Chapter 24.

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Authors Note:
ENJOY! **especially my friends from tumblr**

Lucas' POV

Missy held my hand in hers as we walked out of the small theatre. On our way out Missy bumped into a young employee sweeping up trash.

"Watch it scum!" Missy said taking a step away and looking up at the employee.

Maya? I analyze her beloved curves and blonde waves. She was so beautiful. Even in an apron.

Me and Missy walk out to the front.
"I'm gonna go use the restroom, okay?" Missy asked.

She let go of my hand and walked over to the bathroom.


I run quickly back to the theatre me and Missy were in.

"What are you doing here sweeping? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend or something?"

I looked down and fiddled with my thumbs.

"Who else?"
"Oh, well. We broke up,"

I walked towards her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry,"
"It's fine, Ranger Rick,"
"No it's not. Any guy would be lucky to be with you,"
"What's that supposed to mean?"

This is my chance. It's dark, she's not with Josh, and Missy's not here. I cup her small rounded face in my hand and lean into her lips.

Our lips connect and I get a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I love how Maya feels. She raps her hand around my neck and kisses me back passionately. I place my hands on her bony hips and pull her close.

Maya's POV

I've missed Lucas. When we kissed it felt like nothing mattered in the world it was just me and Lucas. He tugged me at the hips and kissed me with a strong, fiery passion. I don't care. I love Lucas. I can't hold back now. I don't care if he's on a date with Missy and that she could catch us in the act any second now. It's just me and Lucas. No one else. No Foster family, no friends, no world. Just me and my cowboy.

I pull out of the kiss and whisper against his lips, "I love you cowboy,"
"I love you too, shortstack,"

I kiss him again and start to have a makeout session but I am on the clock and this is a movie theatre. I pull out once again and give him a cute peck on the cheek. I quickly whisper in his ear, "tomorrow, my house, 6:00pm,"
eek! Lucaya finally!

If you wanna be one of the special tumblr friends that I mentioned in the AN here's the link::

next chap'll *hopefully* be in soon
xoxo love y'all


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