Chapter 12: Japan Is A Beautiful Place For Forgiveness Or Is It?

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They arrived at Japan. They all got their bags, but Amity and Blair tried to steal their bags but unfortunately they were too heavy. Lucky said "OH HELL NAW, YOU'RE NOT TAKING OUR BAGS!!! I'll kill ya first before you even do it." Amity replied "Sure, I'll give it to you, UH EW. You keep destroying my plan." Amity and Blair ran off. Jay said "Woah, gosh your one feisty girl." Ember and Harley said "Alright, alright guys we need to check in our hotel then we can explore. Do you guys wanna go with your partner or shall we go in a group?" Lucky replied "GROUP, GROUP DEFINITELY!I DON'T WANNA BE WITH "JAY"." Ember asked "Anyone else?" The rest of them responded "Partner so we can have some bonding with our partners,but we can meet up like whatever time you want." Harley said "Good idea, how 'bout 7pm we'll meet up at the hotel? Sound good?" They all replied (except for Lucky) "Sure good time." Lucky screamed "OH HELL NAW IM GOING WITH JAY!" Harley asked "Wanna be alone in Japan or be with Jay?" Lucky replied "Fine, I'll be with Jay. (*sighs*)" They all went to the hotel, Ember was surprised because he saw Amity and Blair checking in the exact opposite room. They all reacted "WHAT THE HELL?! They keep following us!" Amity just smiled while they entered the room. They entered the room as well. They packed up for where they are going and left the hotel. Jay and Lucky went to the Cherry Blossom tree, but Lucky was so annoyed about being with Jay Krystal and Roe decided to come. When they arrived the Cherry Blossom tree is blooming and was very pretty. Lucky was very thrilled and very excited for this moment. Lucky said "THIS IS AMAZING! Ahh...... This is beautiful." While Jay wrapped hi arms around her while she wasn't on "Earth". When Lucky woke up and got back to "Earth" she screamed "EWWWWW, WHY IS HE HUGGING ME?! OH HELL NAW YOU'RE NOT!" She said while taking away Jay's hand forcefully. Roe and Krystal just laughed and said "WOAHHHH, YOU LIKE JAY, YOU LIKE JAY!!! Said with a chuckle and teasing voice. Lucky replied "EXCUSE ME?! I WAS JUST, JUST JUST UNDER A SPELL OF THE BEAUTIFUL TREES BLOOMING."
Roe and Krystal whispered "More like a spell of LOVE." said with a chuckle and grin. While, Roza and Cole went to a really big Anime store where there were also cosplays of Anime characters. Roza screamed "OMG, IS THAT IS THAT MY FAVORITE ANIME CHARACTER?! AHHHHHHHHH!" Roza ran while Cole followed running for his life. Harley and Ember went to Hakone. They visited Mt.Fuji first. When they were walking, Ember saw his past boyfriend, John. John was Ember's longest boyfriend, they were boyfriend and girlfriend for 3 whole years. They broke up because Ember needed to move to France. John shouted "Ember! Ember is that you?!" He hugged her. Ember replied "John! Oh yeah! How are you?" John replied "Great, great how are you?" Ember said "I'm really good." Harley coughed and then Ember said "Oh, yeah this is my boyfriend Harley." In John's head he was saddened, buthe replied "Oh, Hi nice to meet you, I'm John by the way." Harley replied "Nice to meet you too." Ember gave her phone number to John and said "We better get a move on. We have a big place to explore, just call me when you need something." Harley and Ember went off, while they were approaching Lake Ashi, Harley asked "Who was that guy? He sounds like he knows you for a long time." Ember thought would she say the truth or lie about it. She lied. Ember said "Oh, he's just my cousin, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Harley just said "Okay." Jane and Zane went to Tokyo, where there were futuristic skyscrapers. They ate dinner and explored the city. When they all met up they had a bit of a story and a long banter. The next morning Harley was left behind because he had a high fever. He heard the door bell ring, he opened it and saw John holding flowers saying "I'm sorry, can we get back together?" Harley asked "What are these?" John replied "Oh, these are for my girlfriend Ember." Harley asked "What do you mean? Your her cousin, and how do you even call "my" girlfriend yours?" John said "What?! I'm not her cousin. I'm her ex-boyfriend, we broke up because she needed to go to France.While they were talking Ember went back up to the hotel room. Harley saw her and asked "EMBER! WHAT DOES HE MEAN THAT HE'S YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND, YOU TOLD ME HE WAS YOUR COUSIN! WHY DID YOU LIE? DO YOU STILL LIKE HIM?!" Ember replied "Calm down, Harley. I don't have feelings for him, I think." John said "You said I think that means you still do love me." Harley replied "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO GO BACK TO FRANCE AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FOLLOW ME. YOU STAY HERE WITH YOUR "BOYFRIEND"."

OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Harley's mad...
What's going to happen next?
Will they forever break up? Or WILL they get back together? Harley and Ember
Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

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