Chapter 15.

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Author's Note
Creds  to @it__was__me for being one of the first people to read this and telling me what y'all want LAYA. I'm trying to incorporate laya in the story so that joshaya does not take over. TRUST ME this is a LAYA FANFICTION, not joshaya.
Anyways ENJOY🌸

Maya's POV
First day. Usually I would pick up Riley every morning at seven o' clock by climbing through her window, but since she was gone I walked to school alone.

I arrived at school and immediately ran to my locker avoiding any human contact. I grabbed my history book and walked to Mr. Matthews' classroom. I went and sat in the same exact seat in which I sat in last year. It was always me, Riley, and Farkle: the three musketeers.
I looked up to see a sad Mr. Matthews.
"So sad that Riley's gone. I guess it just you and me, Maya. Riley is still her in our hearts," Farkle said while putting a hand over his heart.
"Yeah," I said grabbing Farkle's hand. A tear slid down my face. I let go of Farkle's hand and got up. I walked over to Mr. Matthews.
"It's gonna be hard, but remember we stick together. Yeah?"
"Thanks Maya,"
"No problem, Mr. Matthews,"
I gently squeezed his arm and walked back to my seat. I put my bag in Riley's seat so that no one would sit there. The bell rang.
"I guess we can start,"
"Belgium 1831?"
"Belgium 1831. Belgium gained their independence in 1831,"
Mr. Matthews was able to teach for around 5 minutes until his voice started to crack. I raised my hand.
"Yes Maya?"
"I can teach the class of you need a break Mr. M," I insisted.
"Would you?"
I walked up to the board and Mr. Matthews walked over to his seat. He put his head in his hands and started to cry. Farkle went over to comfort him. I grabbed the eraser and erased the green chalkboard. I grabbed the small, chiseled piece of chalk and wrote the word "loss".
"What does it mean to lose someone? Mr. Matthews?"
"It means someone is lost in a physical or emotional way," he said I between tears.
"Mr. Matthews, as you all know, has recently lost someone very special to him. She was as special to him as she was to me-"
"Maya, stop," Mr. Matthews said.
Tears rolled down my cheeks and I went over to him.
"I can teach my students about loss. I can recover easier than you can do please sit down,"
I made an "okay" gesture towards him and walked back to my seat.
I sat down and Mr. Matthews started to teach.
"Loss can be about anyone. Someone who's close or someone you don't know,"
The door opened.
"Like you should get lost because I don't know you, who are you?" Mr. Matthews said.
I looked at the back of the room and saw him.

Next chap'll be in soon

xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now