Chapter 11.

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Authors Note

Lucas' POV

The thought of Maya (and Riley) bursting out into tears while eating giant spoons of chocolate ice cream crushed me. They're my best friends. I waked home and let my head hang down in shame. Tonight really sucked. Thoughts of Maya and Josh together raced around my head. She does know Josh better than me and I just keep ruining her life so I guess I should just stop trying. I arrive home and plop down on my bed. I lay down under a blanket and try to fall asleep. It took about an hour and a half but I was able to doze off.


Maya's POV

LUCAS DRIVES ME CRAZY. Tonight was the last straw. You mess with my best friend's heart, I mess with yours. When I ran into Riley's room I immediately saw chocolate. Comfort food. I go to the fridge and grab a roll of cookie dough. I enter and Riley asks me a question.
"Why are boys so complicated?"
"How should I know?"
She laughs.
"But seriously. How will I ever find a guy like Lucas?"
"Show off your ass,"
"True, but Lucas didn't just like me for my looks he liked me for me, you know? Like how you and Josh are. He doesn't care about your family problems he loves you for you."
My heart dropped when she said "he loves you for you," I never thought about telling Josh my story. The fact that the only thing he knows about me is that I'm beautiful and easy to love gives me butterflies.
"Do you think me and Josh will last?" I ask changing the subject.
"Sure! I mean, you and Josh are like relationship goals. You guys will never split, you're meant for each other,"
"Oh, okay,"
I got up and walked out of the room and made my way over to mine.
I opened my door to see a familiar face. Is that her? It can't be.

next chap coming soon.

xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now