Chapter 18: Halloween Celebration!

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN (Belated 😉) I know it's wayyy past Halloween, but still HOPE EVERYONE HAD A GREAT HALLOWEEN!!! So I know I have not posted in a real while, but it's because I was really busy in school. I am also going to publish chapters, every 2 weeks on Fridays. 2pm is my goal, but if I don't publish it that time, just wait a little bit.
-End of Author's note-

So, after that horrific experience, they went and celebrated Halloween. They had different costumes. Roe went as Batman, Alex as Sadako, Lloyd as Garroth the guard (Aphmau), Jewel as a black cat, Jane as a piece of chocolate, Zane as Robot, Kai as a Dragon, Harley as a Vampire king, Summer as a Ghost queen, Ember as a Vampire queen, Sebastian as a knight, Roza as a Vampire wearing a Lolita, Lucky as a Alien, Jay as a Hotdog, Cole as a Gladiator, Amity as a Unicorn, Blair as a pizza, Kristal as a Wizard.

Lucky had an idea of what they should do for this Halloween. She thought that they could go trick or treating like when they were little kids, to bring back old memories. Harley said "That'd be great, but don't ya think we might look kinda stupid?" Sebastian replied "We are not really sure if we are going to look stupid. I mean we are in Russia. We don't know how people react to it. I say we give it a try." Lucky said "C'mon guys, it's just a bit of fun! For the adults!" Roe replied "In our country there's not much to worry about, so why not!" All of the guys agreed. While they were talking, Alex suddenly called Harley. Alex said "Dude, what's up? Long time no see." Harley replied "Well, there has been a lot of things that happened. First news, Ember and I broke up. Second, I went to Australia for 10 years. There I met Summer." Alex said "Dang, that's a lot of news to take in. Oh by the way, Happy Halloween, and Belated Happy Birthday! Where are you guys right now? I'm in Russia." Harley replied surprised "Thanks, Really?! We're in Russia too! Roe invited us to Russia. We're celebrating Halloween, trick or treating. You know, old school style. Just to refresh old sweet memories. Wanna come?" Alex replied "What a coincidence! Okay, sure. Text me the area, we'll go trick or treating. See ya! Bye!" Harley ended the call.

Harley said "Guys, Alex is apparently also here, she will come with us trick or treating." Ember replied "That's great!" Lucky said "THE MORE THE MERRIER!" Jewel asked "Uhm... Lucky, where are we gonna go trick or treating?" Lucky replied "I don't really know actually... Hehe... Roe? Where do you think we should go?" Roe replied "How about near my aunt's house. It's in Saint Petersburg. Couple of minutes away. Big neighborhood and nice people." Jane replied "Sounds good, oh and what time?" Lucky replied "About 6pm? That sounds good." Harley texted Alex "Dude, we're gonna go at Saint Petersburg, 6pm. Meet ya there!" They had different rooms, in the hotel. Sebastian, suddenly noticed Ember looks a bit down. Sebastian said "Ember, you look sad. What's wrong?" Ember replied "Nothing, just a bit sick, I think." Sebastian replied "Sick? I don't think so... There's definitely something wrong. Just tell me if you need to." Ember replied "Yeah, sure. Thank you anyways." In Lucky's room, she saw something peeking through her window. She was creeped out, but she decided to check it out. Then, suddenly Kristal popped out. Kristal said "BOO! SURPRISE!!!" Lucky was so surprised she accidentally slapped Kristal. Kristal said "AWWW, THAT FRIKIN HURT! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Lucky replied "Oh, I am really sorry, I thought it was a creep or a burglar. NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. Anyways, why are you here?" Kristal replied "Sorry for scaring you too, don't you remember? We planned to go trick or treating this Halloween?" Lucky said "Oh. Sorry, I forgot. That's where I got the idea from!" Kristal replied "What idea?"

Lucky replied "We are going to go trick or treating at Saint Petersburg. Since, it was kinda your idea, wanna come?" Kristal replied "I would love to! Also, can I stay here?" Lucky nodded yes. In Harley's and Summer's room, Harley said "So, what are we gonna go as this Halloween?" Summer replied "Well, I was thinking a king and queen of something, like a ghost king and queen." Harley replied "Ok, then." Harley, Kai, Zane, Jay and Cole went shopping for all of their costumes. Harley looked for ghost king and queens' costumes, but the vendor said there was no ghost king, there was only a Vampire king. So, Harley decided to be a Vampire king. They went back, and started changing their clothes. After changing, Summer noticed Harley wasn't wearing a ghost king outfit. Summer asked "Why aren't you wearing a ghost king costume?" Harley replied "Oh, because the vendor had no ghost kings, only vampire ones." Summer looked disappointed. 5:30 pm, they all traveled to Saint Petersburg. Before they got in, Jane noticed Harley was a vampire king and Ember was a vampire queen. Jane said "Why are you guys kinda matching in costumes?" Ember and Harley was shocked. Ember replied "We didn't even mean to be matching." When they were going in the car, Summer looked jealous.

When they arrived, they saw Alex. Alex joined them and started trick or treating. They didn't know that Lucky, Roza, Jewel, Cole and Jay secretly decorated a villa with Halloween decor. It was a Halloween party, no one knew about it. Roe trick or treated Lloyd's house without knowing it. When he opened the door, he was surprised and said "Roe? Is that you?" Roe replied "Yes, Lloyd. Anyways, why are you here? I thought you worked in Japan." Lloyd laughed and said "I just work there, but I live here." Roe said "The guys are here as well, we're trick or treating, as you can see. Wanna join us?" Lloyd replied "Maybe next time, because I need to run a lot of errands. Just text me if anything is up." Roe replied "Okay then, sure. Bye!" Lloyd replied "Good luck! Bye!" Some of the house they trick or treated was surprised, some were amused. After trick or treating, Cole shouted "GUYS! C'MON FOLLOW ME! THERE'S SOMETHING WAITING FOR US!" Alex replied "What is it?" Roza replied "I don't know, let's just go with it." They all followed Cole. Then, they saw a house decorated with cobwebs, pumpkins, jack 'o lanterns, spiders, and all sorts of creepy things. Cole opened the door, and said "BOO!" Jane said "What is this?" Lucky replied "Well, since we're adults now, adults have parties with drinks and games." Jay said "SO?! WHAT ARE,YOU SLOW POKES WAITING FOR? LET'S GO IN AND PARTY!!!" Harley said "Alrighty then, let's go!" They went in and started partying. Roe texted Lloyd "Come here at the building beside the gym. We're having a Halloween party." Lloyd texted back "Alright. Just wait. I'm coming." Lloyd rang the doorbell, and Roe opened the door and said "The boys are over there. Go with them." Lloyd went towards Kai, Kai was surprised and said "DUDE! Nice seeing you around here." Lloyd replied "I live here." Kai saw there were alcoholic drinks, he shouted "BOYS! COME IN HERE. THERE'S SOMETHING I WANNA SHOW YOU!!!" Harley and Summer was sitting on the couch watching a scary movie, when Kai said that. Harley asked Summer "Can I go?" Summer replied "Okay then, don't go for too long though."

All the guys went to Kai. Ember saw that they were gonna drink alcohol. Kai said "Guys, look." Sebastian said "Is that Iconic Esquire?! That drink is strong. Damn, how did you get that?" Kai replied "I don't really know, I just saw it here." They drank and drank. Till Ember said to Sebastian "Enough, let's go." Sebastian replied "Okay, I wanna rest." Ember replied "I will put you to bed upstairs." They went upstairs and Ember put Sebastian to sleep. Jane shouted "EMBER!" Ember went rushing down the stairs and said "What?!" Jane replied "We're playing truth or dare. Join us." Harley said to himself "Dude, enough drinking. You're gonna get too drunk." Harley was about to leave, but Jay said "Dude! C'mon, just a little bit more." Harley looked back at Summer and said "Alright. Just a little bit." Summer felt tired, she asked "Where can I rest?" Lucky replied "Go upstairs and turn to your left." Summer went up, without worrying about Harley. Harley was very drunk. The boys went to the girls, and joined playing truth or dare. Harley was very drunk that his vision was blurry. He didn't see Summer going upstairs. Jewel was sitting between Harley and Ember. She felt very tired, so she went upstairs. Harley didn't notice that Ember was right beside him. He accidentally kissed Ember. Lucky looked very surprised and said to herself "He is probably very drunk." Ember looked confused she said to herself "Why did he kiss me? Does he still love me? Or is he just very drunk?" Harley fell asleep on the couch. Ember said "Guys, help me bring Harley upstairs, so that he can rest better." Jay, Cole and Kai helped her. Cole asked "Where are we going to bring him? To the left? To the right? Or forward?" Ember replied "Forward, Sebastian is on the right and someone might be sleeping on the left side. After bringing Harley to his bed, the guys went back down. Ember removed Harley's shoes, and closed the lights. Then, she fell asleep beside him. Everyone fell asleep.

Thank you for reading!!!
What will happen if Summer knew?
What will happen to Harley and Ember's relationship?
Find out in the next chapter!
Thank you guys very much!
See you in 2 weeks, on Friday! :)

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