Chapter 13: Will They Or Will They Never Get Back Together?

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So Harley went back to France. While in Japan, the guys asked "Ember, where's Harley?" Ember replied "Oh, he went back to France." They asked "WAIT, WHAT?!" Then they noticed Lucky was gone. Ember said "Wait a minute where's Lucky, Jay weren't you with her?" Jay said "No, she said she wanted to go somewhere alone." They said "HUH?! Seriously why are they missing?" Ember replied "Um, I think I know why Harley is back in France." They asked "Why did he?" Ember replied "Because, because I might've still have feelings for John." Said with a guilty smile. Roza said "WHAT?! Are you serious? You still have feelings for him? Anyways who is he anyways?" Ember replied "I don't know what happened back there, and he is actually my past boyfriend he was my longest, we broke up because I needed to go to France." Roe replied "Just to get this bad things out of you, let's go strolling. I hear there's this good restaurant in Tokyo."

They went to "Sushieme" restaurant. There they met this half Roman half German waitress in that restaurant. Her name was Krissiey. When she served their table, she noticed Ember feeling down. Krissiey said "What's bringing ya down?" Jane replied "Its love life problems. She still has feelings for her past boyfriend, but she has a current boyfriend." Krissiey replied "Oh, no that's hard to fix, that happened to me once never got back with him." Ember *sniffles and said "I think that's what's gonna happen. *sigh, I just kinda remembered him from the past and just blew up in my face and I exploded." While they were eating, in France Harley was working in the restaurant, Lucky went up to him and said "How ya doing? I didn't follow you or anything." Harley replied "Nothing there's just a stubborn knife stuck in my heart." Lucky replied "Darn, that's deep. I wasn't eavesdropping or anything but I heard you and Ember fighting. Why were you fighting?"

Harley replied "Its because Ember said she still has feelings for John." Lucky replied "JOHN?! Seriously, that was Ember's longest and best boyfriend ever, no offense." Harley said "You don't say so, she also lied in my face that he was her cousin." Lucky replied "Really?! Why would she lie? So she still has feelings for him huh?" Harley replied "Yeah I guess so, I just left her there in Japan with "him"." Lucky said "How 'bout this we go on a quick venture or stroll outside just to get your mind off of things." Harley replied "Yeah, I think that'll be good." So they went on a stroll. In France after they ate Krissiey gave her number to Ember so if there's a problem just call her. When they were walking they saw a concert with Darren and Jareth. Darren was singing and Jareth was dancing. Jane was hiding behind Zane. Zane asked "Why are you hiding?" Jane replied "Nothing..." Then Darren saw Jane and shouted "JANE! JANE! JANE! Over here!" Jane ignored him but Zane said "He's calling you."

Darren ran towards her and grabbed her up the stage. They started singing. Zane asked "WHAT THE HECK?! What is he doing with my girlfriend?" He ran up the stage and grabbed her down. Jane accidentally fell down, but fortunately Darren caught her. They stared into each other's eyes, but then Zane pulled her out of his arms. While they were having a complicated quarrel, Roza saw Krystal hugging Cole. Roza asked "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING AGAIN?!" Krystal replied "Nothing, just comforting Cole when your not here." Roza replied "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?" While in France, Lucky and Harley bought ice cream and ate them. While they were eating Lucky teased Harley that he's looking like Mona Lisa, that has no smile at all. Lucky put some ice cream on Harley's nose and ran off. Harley shouted "OH YOU ARE SO GOD DAMN DEAD! Harley went running after Lucky. Harley caught Lucky and tickled her. While in Japan Roe and Jewel was with Kai. Roe was wearing jeans and a rocker t-shirt. Jewel asked "Why do you wear boyish clothes?" Roe replied "I don't know its just how I roll and it's my style." Jewel replied "Wow, nice!" Jay called and called Lucky, but she didn't answer because she was goofing off with Harley. Jay was so worried he said to the guys "I'm gonna follow Lucky, I'm a bit worried." They just nodded. Then while Jay was going to the hotel to get his things, he saw Jareth and was like "Bro! How ya doing? Didn't notice you there, sorry." Jareth asked "Where are you going? Why are you such in a rush?" Jay replied "Oh, I'm following this girl I like because she went back to France."

Sorry haven't posted a chapter  in a long time. Just busy
What will happen to Ember and Harley?
What will happen to all these love triangles???
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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