Chapter 19: L.A. Baby!

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So, I know I've already missed my schedule, but it wasn't my fault. Another time when laziness took over me. ( And ItsMehLilac distracted me) Anyways, I will try my best to stick to my schedule. Another announcement, should I continue TCOR till 50? Or 75? Or 100? Tell me...
-End of Author's note-

It was 7:00 in the morning, the girls were the first to get up. Ember was so tired, she hasn't woke up yet. The boys had really bad headaches. Jay said "Oh, dear hangovers. Get out of my life!" Lucky called all of them and said "COME ONE DOWNSTAIRS! BREAKFAST IS READY! WE'RE HAVING EGGS AND HAM." When they all went down, they noticed Harley and Ember wasn't with them. Summer looked worried. So, all of them went looking for Harley and Ember. They opened all the doors, except for the one that was locked. Everyone guessed they were in there. Roza said "Guys, look a plant pot. The key might be here." Roza scuffled around the plant pot, when she finally got hold of the key. She opened the door, and they saw Harley and Ember. Ember was sleeping on Harley's chest. Summer was very furious, she shouted "WAKE UP! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!" Ember was so shocked, she fell out of the bed. Harley just opened his eyes, and said "Wha.. What is happening?" Summer replied "Well, you were sleeping. I am guessing you drank a lot yesterday. Hangover is paying back." Harley said "I have no idea what happened yesterday." Ember replied "Everyone fell asleep, I brought you here. I guess I fell asleep too." Harley stood up. Lucky said "Finally, you sleepyheads woke up. About time. Come on, we're eating eggs and ham." They went down, and ate. Everyone was very quiet, while eating breakfast. Then, Ember's phone rang.

It was Amber, Ember's sister. Amber, is a director of different movies. She lives in L.A. Amber said "Ember, we're having thanksgiving in 2 days. Come home. Let's celebrate. Mom and Dad's missing ya." Ember replied "Oh. Okay, then. Say, can I bring some of my friends?" Amber replied "Sure! The more the merrier!!! If you want, you can visit the set. We're filming Back To The Future 2. It can be a mini vacation. See ya!" Ember replied "Okay! Thanks, Bye!" She ended the call. Sebastian said "Who was that?" Ember replied "T'was my sister. She inviting us to L.A for thanksgiving. She said I could bring you guys with me, we can also visit the movie she's filming Back To The Future 2." Sebastian said "That is cool. Your sister's a director?! Unbelievable..." Lucky replied "WHAT I HEARD THANKSGIVING, WHICH MEANS TONS OF FOOD! A MOVIE, BACK TO THE FUTURE 2! Can we come?" Ember replied "Yeah, all of you can come actually." Roza said "Cole!!! We're going to L.A. We're going to visit the set of Back To The Future 2! WOOHOO!!!" Jay went rushing to get his stuff, and said "What are you guys waiting for?! LET US GO!" Ember said "We'll go after we pack up here, get all our things in the hotel, then L.A here we come!" They all packed up, and rode a taxi back to their hotel. They got their things, and met downstairs. Lucky brought a bajillion things as usual. She even brought a life vest. Jewel asked "Uhm... Lucky why do you have a life vest?" Lucky replied "It's called being a girl scout. You never know what could happen." Harley said "Oh, by the way Ember if you didn't know, we French people don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but as seen I am a half French, half American, I guess I can celebrate."

They booked a flight on first class in French Airways, while they were waiting they saw Amity and Blair with Alejandrino. Jane whispered "Guys, isn't that Amity and Blair? With an Indian guy?" Harley replied "That ain't just an ordinary Indian guy, it's Alejandrino!" (Told you he was going to come back.) Ember replied "Why is he with Amity and Blair?" Then, Alejandrino saw them and shouted "OH! MY AMERICAN FRIENDS, FROM ROMA!" He went rushing towards Harley. Summer said "Hello, there." Alejandrino replied "Hello! Harley and Ember stilll going good?" Ember replied "We aren't in a relationship anymore, I am with Sebastian now." Harley said "Guys, this is Alejandrino. He was our driver when we went to Rome." Everyone said hello, while trying to not laugh, because of his funny accent. Ember asked "Why are you with them?" Alejandrino replied "Well, I am driving them around places, where you are." Lucky replied "So basically, stalking us." (STALKER ALERT 2.0) Then the announcer called their flight. They said goodbye, then rushed off into the plane. Then, their seat numbers got mixed up, so Harley and Ember was sitting beside each other, then Roza and Sebastian was sitting beside each other. Ember felt the thing he felt for Harley 10 years ago, again. Summer sat by Roe, Jewel with Kai, Lucky with Jay, and Jane with Zane. Ember was scrolling through her phone, while Harley was sleeping. Then, she saw the number of Ruby. Ruby was the lady she met in Rome, while her and Harley was having a problem. She decided to text her. She said "Hello, Ruby! Remember me? Ember? It's been a really long time since we last talked to each other, but I have news. Me and Harley broke up, 10 years ago. We now have different partners. I am telling you this, since you told me that if I am going through something, just talk to you." Ruby replied "Oh my god! Ember!!! I remember you. It has been. You and Harley broke up, I saw something between you two, that I didn't see in other couples. I think that you still have something for Harley. I am guessing Harley has something for you too. Of course you can talk to me, talk to me anytime." Ember replied "I think I still do, but I don't know if it's the right thing to do. I don't think he has. He seems so happy with Summer, his new girlfriend. Thanks for listening, we're on a trip! Hoping to see you soon!"

Ruby replied "Just follow your heart. Alrighty then, goodbye!" Harley got a call, that wake him up. It actually surprised him. It was his secretary. He answered it and said "Yes? What do you need?" His secretary replied "Sir, we have an applicant. For the chef position, since we needed a new chef." While they were talking, Ember was listening. Harley replied "Oh, well then send me the resume, then I'll interview the person through Skype." The secretary replied "Okay, Sir. It'll be sent in a couple minutes." Harley ended the call. Ember asked "You have your own company now? How nice." Harley replied "Yes. It's actually a restaurant again." Ember replied "I hope it goes well in the future." Harley nodded. Ember felt awkward, while saying that. Summer and Roe was right behind them, and she could hear what they were talking about. Roe said "Summer, don't you feel like a bit of a stalker? I mean, no offense." Summer replied "No. Pffffttt. I am his girlfriend, I have the right to do this." Roe just went with it. The stewardess offered food to Harley and Ember. While, they were eating, Ember's water bottle fell down. Harley reached for it, at the same time when Ember reached for it. They couldn't see where they were reaching out, they accidentally held each other's hands. Summer heard the bottle falling down, she thought it was something else, so she looked to Harley and Ember. She saw them holding each other's hands.

Sorry, I was a day late. Anyways.
What will be Summer's reaction?
What will happen to Harley and Ember?
What will happen in L.A?
Find out in the next chapter.
Thank you, thank you.
Let us hope, I won't be too lazy in the next 2 weeks to do TCOR. (FINGERS CROSSED)
Hopefully, ItsMehLilac doesn't distract me again... :)

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