and Rae, they heard my thoughts more often, but Reece heard most of them if I didn't have my block up. It was like Ethan, Snow and Reece. It was the same thing. Ethan could project his thoughts to Snow without realizing it. We can control that but since since i'm new at this I have to focus to control them.

I looked back out the windshield and counted the cars the past us. I spotted a black SUV that was driving a little fast to my liking. Suddenly it went of course and headed straight for the car my brothers, Milo, Amy and Dean were in. I sat up straight about to stop the car from ramming into my brothers car, but I was late. I watched in horror as they collide. I felt a jerk on the side of me before everything became upside down. That's when I realized, we had been hit too. I didn't scream or anything just let the car roll. What felt like forever, we finally stopped. I couldn't feel anything, besides pain in my stomach. I looked around and saw that Reece and struggling to get out of his seat. Ethan was helping Snow who was knocked unconscious, with a few cuts on her cheeks from the glass, and Rae was getting her and Iris out.

I heard a loud thump from beside me and saw turned to it. Reece had managed to get himself out. He looked over at me, his eyes widening.

"Alice!" He shouted before moving over to me. It became harder to breath, it felt like I was having a panic attack. He struggled to get my buckle undone before he just said fuck it and used his gift. When he was finally able to move be, a shot of pain shot through my stomach. I looked down and saw a shard of glass sticking out of my stomach. I felt myself become dizzy as Reece pulled me out of the car. When we were far enough away, something flew at it. When the car exploded, that's when I realized they bombed us.

"Ali!" I heard the voice of my brother. I couldn't move my head. I didn't want to. All the energy had just vanished. I felt pressure on my stomach which resulted pain, which resulted in me screaming out. It hurt like a bitch. I felt someone stroking my hair. I looked up at the eyes I've grown to love. Tears were threatening to spill over, some already traitorous ones rolling down his cheek. I gave him a small smile before it turned grice as I felt something pulling at my stomach.

"WAIT!" I heard Sara yell out. "We need to get her to somewhere safer. If you pull that glass shard out now, she could die of blood loss. We don't have anything to stitch her up with, so we need to find somewhere." Sarah said. I could hear the murmurs of agreement.

"Baby, I gotta pick you up." Reece said. I knew what was coming, so I nodded. He smiled at me smally before picking me up bridal style. I let out a cry when the glass moved. Than he started to move, which resulted in a few whimpers.

"Sweetheart stay awake. Talk to me." Reece said. We had been walking for five minutes now, and I had no clue where we were going.

"I love you Reece." I said, breathing becoming harder to get in my lungs.

"Don't say that, you're not dying." He said, his voice cracking. I smiled and reached up to touch his cheek. My palm rested on his stubble that he had. It was spicy, but it made him look ten times more attractive.

"Say it back, please." I whispered. If I was going to die, I wanted to die happy. Knowing full well that the guy I love, loves me back.

"I love you too." He said. "Now talk to me, please baby. Talk." His voice cracked again and I could feel the few tears that rolled off his face onto my cheek. Tears of my own mixed in with his. The pain was to much and I felt like my heart was shattering at the sound of his voice cracking.

"Don't do anything stupid if I die." I said. I felt his grip tighten on my body. I could feel the tremble in his chest, the sob he was holding back.

"LOOK, A BARN!" Irises voice called out. I had forgotten about the others who were standing next or in front of Reese and me.

"Hold on a little longer Alice, please." Justin's voice begged.

"I love you all." I said as blackness consumed me. And I'm sorry.


I'm just gonna leave this here........ I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS I SWEAR!!!

I'm not good at making these things, since one i've never had to make one and two, because I know you'll end up being pissed that I leave you off with a cliffhanger until book 2 comes out. :) YOUR WELCOME! Anywhore, Thank you for reading and I hope you're all okay... Cause' I know how it is with ending books, that are left on cliffhangers and you have to wait a while before book 2 comes out... And i'm so not okay. I am so sorry peoples I will try to get her to release the second book guarantees, she is a stubborn little biotch.

~Vannah & Alex~

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