Chapter 25.

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Authors Note:



Anyways enjoy :))

Lucas' POV

Maya leaned out of the kiss, grabbed her dustpan, and ran out of the theatre, leaving me in the dark. I ran out after her and went back to my spot at the bathroom where Missy was.

"There you are! Where'd you go?" Missy asked.
"Uh, I left my gift for you in the theatre. Here,"

I held out a necklace I was gonna give Maya at Riley's memorial.

"Oh my god!" She gasped, "it's beautiful! It'll look great with my homecoming dress!"
"Homecoming dress?"
"You are taking me to homecoming, right?"
"Yeah! Of course," a small frown spread across my face but I hid it with a cheeky grin.
"Great! Zay is taking Aubrey so we can all go on a double date!"
"What about Maya?"
"What about Maya! We're better off without that trashy Foster girl,"
The urge of punching Missy coursed through my veins, why do I feel this? I'm over Maya. I'm with Missy now, or at least I think I am.
"Why the face?" Missy asked.
"I don't know. Life is just really screwy right now,"
It's okay Lucas you got me," she said grabbing my chin and planting a big fat one on my lips. We separated.
"We should do this next week except not The Longest Ride,"
"Then what movie?"
"Maybe, 50 Shades?"
"Youre crazy!"
"But we're a thing now don't you want to?"
"Okay okay! I was joking anyways. What about the Notebook?"
"Sure, I guess,"
"Okay, tomorrow at 6 it is!"
"But um I-"
"See you then!"

The Next Evening: 6:00pm

Maya's POV

I sat on my couch and waited for my love. I glanced at my phone, 6:05pm. Where is he? Did he blow me off? I lag myself upsairs, messy bun and all. I receive a text from Lucas.

Sorry I'm a bit late traffic isn't that great.

I reply with a simple:

It's chill see you soon i love you.

10 minutes later

I hear a knock at the door and sprint down the stairs. Tonight's the night.
I opened the door to see a nervous Lucas.

"Why so stiff, huckleberry?"
"Sorry I'm late,"
"It's okay, cowboy,"
When I said the word "cowboy" Lucas caressed my face and kissed me with passion. I got that feeling I used to get from Josh.
I slammed the door behind him and he pressed me up against the wall. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back with all my love.

"Should we head to my room?"

Lucas picked me up bridal style and continued to kiss me. Lucas stumbled up the stairs. We arrived at my room and closed the door. Lucas set me down on the edge of my bed and continued his compassion.

Lucas then laid down and I sat on top of him. I kissed him, he kissed me. He gave me lick of the lip, asking for permission. I opened up my small mouth and his tongue slid inside. I kissed him and started to take his shirt off revealing his tan, rippled abs. I slid my top off and kissed him harder. I've never had sex, but if there was one person I would want to lose my virginity to is Lucas Friar.
Yes, me and Josh didn't have sex because that would be illegal. He told me we would have to wait a year or two because I'm still considered a minor.
Lucas gave me a passionate kiss and started to move down to my neck. His soft lips on my neck caused a moan to slip out of my mouth.
"I love you so much, Lucas Friar,"
"I love you more, Maya Hart,"
I brought his face to mine and kissed him hard. I started to takle him to the ground. His face turned a bright red when I unclipped my bra.

In summary, it was a glorious night.
last chap is next !! Hope y'all have enjoyed it ! gon put up a sequel and probably a third book to make it a series ! love y'all !

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now