Chapter 16: Is This Jealousy?!

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So, I have this idea, where if I should make chapters as long as Chapter 15, but it's up to you guys in the comments. Either I would shorten it a little bit.
-Author's note END-

So, they kept on talking while it was very awkward for Ember and Roza. Harley said "So, Ember you wanna have a double date? Everyone agrees, except for you." Ember replied "Well, Sebastian does agree. So, yeah sure." Lucky said "Guys, one problem. I'm the only person that doesn't have *coughs* a date." Roza said "How 'bout Jay? Since, you did go out with him, ten years ago." Lucky said "EHEM?! THAT WAS AN "ACCIDENTAL" DATE." Harley said "WAIT, WHAT?! LUCKY WENT OUT WITH JAY?! HUH?! A miracle has happened, what's next? Unicorns are gonna be flying out of the sky?" Roza said "I know it's such a miracle!" Sebastian said "Come on Lucky, do you want to be alone just sitting in the corner without anyone by your side?" Lucky said "UGHHH! Why? Fine I guess."  Harley said "Alrighty then, were all settled?" Ember replied "Yes, your accent is really catching up." Harley laughed. Summer said "Well, we better get going. Me and Harley are gonna stroll a little bit, then go back to the hotel and change clothes." They all said "Okay then, see you guys later! Bye!" Harley and Summer was out of the room. Then Zane said "It's good to see Harley's happy again and that we saw him again." Lucky said "Yeah I know, OH! Guys it's Harley's birthday tomorrow! What should we do?" Cole said "Oh, yeah." Jane said "Hmmm, we could throw a surprise birthday party?" Roza said "We could, but we should put more into it." Ember said "Let's get Summer to help us!" Zane said "Yeah, we could throw the party in Harley's favorite place in France." Lucky said "Now, where is that exactly?"

Ember said "Well, it's on the top of Eiffel tower." Roza said "Isn't the top top of Eiffel tower private?" Ember said "Well, yes, but we could figure out ways to get in there." Ember said "The last time Harley got in there was the time when he had VIP customers in the restaurant." Cole said "Well, then aren't we VIP?" Said with a laugh. Lucky said "How 'bout we try to find sponsors to get in there?" Roza replied "Hmmm, it would be a great idea, but I think it would take a lot of time though..." Jane said "Maybe I could call my uncle who works there?" Roza said "Wait, your uncle works there? Definitely call him! He'll help us for sure! Go on call him!" Jane replied "Okay, geez..." Jane calls her uncle, Manny. Jane said "Uncle? Can I ask you a favor?" Manny said "Sure, dear. What is it?" Jane said "Well, my friend, Harley is going to have his birthday and we wanted to throw him a surprise party. He's favorite place in France is the tip top of the Eiffel tower, but since it's for VIP only we can't go there. So can we have a permit to go there?" Manny said "Of course! It's been awhile since you've asked a favor from your good ole' uncle here. Let's meet up and I'll give you permit." Jane replied "Really?! Thank you very much uncle! Alright see ya!" Jane ended the call. Jane said "GUYS! I HAVE GOOD NEWS! WE WILL HAVE PERMIT TO GO THERE AND SET UP HARLEY'S PARTY!" Ember replied "REALLY?! Yes! Thank you Jane." So, while they were in the hotel, Harley and Summer was strolling around France. Summer said "Harley, where's the best place in town to get a good view of the place?" Harley replied "Oh, well at the Eiffel tower, the top of it. You can literally see nearly the whole France." Summer said "Oh, well then let's go!" Harley replied "Well, we can't really go there. It's a private area, only VIP people can go there." Summer replied "Oh. Next time then." Harley and Summer went back to the hotel, while in Ember's apartment they were planning Harley's birthday. Zane asked "What does Harley like more books or sports?" Ember replied "Trick question. He loves both, equally." Roza asked "What flavor does he like milk chocolate or dark chocolate?" Ember replied "Milk chocolate, definitely." Lucky asked "Does he like blue or green?"

Ember replied "Green." Ember was doing Harley's banner saying "Happy 30th Birthday Harley!!! We wish for more birthdays to come. We love ya!" Then suddenly Harley calls Zane. Harley said "Zane, do you think there's anyway that I could go up to the top of Eiffel tower again?" Zane replied "Yeah, why?" Harley replied "Well, it's nearly me and Summer's anniversary. She wanted to go to the top, because she's a photographer and she wants to see the best view in France." Zane had a thought and said to himself "This is a good thing, we can lead them up to the tower then surprise him." Zane replied "I think Jane's uncle works there? Maybe she could call him and ask for a permit?" Harley replied "Really?! Well, I hope he gives us a permit." Zane ended the call. Zane said "Guys, I found a way to lead Harley to the top of Eiffel tower. He wants to bring Summer up there, and I told him that Jane's uncle could give them a permit." Jane "GREAT NEWS! Well, I will have to call him again to give us another permit." Roza said "Awwhhh, that's sweet. Right Ember?" Ember replied "Yeah, sure very sweet." She said with a unhappy face. In Ember's mind she said "It's not really that sweet. Pffftt.. I wish Harley could've done that to me... That girl is just wasting Harley's time." When she realized she was saying that she hit herself and said "No. Don't think of that!" Sebastian asked "Don't think of what?" Ember replied "Oh.. Nothing.." Again in Ember's mind she said "Am I jealous? No, surely not. I should not be thinking of this. No. Just no. Stop! I should be focusing on Sebastian and Harley's birthday party."

So Thank you for reading! I was suppose to publish 2 chapters on October 17, on my birthday, but I was really busy. To make up for it, I will publish 2 chapters today. Wait for Chapter 17 in a couple hours or minutes.. It will come out!

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