Chapter 10.

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Author's Note
Enjoy this chap!

The new episode of GMW is gr8. I accidentally said "HA" when I proved my sister wrong. I now feel like Farkle.

Josh's POV

I dropped Riley off at her hotel room and drove back to the concert. I walked over in the direction of the blasting music. I look over and see Lucas flirting it up with some girls in the corner. I walk some more to see a tall mature looking guy tugging on Maya's wrists. I run towards her.
"Stop!" I yell out to him.


Maya's POV

"Why?" Andrew asks.
"Let go of me Andrew!" I yelled out, "HELP ME JOSH!" I screamed. He sprinted toward me and tackled Andrew to the ground. I didn't want him to fight him I just wanted him to get him off and away from me.
"Stop it! Stop fighting over me!" I yelled over them. I pulled Josh off of Andrew and he stepped on his chest.
"Now get the hell out of here!" Josh spit out in Andrew's direction.
Andrew got up and walked off into the muggy distance.
"I'll deal with you tomorrow," I said into Josh's beautiful face.
"Okay," he said walking back to the car.
"Oh and I'm walking home! Love you!" I yelled out.
"Love you too!" He yelled back.
I walked into the crowd of misfits and made my way over to the stage.
"Hey can I sing a song?" I asked the DJ.
"Sure," he replied.
I stood in the middle of the stage and started to sing my favorite song, "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes.
After I finished the song I looked around the audience to see the opposite of a "nice guy".
I hopped off the stage and ran toward the right corner of the crowd.
"Hey girls!" I say.
"Hey!" The group of huge-chested girls yell.
"Did you get this guy's number yet?"
"No," they reply sad.
Time for Lucas to get a taste of his own medicine. I pull out my phone and pretend to dial his number.
"It's uh 555-get a life-this guy has a girlfriend or his email,"
"You have a girlfriend! You jerk!"
"Exactly!" I agree.
The girls storm off with ugly faces.
"Wait!" He yells, "What was that for, Maya?"
"What for?!"
"I broke up with her!"
I stormed off and made my way towards Riley's hotel room but Lucas stopped me.
"Hey! I broke up with Riley because I was jealous! I saw you with Josh and saw how happy you looked and I freaked out about Riley because I tried to be with her but when I kiss her it doesn't have a spark! And when we do things together, like tonight, I try to think about Riley but all I can do is think about YOU!"
I walked towards him.
"You know you can't just say these thing like your all high and mighty and expect me to believe this! You're supposed to be with RILEY! I'm supposed to be with JOSH! It just how the future wants life to go!"
"But what if we could write our own future, huh? What if we could make our own decisions! We could be together and Riley and Josh could find their special someone!"
"YOU CAN'T FREAKING SAY THAT TO ME! I am the trashy Foster girl who finds the New York city boy, who turns out to be her best friend's uncle and falls in love. And I'm the one who isn't supposed to get Mr.Perfect here who just trotted down from Texas to break a few hearts!"
I got my last word in and sprinted into Riley's room.
Maya's mad at Lucas and Josh? Riley and Lucas are over now, so do Maya and Lucas end up together or will Riley and Lucas get back together???

I've tried writing  good chapters but idk.

THANKS SO MYCH FOR ALL THE READS, VOTES, AND COMMENTS. I know there's only a few but a few can turn into ALOT!

Next chap will be in soon :))
xoxo love y'all

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