Chapter 21: Christmas Special! ❄️⛄️

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Merry Christmas!!! This is an extra long chapter. Lots of things are going to happen. Enjoy your Christmas! The next chapter will be published on New Year's. ❄️⛄️
-End of Author's note-

Harley had a questionable look on his face. He said to himself "Do I know her? I feel like I know her, from somewhere." Then, BOOM! Something popped into his head, Mackenzie walked towards him and said "Hey, Lee." Harley replied "Hi."

Mackenzie replied "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Don't you remember me?" Harley replied "Apparently, no. Can you make me remember?" Mackenzie replied "Sure. I'm Mackenzie. Mack as you use to call me. Remember?" Harley said with confusion "OH! Mack." He gave her a hug. "I don't know why I forgot you, probably because you're a totally different person." Mackenzie replied "I am not!" She said, hitting Harley's arm softly. (We all know she's flirting, with him) Harley said "So, how are you?" Mack replied "Well, you?" Harley replied "Fine and all. Just visiting L.A." Mack said "That's great. So, who are you with?" Harley said "My girlfriend, and a couple of friends." Mack felt a sting of jealousy. While they were talking, Summer noticed Harley was gone for a long time, she decided to check what happened to him.

Then, she saw Harley and Mack talking. She rushed towards them and said "Hi! Where have you been?" Summer acted like she didn't see Mack. Harley replied "Oh. I ran into an old friend. Meet Mack." Summer replied "Okay. Oh! Hello, there. Didn't see ya." She said while shaking Mack's hand. Harley knew it was disconcerting for his current girlfriend to shake hands with her first ever girlfriend, but he remembered he haven't introduced Mack as his past girlfriend. He was debating if he should introduce her now, or just tell her later, or even better he said never tell her. Harley snapped back to the real time. Summer said softly "What do you do here?" Mack replied "Well. I'm a director's assistant. I've seen a lot of movie stars." Harley said "Gotta be an easy job, eh? Anyways, nice meeting you again. We gotta run, we're rushing to visit a lot more movie sets. See ya!"

Mack hugged Summer and Harley goodbye and said "Nice running into you too. Bye!" She waved goodbye to them. Harley went to the restroom. After, they went back to the group. Jane said "What took you so long?" Harley said "Nothing, just ran into an old friend."

Amber said "Guys, you wanna move on to another set?" All of them nodded yes. They went to the set of Batman vs. Superman. They saw Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman. As expected, Jay rushed to them and asked for an autograph and a picture, they didn't hesitate. All of them were waiting for the movie Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Roza asked "Guys, who's team are you? Batman or Superman? I'm a total #teamBatman." Harley replied "Dang. I'm a #teamSuperman. Everyone knows Superman's tougher." (I'm a #teamSuperman)

Lucky said "I can't really pick one. I love both of them." Roe replied "I AM A HUGE FREAKIN #teamSuperman!" Jewel reached in for a high-five with Lucky, to agree with her. Zane said "I am a total #teamSuperman. Cole and Kai are the only #teamBatman. Obviously, Superman would win." Jay said "I CAN'T PICK! I LOVE 'EM!!!" Summer said "I'm not really into violent fighting, and superheroes fighting against each other? Doesn't make much sense." Ember replied "Yeah. I mean it doesn't make sense. For me though, I choose #teamBatmanandSuperman.." Sebastian said "Come one, you can only choose one. I like #teamBatman more." Jane said "Guys, seriously? Superman would be able to defeat Batman in such a short time. It's pretty well-known that Superman has powers. He's stronger."

Amber said "Alright, alright. Let's leave the decision on who will win to the directors. Let's check out two more sets? Then, we'll go on a lunch. Sound good?" Everyone nodded yes. They went on a golf cart, because the set for the movie Civil War is a good 20 minutes away from where they were. When they arrived, they all saw Iron Man as Robert Downey Jr and Captain America as Chris Evans fighting. They were amazed on how the fight scenes were filmed. After, the director said cut, they went towards them and asked for pictures and autographs. Harley said "I'm #teamIronMan here." Ember replied "Me too." Summer said "Again. Doesn't make sense."

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