Chapter 20.

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Authors Note
Comment how many more chaps you want 😊

Maya's POV

His hand gripped around my wrist and pulled me down into the bench. Lucas is starting to really bug me. I grab the piece of crumpled paper from Lucas' hands. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What is this?"
"It's Riley's-"

I got nervous so I went ahead and balled up the paper and threw it into the trash.

"Maya?!" Lucas yelled.
"That was the note that proved my innocence, so that I could get you back,"
Lucas looked down at his feet. He looked like a kicked puppy.
I grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry,"
"I'm with Josh now and you had your chance with Riley. I heard Missy really likes you. Take her out to a movie or a walk in the park. Lucas your a great guy, but I'm not your girl,"
I let go of his hand and hopped into Luke's car.

Car Ride

I got out my phone and texted Josh.
----"where'd you go? I can't find you."
--"sorry had to leave"
--"the emotion was just too much for me. you know me getting all teary eyed."
----"oh, well bye then,"
--"love you lots bye"
----"love you,"

I texted Missy and told her about Lucas.
--"a date with Lucas?!"
----"yea. idk if he has plans but i do know Sunday is open for him."
--"okay, thx anyway bye ily ttyl"
----"ilyt bye"

Missy Bradford used to be dead to me. She would tease me about my foster life and how a guy in college abused me. I ignored it until enough was enough. One time in the middle of class I just got up and screamed, "MISSY BRADFORD IS AND IGNORANT SLUT!"

Long story short, I got ISS for the rest of the 1st semester. It wasn't all that bad. My best friend, Chloe, from grade school was there and we had tons of fun! Anyways back to the story.

One Hour Later

"It's for you!" I hear someone call out to me.
I run down the stairs to the door. I peek through the peephole and drop my jaw at the sight of him.

Can't wait til GMW girl meets world of terror 2 comes out.

Next chap'll be in soon.
xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now