Chapter 1.

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Author's Note
Maya's POV
The summer sun melts into the water like an ice cream sundae, is what you would expect my summer vacation to be like. Well, let me tell you, it's the total opposite. I would rather say I melt into the couch, my eyes gazing at the bright light coming from my TV screen. "You nasty whore!" I hear over and over again. My favorite soap opera, Jacob's Patience, is on. Rachel is yelling at Jacob for cheating on her with Christina. Heads Up, Jacob and Rachel are MARRIED. Yes, married. "Maya, you brat! Get up here!" Hi, my name's Maya Hart, but you can call me Hart. I'm sixteen, sober, and a virgin. Most of my friends call me 'The best human you'll ever meet' or, you know, Hart. Although I consider myself very popular, being that I am the only girl in high school with a brain, everyone calls me 'Maya the Crackhead'. Explanation: I found an unidentified pill on the ground and put it in my pocket to bring up to the office. Anyway, some people started spreading a rumor that I sniffed the pill. Main idea, it sucks. Anyway, this is the story of the beginning of Junior year at John Quincy Adams High School. Back to my life, I was born in Miami, Florida, but my parents gave me up after birth. Since they gave me up, I was put into St. Mary's Happy-Go-Lucky Foster Care. I live in New York City, New York now with my new foster family. Fifth family so far. I've been in this family for around four years now. They're named the Jeffersons. I live with five humans and four dogs. My kind foster dad; Tom Jefferson, my alcoholic foster mom; Janet Jefferson, my decent foster brother; Luke Jefferson, and my evil foster sisters; Amy and Krystal Jefferson. Why four dogs, you ask? Well, there's one for every kid. Sparky; Luke's German Shepard, Chloe; Amy's Chihuahua, Lula; Krystal's Chihuahua, and Buddy; my Dachshund. I have four jobs: dog walking, cleaning the house, Starbucks barista, and library volunteer. I wouldn't say that I'm pretty, but I do have a fabulous mind. I have blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and bony hands. My best friend is Riley Matthews. She's seventeen and definitely my good influence that keeps me alive every day and night. I like to say that there's more than one thing in a person and to live in the now because there may be no tomorrow. Now, I think, is a good time to get back to the story.

"Coming," I holler up to my lazy sisters. I march up the stairs, and see the pretty-little-liars expressions on their faces. Amy and Krystal are both about a year and a half older than me, so they think they can boss me around all the time. "Clean up her mess!" Krystal says in a rude tone, pointing at Amy's Covergirl covered face. "No, clean up her mess!" Amy yells back in Krystal's direction. "What now?" I ask calmly, waiting for the arguing to end. "Come see yourself," Both of them say in unicen. "Jinks!" They both yell out, then saying things like, "Give me your Louis Vittion!" Or "That's my Gucci purse!" I ignore the stupid I want this, I want that fight and proceed to their room. Their bedroom walls are so pink, it's like Regina George exploded all over the room. I look to see what's wrong. I glance at the floor and see a broken something. It could be anything. A bottle, vase, or even nail polish container. I sweep up the mess and go back downstairs to watch the end of my show. My show is over. Great.


There are fifty states in the U.S. I have been to Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, Illinois, New York, and Rhode Island. Forty-four more to go. I've heard that my parents are planning to take us on a trip to Hawaii for summer. I guess it'd be nice. I can imagine myself sitting in my hotel room wondering about life and discovering my vivid, colorful imagination through the books I read. Although that sounds amazing, my parents will probably not even let me go.

The next day is interesting. "Kids, come down to the living room please," Tom yelled up to us. I sprint down the stairs, and what happens? I trip. I guess my clumsiness got the best of me. I limp back up the stairs to grab my ankle brace. I have had a sprained ankle before, no big deal. I walk down the stairs a second time as careful as possible. I sit down next to Luke, and nuzzle my head into his chest. Luke is cool with it, but I don't know about his girlfriend. Did I tell you yet? Luke has this slutty girlfriend named Angeline. He is so not her type. But anyway. She stares across the room, her eyes piercing me like sharp daggers. Luke gives Angeline this weird hand motion. I guess it means like, "she's my sister" or "we're related". Anyways, Tom sits in this awkward Dad position with his arms in the air. He's either telling us news or he's just being his weird, uptight, cool-dad self. "Good news or bad news?" Tom says. "Oh, just tell them already," Janet says, the scent of brown, twenty-year-old scotch stretching across the room from her direction. "We are going to Hawaii!" He screams out of excitement. "OMG yay!" Both Krystal and Amy say. "Sounds fun," Luke says. "Woo-hoo," I say sarcastically.


I shove everything into my decent sized suitcase. There is any book from Romeo and Juliet to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I put my last pair of clothing into the case, my sketch book, pencils, and grab my phone. I have an iPhone six because my family is in the level of middle to top class. Luke and I have iPhone sixes, but Amy, Krystal, Tom, and Janet have iPhone sevens, and I'm totally cool with it. I get called downstairs and ask how many tickets my parents bought. "Eight," Tom said, "they were on sale for buy four get four free," "Can we bring Riley?" I ask in a adorable-little-girl tone. "Well sure! We have a family of six, plus Angeline that's seven, and plus Riley that's eight!" Tom yells, "Call her up and tell her to get packing because she's going to Hawaii!"

I go upstairs and call Riley. "Hello?" She answers. "Hey! You're going to Hawaii with my fam, okay?" I yell over the phone my excitement speaking out for me. "Yes! Yes! Okay!" She yells back. "We'll be at your house in a while, just get ready!" I yell through the phone before hanging up.

We drive over to her house after a serious amount of luggage is lagged into the large mini van we own.

Riley runs out of her house like one of those old lady contestants on "The Price Is Right". Tom drags her luggage into the trunk of the car and we start driving.

"ROAD TRIP!" Tom yells as we pull out of Riley's narrow driveway.

Just 3 weeks. I can last. Right?

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now