Chapter 12.

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Authors note

Maya's POV

My jaw dropped.
"Hi," I said nervously, "uh, how are you?"
"Fine, what about you?"
"Okay I guess,"
"Really Maya? I travel all the way from New York and all you say is, "hi" and "okay"? Why not hit me up with your gleeful charm?"
"V, that all left when I left your family because of Andrew,"
"1) my name is Vanessa no one has called me V in a while, 2) you still have that rebellious charm, and 3) boy drama?"
I fiddled my thumbs for a little while and then she broke the silence with a nudge to the shoulder and a "come on!"
"I'm kinda caught in the middle of a love triangle."
"Really?! Spill,"
Vanessa was my foster sister when I was with Andrew's family, The Ramelons. She was my best friend before I met Riley. We did everything together! She's my age so it's easy for us to get along.
"Okay there's this guy that I dated a while back when I was in New York. His name is Josh. He's super cute, 19, and my best friend Riley's uncle."
"Who's the other guy?"
"His name is Lucas Friar. I met him last week here on the beach. He used to date Riley then he broke up with her to be with me. Such a douche. It's like he's freaking obsessed with me,"
"Looks like someone has a crush on Mr. Lucas Friar,"
"I don't!"
"Quick rejection, sign number one. Other signs are nicknames, jealousy, aggravation, and giggling,"
"You love me,"
"That is the first true thing to come out of your mouth," I said pointing at her lips. We giggled and embraced each other into a hug.
V exited the hug and said, "when can I meet these Riley, Lucas, and Josh?"
As soon as the word "soon" slipped out of my mouth someone burst through the door. It was Lucas.
"CALL 911!"
"It's Riley!"
I quickly ran to my phone and dialed the number. As the line rung I sprinted to Riley's room. I don't care what was wrong I just needed to see her.
I bursted through the door.
I looked and saw Riley and the color red.
xoxo love y'all

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