The Gifted} Ch. 16

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*edited 4-16-16*

Chapter 16: I Admit It, I LOVE Her!

Sarah pulled me away from Alice. I looked back at Alice. She turned her head to look at me and she had the same confusion as I did. She looked at Sarah and scowled, but that didn't last long because she was spun and dipped. Sarah put her hand on my chin and made me look at her.

"What the hell was that?" I asked. She only grinned and put her arms around my neck.I put mine on her ribs, trying to pull away, but she only gripped my neck tighter.

"What? I wanted to dance with my best friend? He wanted to dance with his soon-to-be girlfriend. Is that a crime?" She asked innocently.

It is if she's a part of the plan to get them together. Ethan scoffed. I stifled a laugh, but the thought of those two getting together pissed me off. YOU LIKE HER REECE ADMIT IT ALREADY! Ethan yelled at me. Fuck off telepath! Sarah placed her head on my chest. I was a bit annoyed by her. I felt someone looking at me so I looked over at Alice. She gave me a small smile. I gave her a funny face. She stifled her laughter but made one back. I chuckled a bit and shook my head.

"Would you stop giving her mixed signals! She's just a mission, she's gonna hate you when this is over anyways!" Sarah snapped. She looked up at me with a glare. The hate part saddened me a bit, but the fact that Sarah is acting like this is pissing me off. I looked over at Alice and saw something that made my heart drop. Dex had his lips on Alice's, while I just stood; stiff as a board.

He was kissing MY GIRL! Wait, my girl? Yeah! My girl! I love her, and I may have met her a few months ago, but I love her! I shoved Sarah's hand back to herself and stormed out of there. I couldn't watch that. Ethan and Snow were outside just talking with Milo and Rae. Ethan  was the first to see me storm out.

"Yo, Reece what's wrong?" Ethan asked. I looked at him and just paused.

"Why are you always right?!" I snapped. He looked taken back but understood. Damn telepaths.

"Reece, I'm glad you admitted it but you should hear her thoughts." He said. Rae wasn't paying attention. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I needed to clear my head. I could hear all of them calling for me, but like always I walked away. Flashbacks started to come into my mind. The girl. The one I loved. Not Alice. But Rene.

"OH come on Reece!" Rene yelled out from the bathroom of her dorm. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. She was a year older than me but her parents were filthy rich so she had her own dorm.

"I'm good Rene. I don't want to go clubbing, beside I have a test coming up." I hollered back. I heard her groan before she came out of the bathroom and sat in my lap. She was beautiful. I honestly have no clue how I ended up with her. She had long black hair that was in curls, and bright green eyes.

"Please?" She whined, pouting her lip and giving me the puppy eyes, that I can't stand. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. She sighed and straddled me. I just now noticed she was wearing denim jeans, a white tank top with a white lace overtop.

"Babe!" She whined. I would have thought this was annoying in the future but at the moment it was adorable. I sighed and nodded. Giving in.

"Fine. Only for one hour than I need to get back." She let out a shout and jumped up running back into the bedroom. I smiled and shook my head, I was going to regret this.

And I did. After my hour of clubbing was over I went in search of Rene. I found her in the bathroom with three other guys. I was heart-broken. When I walked out of the doorway of the girls bathroom I stuffed my hands into my pockets. I looked down and looked up in time to see a girl walk into me. She stepped back quickly, as if I'm on fire. She looked up at me wide eyed, her golden eyes looking frantic. I recognized her from the bar. She walked in with a guy then sat there bored and getting asked to dance by many guys.

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