Chapter 13.

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Author's Note
I feel like crap because strep throat got to me like 2 months in advance. Thanks life.

JESUS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS🙏🏻 NETFLIX FINALLY PUT THE FOSTERS SEASON 3A ON IT💘 now all I need on netflix (for the most part) is GMW season 2.

Anyways, enjoy this chap?

Riley's POV

Lucas and I were supposed to be together forever! Why me! Why!! I ran to the fridge and grabbed a huge spoon and a gallon of chocolate ice cream. I walk into my bedroom. I plop down on the bed and sob into my dress. Why me? I turned on Netflix and wrapped up in my covers like a depressed burrito. After 3 episodes of "The Fosters" Maya bursts through the door with an irritated face and a roll of cookie dough.
"Why are boys so complicated?"
"How should I know?"
I laugh and Maya walks over to me and plops down on my right side.
"Hey that's my Dutch chocolate ice cream!" Maya says.
"Well that's my roll of cookie dough." I reply with sass.
Maya laughs. We have a small conversation about how boys are boys and Maya complained about Josh and I complained about Lucas, you know, girl talk. We finished the convo with a gentle hug and a sweet goodbye.
Maya just left and now that she's not distracting me with her corny fierce self all I can think about is Lucas and how he crushed my heart. I get up to get scissors so that I can cut open my millionth bag of junk food. Scissors are sharp. Sharp things cut. I grabbed the scissors and opened them as far as they could go. I slid the cold blade against my skin and winced slightly as the blade slid across my skin. Blood slowly poured out of my small wrists. The cold red liquid felt so smooth against my skin. It was so relaxing. After 30 minutes of relaxation my body shut down. I put the scissors down and laid down in the puddle of red smooth liquid. The room started to go black as I closed my eyes. My eyes sealed and the light took me.
I heard the gentle voice of Maya, the rough masculine voices of Uncle Josh and Lucas, and mumbling throughout the universe.
Goodbye world. I couldn't have ever asked for a better life. I love you Mom, Dad, Auggie, Uncle Josh, and especially Maya. I love you all. Goodbye.


Lucas' POV

I thought about how Maya and Riley were doing. I got up and walked through the dark to the large hotel Riley and Maya were in. I walked in and remembered when Maya tricked me with the whole "wrong room" scenario". 408B, don't forget the B. Riley's room. Riley gave me a key to her room when we were dating so I could access her easier. I unlocked the door.
"Riley?" I said, "Riley? I'm sorry, I'm a jerk I know. Can you forgive me?"
I walked into the bedroom and looked. No.
"Riley?!" I yelled. I walked over to her limp body and caressed her face with my hand.
"Riley?" I said desperate for a reply. Nothing. A small tear streamed down the side of my face. I could tell by the blood stained sheets and pale skin that she was gone.
I sprinted out to Maya's room. I stood in front of the door and pounded.
"Maya, you in there?!" I yelled through the door in panic.
"Yes," she said through the door.
"Open up please it's an emergency!" I pleaded.
"Okay okay Ranger Rick! Calm down." She said opening the door.
I admired her features and drifted into a slumpy stance.
"What is it now Lucas? Come to break my heart too?"
"Okay Huckleberry what is it then?"
"CALL 911!"
"It's Riley!"
Maya quickly sprinted across the hall into Riley's room and dialed 911.
She bawled at the sight of Riley.
"Riley! NO! YOU CANT BE DEAD! No!" Tears streamed down Maya's red inflamed cheeks.
"Did you do this?!" Maya screamed in my face.
"No! I SWEAR!"
"Niece?" Josh appeared through the doorway.
"Josh!" Maya ran into Josh's arms and cried into his chest. My stomach dropped. What does he have that I don't. I thought.
"He didn't cause my Bestfriend to kill herself!"
I guess I said that out loud.

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

next chap'll be in soon
xoxo love y'all

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